The Prince's Solution

His Lord's Maiden

Miss Lee bolted down the road, heading in the direction that Sandeul was taken. She glanced down every path as she rapidly made her way down the main road. After miles of endless running, with no luck in finding Sandeul and his captors, Miss Lee stopped, slumping over with her hands on her knees. She breathed in and out heavily, sweat mixing with tears as she began to sob. There was no hope for her Sandeul if she didn’t locate him and the royals soon. Miss Lee’s chest heaved as she wept, her breathing forced and painful. Minutes passed before Miss Lee was able to get a handle on her emotions and pull herself together. Wiping away a few stray tears and attempting to control her sniffles, she walked on. She wasn’t about to give up on her precious son. She had already come to the conclusion that she would die before she would give up on him. There was no doubt in her mind.


Meanwhile, Sandeul stumbled forward along a heavily wooded path. A tall, muscular man walked behind him, prodding him like cattle if he lost speed. By the time the group of royals and thugs stopped walking, Sandeul’s feet ached and his legs felt tingly, like they could give out any minute. “Ok. Load him up!” The muscular thug shoved Sandeul forward and another thug harshly grabbed his arm, causing him to yelp in pain from the man’s strong grip. Then, he was thrown into a primitive wooden wagon. When he landed, he hit his head roughly on the floor, causing his vision to go blurry. His head lolled, his eyes rolling back in his head as he lost consciousness.

When Sandeul woke up, he found he was lying on rutted area of dirt. Indignant voices echoed all around him, along with one pleading voice, drowned out by all the rest. That voice wasn’t one of a stranger, though. Sandeul slowly pushed himself up from the ground, his head pounding. He instantaneously felt a twinge of pain shriek through his head. Groaning in pain, he slumped back against the firm soil. “Mum! Mu-um!” he yelled, recalling that he had recognized his mom’s voice. “Sandeul, dear, it’s going to be ok. Just give me a minute.”

“Now, you listen here. My son has never done a bad thing in his life, and I don’t believe stealing is enough of an excuse to execute him anyway. Believe me, sir. I will do anything to keep my son alive and safe. Do you understand? Now, I demand to speak with the prince. I know that he’s coming to the village today, and I’m sure he will work something out for us.”

Sandeul listened as his mom rattled on and on in an insane attempt to relieve him of his punishment. If you could describe Sandeul’s mother in one word, the word would be persistent, no doubt. She had such confidence in everything she said. You could tell just by listening to her powerful, assertive tone of voice.

Sandeul noticed that the man that his mother had been talking to didn’t respond for several moments. When he finally did, he seemed to mock Mrs. Lee. “Well, ma’am, I’m not so sure that the prince will care to help very much, but feel free to try.” The man softly chuckled, as if Mrs. Lee was a foolish old lady that didn’t have any idea what she was talking about. Sandeul’s mother grunted. “He will help us.” With that, she spun on her heel and strutted over to Sandeul. “Come on baby. We’re going to see the prince.”

Sandeul’s head throbbed, as if a constant pressure was being applied to it. “Mum…,” he moaned as she hustled him along. “It hurts…” His body was reminiscent of rubber, as his limbs flopped about lifelessly and his head drooped. “I know sweetie. Just hang in there, ok?” His mother said, hoisting his arm up higher over her shoulders. “If I could carry you, I would.” Sandeul breathed out, “I know..Thanks.”


“Hello. How may I help you?” a stately butler greeted Sandeul and his mother as he opened the wide, meticulously detailed door. “We request a consultation with the prince,” Sandeul’s mother stated. The butler narrowed his eyes at them. “I see..” He seemed to consider their request, then continued. “I’m afraid I can’t allow you to speak with him unless he has granted you permission to come here and speak with him.” Mrs. Lee’s expression sank noticeably, but she instantly gained back her composure. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind speaking with us for just a minute. This is a very serious issue, and I believe he needs to hear what we’ve got to say,” she affirmed, locking her gaze on the butler. He pursed his lips disapprovingly, but motioned for the mother and son to follow him. They trailed behind the butler through sprawling corridors, up broad staircases, and finally they rested in front of a tall, slender mahogany door. The butler lightly rapped his knuckles against the fine wood, and then took a step back. Seconds later, the latch of the door clicked, and out stepped a handsome boy dressed in a dignified suit of royal blue. He cocked his head to the side slightly. “Hello,” he simply said. “These peasants have requested a moment of your time.” The boy, presumably the prince, puffed up his cheeks, blowing out the air. “Very well. Come,” he acknowledged.  Sandeul and his mother glanced at each other and shared a victorious smile before following him through the door. “What is it that you wish to discuss with me?” Prince Gongchan Shik asked crossly. Sandeul’s mother spoke up directly. “My son has been sentenced to death for stealing something, although he paid for half of it. I know that there are no excuses for stealing, but I still don’t think that death is a just punishment.” Prince Gongchan shrugged. “I suppose not.” He casually sauntered over to where Sandeul stood. “Hm. What do you expect of me?” he said, lifting Sandeul’s chin to inspect his face.  Mrs. Lee sent an angry glance his way, but carefully concealed it before he was able to notice. “We hope you will help us. You have the authority to change my son’s punishment.” Prince Gongchan roughly let go of Sandeul’s face before turning to Mrs. Lee. “Well, I’m sure you won’t like my solution much more.”

