special chapter.



Minjoo gathered her book without haste unlike her blockmates who were hurrying and fixing their things to rush out of their lecture room, desperate to go home. She paid no mind to the rattles and gently placed her belongings inside her bag before slinging the straps on her shoulder.


She was about to walk off the lecture hall when some of her blockmates, acquaintances for better term, called her name to get her attention. She looked over at them silently with a smile on her lips.


“Hey, want to go with us? Get some drinks downtown and maybe go to a karaoke place.” One of them said, and it was Gaeul.


Minjoo immediately refused politely, “Sorry, I have other plans for the rest of the day so I have to pass. You guys enjoy the day though.” She responded with a wave. The others just nodded, and took the rejection lightly, adding that next time then.


Minjoo walked down the hallway, avoiding people, and smiling back at friendly people who would greet her smoothly. She just made her way towards the exit of the building, plugging her earphone in one of her ears to balance music and her awareness of her surroundings. She looked over the skies, it was bright and a sunny summer day. Smiling to herself, she murmured to herself that it was a great day today. She wasn’t entirely packed with schoolworks and projects so she could breathe freely. Her professors most likely pitied them and did not give out assignments and other stuff to do on Friday.


Humming to the tune of the song she was currently listening to, she stopped on the waiting shed just outside the campus of SKKU. She was bobbing her head up and down lightly to vibe with the song, tapping her toes on the pavement as she waited. She glanced at her wristwatch and continued to listen and wait patiently until she was bothered.


“Minjoo-sunbae,” It was a rather manly voice, and so Minjoo turned to look, in contrast to the soft yet husky voice that Minjoo was expecting to hear. She was not familiar with him but judging by how he used formalities, must be a junior then.


He was tall, and he was good-looking. His pale cheeks were dusted by a tint of red as if he was blushing, he looked shy as he scratched his nape while his chinky eyes stared at her adoringly.


“Yes?” asked the woman softly. It wasn’t new to her, getting approached by juniors and even seniors, seeing how he was acting around her right now, it gave way.


“Uhm, sunbae, I just want to ask if you’re free this weekend,” He nervously started off, glaring at his friends who were standing a few meters behind him while laughing. “I have two tickets for this certain concert festival and I’m just wondering if…” He was cut off when he saw someone approaching behind Minjoo.


Suddenly, Minjoo felt an arm snaking around her waist, a possessive one at that which made her instantly smile. She could recognize that perfume and touch anywhere. Her heart instantly melted as she looked up to check the person, her smile went even broader.


“No, she’s not available,” Yujin sternly said, her voice so cold and intimidating that it made the junior in front of them flinch in distress and horror.


“A-Ahn Yujin-sunbae,” He greeted, stammering his name, just speaking the name alone made him shiver.


Minjoo looked at Yujin, and did not even pay attention to the man in front of her anymore, smiling at her as her eyes sparkled. Yujin looked good, as usual, and it wasn’t like she didn’t see the woman earlier in the morning before they parted to go to their respective classes but Minjoo was still in awe as she gawked at the taller woman.


“Sorry but Minjoo isn’t available,” Yujin boredly repeated, and looked down to meet Minjoo’s gaze, the corner of her lips tugged upwards and her scowl faded away when their eyes met. “Me and my girlfriend have plans so I appreciate it if you scurry away.” She said with a firm tone, her voice became sharp at the last few words before sending him a glare.


The junior yelped, and bowed, muttering an apology before running towards his friends with his imaginary tail between his legs. Even his friends were equally terrified at Yujin’s appearance. They all scurried away, not wanting to piss Yujin off even more.


Minjoo chuckled silently, and just leaned in to the touch. Until now, even in their college university, Yujin was still prolific and feared as ever. It wasn’t surprising that everyone in the school knew her, and they admired her. Being an heiress of a huge conglomerate was already attracting attention but her excellent academic skills and being in the football team of the university just boosted her popularity.


