Unexplained Feelings

His Lord's Maiden

Sandeul curled up in the prince’s massive and luxurious bed, hunching against the headboard while tugging the mounds of blankets up around his face. He peeked over the folds of fabric to see the prince slinking towards him, barely hiding the lustful gaze in his eyes. Whimpering, Sandeul pulled his knees up to his chin and hunkered down. He avoided Gongchan’s intense stare, a feeling of unease slowly mounting in the pit of his stomach. “Oh, don’t be shy, sweetheart.” Prince Gongchan spoke in a smooth, saccharine voice, like melted chocolate. Sandeul shivered audibly as Gongchan crept closer until his thighs were pressed firmly against the bed. He leaned forward, placing his hands against the plush blankets on either side of Sandeul’s legs. This action caused Sandeul to twitch and draw back into the headboard further. Gongchan giggled childishly, inching forward to place his forehead against Sandeul’s. Sandeul grimaced, shifting backwards in discomfort. Although Gongchan noticed this, he chose to ignore it, and instead slid his hands up Sandeul’s sides, nuzzling his face into the crook of Sandeul’s neck. Sandeul cringed and curled his fingers into Gongchan’s hair, pushing him away forcefully. Gongchan yelped and jumped back, rubbing his head. “You pulled my hair!” he cried, glaring at Sandeul irately. “S-sorry! I didn’t mean to,” Sandeul stuttered, eyes as round as marbles.

“Are you scared, my little Sandeul?” Gongchan asked mischievously.

All of a sudden, Gongchan leaned in and pecked Sandeul on the lips. When he pulled away, Sandeul let out a sharp breath, his eyes wide as he fixed his gaze on Gongchan like a frightened mouse. “M-my prince-,” he started. Gongchan pressed a long, slender finger against Sandeul’s lips. “Call me Gongchan. Just don’t forget I am your prince.” Sandeul nodded his head swiftly. “Yes. Always,” he responded. Gongchan grinned amusedly while resting his hands against Sandeul’s knees and gradually forcing them down against the bed. Then, he crawled onto Sandeul’s lap, straddling him and draping his arms around Sandeul’s neck.

Sandeul was feeling increasingly uncomfortable, fidgeting anxiously underneath Gongchan. “P-prince-,” he started, but was cut off as Gongchan kissed him roughly, pinning his hands against the headboard with unforeseen strength. Sandeul mumbled an incoherent ‘Stop it’ against Gongchan’s lips as he attempted to free his hands from Gongchan’s grip. He pursed his lips distastefully, refusing to kiss Gongchan back at all costs.

The sound of a door being clicked open echoed throughout the vast room, and both boys nearly jumped out of their skins as they became aware of a slim, handsome young guy stationed at their bedside, straightening out his long waistcoat. Gongchan leaped up from his position on top of Sandeul, stumbling over his feet and knocking over a priceless crystal lamp before gaining his bearings enough to properly stand in front of the other guy. “Jinyoung,” he breathed out. “What do you want?”

Jinyoung cleared his throat, reaching a hand out to pat down Gongchan’s unkempt clothing. “I see you have been having quite a good time here. Unfortunately, you have duties to attend to, my prince,” Jinyoung said with the utmost poise. Gongchan nodded, smoothing down his tousled hair and allowing a sigh to escape his lips. A slight blush was detectable on his cheeks, although Jinyoung didn’t notice as he stood absently, waiting patiently for Gongchan to leave with him. “Also, don’t forget to clean up the mess you just made.” Gongchan glanced down at the long shards of glass that littered the polished hardwood floor. “Um, I can just get Sandeul to do that.” Jinyoung crinkled his eyebrows in confusion. “Sandeul?” he questioned. “Yeah! This is Sandeul. He’s my new servant,” Gongchan answered proudly. “Oh. I see,” Jinyoung said simply. “My name is Jinyoung. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Jinyoung extended his hand to Sandeul, who took it gingerly. “The same,” Sandeul answered courteously. Jinyoung shot him a diminutive smile, turning to Gongchan immediately after and motioning for him to follow him out of the room.

Jinyoung his heel and strode out of the room, leaving Gongchan behind with the assumption that he would follow. Gongchan took a step to go after him, but instead spun fleetingly around and pressed his lips against Sandeul’s before promenading out the door.

Sandeul stood with shock written all over his face, bringing a hand up to his tingling lips. Butterflies fluttered inside his stomach, and his knees felt oddly weak as he remembered his time with Gongchan.  “Why would he kiss me?” Sandeul whispered to himself. “I thought I was just his servant…”

Suddenly, a realization struck Sandeul. “I’ve been tainted! I kissed a boy! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” Sandeul thought a minute. “Wait. I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me, so I don’t have to worry!” Sandeul told himself hopefully. “I’m off the hook! Ha-ha,” Sandeul chuckled. Then, he scrunched up his nose. He couldn’t explain the way he felt, which bothered him deeply. He had never felt anything like this before, not from anyone, and no one had ever taken an interest in him ually before. Was this what it felt like to like someone?

Sandeul slapped his forehead several times with his palm, shaking his head back and forth quickly to try to rid himself of the thought. “I’m losing my mind. Gosh, Sandeul, get a hold of yourself! Guys aren’t supposed to like other guys. It’s not normal, not at all.” Sandeul ruffled his hair in irritation.

“Well, with that thought out of mind, it’s time to start cleaning up this mess!” Sandeul stated enthusiastically.


A/N: This is the shortest chapter I’ve written. Ever. I’m really sorry it’s short, but I didn’t really feel like updating, so at least I wrote this much >_< so…sorry. Next chapter will be the usual length, maybe even longer ^^p so look forward to that!

Anyways, thank you all so much for subscribing! It makes me so happy that so many people want to read my story ^__^ hugs & kisses to all!

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His Lord's Maiden- And chapter 5 is up! Sorry for the wait >_


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Chapter 5: I hope you're okay with me giving you constructive criticism, because a lot of authors do this and it's kind of disappointing, but you sort of rushed the emotions between sandeul and gongchan (in my opinion!) it seems that within the first day they were comfortable enough to be confessing such deep emotions to one another (especially them crying in each other's arms until they fell asleep) idk i know it's just fanfiction and it's your story but i'm a realist kind of person so yeah. Hope you continue writing this, the plot's pretty good so far! (:
This is one of the most amazing fanfictions I have ever read in the history of ever, so whatever you do - please, please, PLEASE continue.
Chapter 5: This ff is just perfect!! XD i love the story line!!
Even though i don't understand some englsh in this ff bcause my english us so bad, this ff is still fantastic !!!
Please update soon author-nim!!! XD
I creat a account just because this fic, please, dont let me down
since all banas looks to like badeul and jichan, my poor gongdeul heart hurts XD
but well, they are obvious, so i will survive even if alone u.u q
Minsuck #5
Chapter 5: I liked the dominant-gongchan, you know? I've been reading and... actually I like all of this and just was waiting for the update ñ.ñ so yeah, I'll keep reading and commenting~.
SuperJunior713 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness!!! KYA!!!~ Sandeul started it!!!~
Channie was so innocent. . . Kind of. . .
Gongchan. . . What are you going to do?
Palabra_viva #7
Chapter 5: Oh ~!!!! Sandeullie gave the kiss!!! YES!!!! Woohoo!! What are you going to do now Gongchan!?!
joanna20 #9
Chapter 4: U updated! I m not critizing but a lot of badeul fics where as gongdeul & sanchan very less!
Chapter 4: My badeul feels. Sorry gongchan but i don't approve of gongduel. Jinchan and baduel on ly <3