 “No! I’m sure we will! Anything is better than the punishment my son is due to receive now.”

“Fine,” the prince said, a glimmer of amusement detectable in his eyes.

"There is only one condition with which I will allow this peasant to live." Prince Gongchan Shik stated. "What is it? I will do anything!" Sandeul's mother cried. "He must pledge his loyalty to me as my servant...for the rest of his life." Prince Gongchan smirked.

Mrs. Lee’s face fell. “F-for the rest of his life..?” she stuttered. “It’s either that or he dies,” the prince answered coldly, strolling over to a deep-seated chair and plopping down in it. He propped his elbow up on the armrest, the air and staring calmly at the pair. He raised his eyebrows and smirked once again. It was as if he found this whole situation extremely entertaining. Mrs. Lee gulped down the lump in . “I-I guess that’s fine..just as long as my Sandeul can keep his life.” Sandeul widened his eyes and stared in disbelief at his mum.

“So, that’s his name,” Prince Gongchan confirmed.

“How could you just give me away like that?” Sandeul wore a hurt expression. Tears began to form in his eyes as a feeling of betrayal overcame him. “How could you?”

“Oh, Sandeul. I’m so sorry, but it was either this or you would die. What was I supposed to do?”

Sandeul nodded in understanding. “Ok. I guess I’m your servant now, then,” Sandeul sniffled and rubbed at his nose, turning to face the prince. “Ok, peasant. Get your goodbyes over with because you won’t be seeing your mother ever again,” he chuckled. Mother and son both glared at him.



I love you mummy,” the prince mocked Sandeul as he led him through the halls of the expansive castle. “You’re such a baby,” he spat, snickering. “You’re pathetic; You’re so poor and stupid and you act like a little girl.” The prince paused. “It’s a good thing you’re cute. I’m going to have a lot of fun with you~”

Sandeul’s mouth stood agape. Did he really just say that to me? What is that supposed to mean? He shivered at the thought, trying to ease the sour feeling in his stomach. “Ah, here we are. This is my room, and also where you will be staying.”

“W-what? I’m staying in your room? Don’t I get a room of my own?”

The prince leaned closer to Sandeul, his lips seductively. “But I want to play with you…and sleep with you…” Sandeul’s eyes grew ten times. “Huh, huh..that’s-” Sandeul flinched as the prince his ear. “He-he. We should..get some sleep..,” Sandeul persisted nervously. He skittered away into the room before Prince Gongchan could harass him anymore. Gongchan, however, was interested by his new little pet’s shyness.

Yes. He would have fun with this boy.

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His Lord's Maiden- And chapter 5 is up! Sorry for the wait >_


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Chapter 5: I hope you're okay with me giving you constructive criticism, because a lot of authors do this and it's kind of disappointing, but you sort of rushed the emotions between sandeul and gongchan (in my opinion!) it seems that within the first day they were comfortable enough to be confessing such deep emotions to one another (especially them crying in each other's arms until they fell asleep) idk i know it's just fanfiction and it's your story but i'm a realist kind of person so yeah. Hope you continue writing this, the plot's pretty good so far! (:
This is one of the most amazing fanfictions I have ever read in the history of ever, so whatever you do - please, please, PLEASE continue.
Chapter 5: This ff is just perfect!! XD i love the story line!!
Even though i don't understand some englsh in this ff bcause my english us so bad, this ff is still fantastic !!!
Please update soon author-nim!!! XD
I creat a account just because this fic, please, dont let me down
since all banas looks to like badeul and jichan, my poor gongdeul heart hurts XD
but well, they are obvious, so i will survive even if alone u.u q
Minsuck #5
Chapter 5: I liked the dominant-gongchan, you know? I've been reading and... actually I like all of this and just was waiting for the update ñ.ñ so yeah, I'll keep reading and commenting~.
SuperJunior713 #6
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness!!! KYA!!!~ Sandeul started it!!!~
Channie was so innocent. . . Kind of. . .
Gongchan. . . What are you going to do?
Palabra_viva #7
Chapter 5: Oh ~!!!! Sandeullie gave the kiss!!! YES!!!! Woohoo!! What are you going to do now Gongchan!?!
joanna20 #9
Chapter 4: U updated! I m not critizing but a lot of badeul fics where as gongdeul & sanchan very less!
Chapter 4: My badeul feels. Sorry gongchan but i don't approve of gongduel. Jinchan and baduel on ly <3