Yujin looked pissed but Minjoo just stared at her adoringly, “Our relationship is not even a secret but I wonder why people are still clueless.” Yujin grumbled under her breath with a huff.


Minjoo reached for her face and pinched her cheek cutely, “Don’t let your mood get spoiled, wolf,” She teased and Yujin pouted cutely at her. “Let’s go home, shall we?”


Yujin agreed, and they went to the parking lot with their hands tangled, ignoring the glances of the people. Minjoo was already used to attention, and she was lucky enough that most of them weren’t harmless. They spotted Yujin’s familiar Benz, and the latter opened the door for Minjoo as usual then went to the driver’s seat to drive.


They had their usual after class talk to catch up while listening to the music on their way home, and soon enough, they reached the apartment complex where they both live and parked the car in the parking basement before they went to their own unit.


Yes, they were living together now. During their first year of college, Minjoo just decided to live in a dorm near SKKU but Yujin was very adamant that she should just live with her instead because she felt so lonely in her high-end apartment. However, Minjoo refused to live there without paying, but in the end, they settled with Minjoo buying the monthly grocery as payment because the apartment was already fully paid anyway. And now, they were currently in their third year of being in a relationship, still going strong as ever.


They had fights, it was normal for couples anyway but it made their relationship even stronger, it helped that they were living together so they became closer with one another. Throughout the years, both of them matured and grew together, there were some conflicts at first especially when Minjoo’s parents learned about their romantic relationship but soon after, everything was settled and now, they were all happy, surrounded by supportive people. Same for Yujin’s parents who just sternly told Yujin not to falter in her studies because of Minjoo. Up until to this day, Minjoo was still terrified of the Ahn family even though they were pretty chill. They were just on another level.


The couple entered their home, it was spacious but it wasn’t gallant. It was cozy and very homey, just what they both wanted. The two of them took a shower together quickly, brushing their teeth side by side, and dressing up together while teasing each other. It was a routine, a very nice and endearing one too.


“The gang will have dinner, right?” Yujin asked while still rubbing her wet hair with a towel while Minjoo was in the kitchen, washing some dishes they left out earlier after they had breakfast. Minjoo hummed, confirming it while Yujin groaned, approaching Minjoo to wrap her arms around the latter’s waist, whining softly. “Do they have to? I want to sleep with you instead.”


Chuckling, Minjoo dried the plates and pinched her lover’s nose. “Silly. It’s been a while since we were last complete.” She grinned, and faced Yujin to hug her properly, melting in her arms. Yujin just held her tight with a sigh, not saying anything anymore. “Come on, big pup. Let’s fetch the little one.” She said, and Yujin enthusiastically nodded, before rushing away.


They then went back to their car and drove towards a school nearby, parking the car on the side. They then waited for a few minutes, talking about what they should wear for their dinner later with the whole squad when a familiar girl appeared on the window of the passenger seat, poking her tongue cheekily at Minjoo and Yujin.


She then opened the passenger seat of the car and settled there with a sigh before leaning in to press a kiss on Minjoo’s cheek and on Yujin’s jaw.


“How’s your day, dear?” asked Minjoo with a satisfied smile while Yujin started to drive them home.


Minseo shrugged, smirking at them. “I got the highest grade in my math exam, Joo-unnie! Jin-unnie!” She smugly retorted, looking very proud of herself. Yujin looked proud of her, looking at Minseo as if she was her baby.


“Wow, that’s my girl!” Yujin praised, cooing at her. “Well, what does Minseo want as a reward, name it! Jin-unnie will surely get it for you.” She said with a chirpy tone, and Minjoo nudged her with narrowed eyes. Minseo let out a delighted squeal upon hearing that.


“You’re spoiling her too much.” Minjoo commented with a huff, and Yujin shrugged, defending herself that Minseo deserved it after achieving something. But actually, Yujin just loved to spoil Minjoo’s little cousin so much, and Minseo loved being pampered by her favorite unnie too.


Minseo flashed her puppy eyes, and of course, Minjoo couldn’t resist and just sighed in defeat, shaking her head while Yujin and Minseo smirked in triumph. It was really amusing and horrifying to see her little cousin turning into a mini little Ahn Yujin after spending a lot of time with her. She had been mirroring Yujin’s little mannerism and Minjoo felt like she was dealing with two Yujins already.


“Well, I want some cotton candies and ice cream, unnie!” Minseo beamed.


Yujin nodded immediately, “Alright!” She said, making a U-Turn, and it seemed like they were on their way to the nearest mall where they could find what Minseo wanted. “But just a little, alright? We’ll bring you with us to dinner.”


They went to the mall, unable to resist Minseo’s charms, even Minjoo was defeated in the end. When Minseo squealed in delight, Minjoo just let her be. She would make sure that the little girl won’t get too spoiled next time though, she just didn’t want Minseo to complain about another toothache next time.


They had their own little ‘family’ date in the mall, Minseo was holding Yujin and Minjoo’s hands then the former would feed her cotton candy. After that, they decided to go to the arcade.


“Yujin-unnie, if you score more than 20, I’ll give you a kiss!” Minseo happily beamed, and Yujin laughed gently, patting the kid’s head, of course — she won’t back out of this challenge, and the reward was pretty great too. Minjoo giggled, and responded something.


“Honey, your Yujin-unnie is great at soccer but not at basketball.” Minjoo replied, holding back her laughter which made Yujin gasp in absolute surprise, offended that her lover commented something like that. But it didn’t really taint her ego or anything. Just sulky that her lover had no absolute trust on her basketball skills.


With a cute pout, Yujin said, “Hey, I’m also great at basketball, not just football…” She then started to look smug and arrogant, huffing at her own lover. “If I get to score more than 20 points, you’ll give me a kiss as well, Minjoo.” She offered a deal.


Laughing at her in disbelief, Minjoo waved her off and nodded, “Fair deal, alright then.” She agreed, looking very amused because Yujin looked serious and smug as she gave a smirk and went to exchange some money for tokens with Minseo.


They went to the basketball game, and inserted enough tokens for one round. The five balls came down rolling and Yujin swiftly took one, then took a shot from the edge. Minjoo and Minseo’s eyes followed the moving ball until it went near to the ring.




A miss. The ball hit the ring.


Yujin hissed while Minjoo chuckled but Minseo encouraged Yujin though, cheering her happily at the side, looking very excited to watch her unnie play basketball. She had never seen her unnie play other sports aside from football so she was excited, trying to see if the woman also excelled at other sports besides her beloved football.


Yujin got the second ball and took another shot, slightly tense because her confidence wavered when she missed the first shot. This time, the ball went in, it was a clean shot. Yujin let out a small, ‘yes!’ while Minseo giggled, squealing happily. “Keep it up, Yujin-unnie!”


“Lucky,” Minjoo could only mutter while giggling.


Yujin pouted at her and started to complain, “Hey, it wasn’t a lucky shoot!”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever love. Keep on shooting, there’s a time limit.” Minjoo reminded her and Yujin swiftly took the ball from below and threw the ball towards the ring, and it missed though.


Minjoo watched Yujin intently, with fond eyes. Although Yujin’s shots weren’t in, she was still very attractive shooting the ball. From the way her slender hands would scoop the ball smoothly and shoot it in a proper way — it was so attractive to Minjoo’s eyes. But let’s be honest, Yujin was much more attractive playing football though, the flames in her eyes whenever she played was present that was lacking here while playing this basketball game.


However, when the time limit stopped, Yujin managed to only score 12, which was already good but Yujin couldn’t accept it so she played another round. Minjoo and Minseo let her be because they were enjoying watching Yujin get so frustrated and determined to get twenty points in the game. Minjoo thought that Yujin looked extra hot looking so pissed whenever the ball would miss the ring.


In the end, Yujin managed to score 22 points this time which made Minseo squeal. Yujin’s arrogance was back, smugly looking at her lover as she wiped her nose. “See? I could do it. I can play basketball as well, love.” She said, and collected some tickets from the machine.


Minjoo pinched Yujin’s nose, “Yeah but it’s better to stick to soccer, baby. You still playing this sport.” She said and Yujin just pouted but the former tipped on her toes, pressing a brief kiss on Yujin’s cheek, not minding if they were in public. “There, your reward.”


Yujin blushed, and cleared , feeling shy before kneeling down so Minseo could reach her. With a giggle, Minseo kissed her favorite unnie on the cheek as well. “You did so good, Yujin-unnie. You’re the best. You can beat LeBron James!” She commented, in awe.


Yujin laughed, and hugged the little kid tightly, and Minjoo just watched the scene folded before her which was very endearing. She loved it. She actually loved how close these two people she treasured the most. She wasn’t jealous if Minseo’s favorite was Yujin. She was glad, even.


“Now, now, let’s play more and let’s go home after we buy ice cream, shall we? We still have dinner to attend.” Minjoo reminded them once more with a chuckle. Yujin and Minseo shared a high-five before continuing to play the basketball game, letting Minseo do it this time. And Minseo only missed twice!


Yujin was kind of bitter about it, sulking but she was obviously proud and amazed that Minseo was naturally great at shooting. Minseo looked very excited as well. Minjoo mostly stayed at the side, taking videos of them both as they played.


And then, Yujin forced Minjoo to play Tekken. She was not really good at games but she tried anyway, for Yujin and Minseo’s happiness. Surprisingly, she won which earned excited squeals from Yujin and Minseo to the point a staff had to politely ask them to quiet down.


Minseo and Minjoo played one on one, and Minjoo subtly made Minseo win instead. Minseo looked happy as she mocked her other unnie but she was actually just pressing random buttons frantically. “Yeah, yeah. Unnie is a loser.” Minjoo could only say with a chuckle.


“Because you’re such a loser, unnie, you’ll buy me cola.” Minseo said with a grin. And Minjoo obliged, buying a can of cola for each of them as they continued to stroll around the mall, killing time before finally going home to dress up and prepare for the dinner.


They passed by a stall full of pillows and plushies, it made Minseo’s steps halt, eyeing the gigantic plush bear with wide eyes. She obviously wanted it. She looked at Minjoo and Yujin with puppy eyes, “Isn’t that bear cute, unnies?” She cutely asked.


Minjoo’s eyes narrowed before glancing at Yujin who looked like she was going to buy the plush bear without a word but Minjoo immediately said, “No. We won’t get that, you still have a nice plushie with you.” She gently scolded them.


Minseo’s lips turned into pout, turning to Yujin again. The latter was torn but in the end, she sighed and looked at Minjoo. “Let me buy it for her, please?” asked Yujin with puppy eyes.


Ooo, she was going to smack both of them! Such a spoiled brat, and this woman who gets easily swayed by the kid. Sure, she was very much loaded but it didn’t mean that she could spoil the kid rotten.


But well, in the end, Minseo was hugging the plush bear she wanted as they walked towards the parking lot, grinning and giggling happily. Minjoo could only sigh while Yujin looked satisfied, walking at Minjoo’s side, snaking her arm around her waist. “Come on now. She’s doing great at school lately, she deserves it.” Yujin cooed, trying to coax Minjoo.


“Just don’t spoil too much, we talked about it.” Minjoo softly said, and pressed her finger on Yujin’s forehead.


“Yes, ma’am.” Yujin could only mutter, giggling as she pressed a kiss on Minjoo’s cheek.


Minseo went to shower while Minjoo and Yujin went to their own room to dress up. They wore nothing formal but they did talk about eating in a high-end restaurant but Yujin would never wear a suit for dinner anyway, and they wore something simple but it screamed wealth.


After that, Yujin emerged from the room, grumbling something under her breath while Minjoo was fixing Minseo’s bangs in the living room, all ready, and just waiting for Yujin. “What’s wrong?” asked Minjoo.


Huffing, Yujin placed her phone inside her jacket’s pocket, and her expression softened, “They’re all there now and waiting for us. They kept calling me relentlessly.” She answered, and approached closer, getting her car keys from the counter top.


Minjoo chuckled, and glanced at her watch, “Well, we’re indeed late. Let’s hurry up and not make them wait.” She said, and Yujin just scoffed but complied anyway, walking out of their unit, and walked towards the parking lot.


They arrived at the hotel restaurant where they all agreed to meet after a fifteen minute ride, and when Yujin drove the car towards the high-end place, Minjoo wasn’t too fazed anymore. She got used to Yujin’s lavish lifestyle already, although sometimes — she still gets bewildered, after all… Minjoo grew up in an average household. If it was Minjoo years ago, she would be crying entering that five-star hotel, overwhelmed. But now, since Yujin kept bringing her along — Minjoo slowly got used to it but of course, she preferred simplicity. Although Yujin’s world revolved around lavishness and wealth, she made sure not to leave Minjoo out and slowly introduced her to it but not enough to make her feel small. In exchange, Yujin also got used to simplicity and averageness.


They entered the place, greeted by butlers. As they walked through the spacious and extravagant lobby, people were eyeing them as if they did not belong in there because most people here were extremely rich, wearing tailored suits and dresses from known brands but here they were, looking as if they were just going to a casual family dinner.


Yujin’s hand slid around Minjoo’s slim waist, glaring at other older men gawking at them while holding Minseo’s little hand. The latter was in awe, looking around the place and getting amazed at the gigantic chandelier, ignoring the looks they were getting. Like Minjoo, Minseo was growing accustomed to going to places like this because of her Yujin-unnie, and her other favorite wealthy unnies but she still gets amused and amazed easily.


Finally, they were approached by a manager, looking skeptical of their appearance in the hotel. “Good evening, may I know your purpose for visiting our hotel?” He asked, looking arrogant and eyeing them in a suspicious way.


Yujin rolled her eyes, she mentally noted not to come here again because of obvious signs of discrimination. “Ahn Yujin.” She answered flatly instead, and Minjoo looked at her pointedly, as if to say not to be rude. She took out her ID from her wallet and handed it to the manager. “My friend reserved a VIP room for dinner under my name.” She explained further.


They were stopped earlier too by the tight security and even the valet was surprised at their visit in the five star hotel like that but all were surprised and started to shake in fear when they learned about Yujin’s name.


The manager obviously flinched when he finally recognized that powerful name. Shaking, he handed back the ID and bowed at them. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you immediately, Miss Ahn. Please, follow me.” He said formally, and he led them to the VIP room on the 25th floor where they would be eating.


After that, they entered the floor. The three of them were immediately greeted, “Here comes the happy family.” Yujin just stuck her tongue out.


It was Ryujin who commented, smiling at them. Yena followed after, yawning and stretching her arms. “We waited for years, Jesus. We’re so hungry.” She commented, and Chaewon chuckled beside her before responding.


“That was an exaggeration, babe. But yeah, it feels like that. We’re starving.” Chaewon said, putting her hand on Yena’s thigh affectionately and smiled at the three who approached them.


“What took you three so long anyway?” Jimin asked, and crossed her arms. “You’re lucky that Minseo’s with you or else we’re all going to get annoyed as hell.”


Minseo beamed, waving at them all. “Hello, unnies! Long time no see.” They all cooed and immediately fought for Minseo’s attention, and the latter was puzzled on who she was going to greet and kiss first but she immediately ran to her Yeji-unnie when the latter called her.


Yujin sat on the vacant seat, and Minjoo sat beside her, giggling as Chaewon kept asking why they were late. “You two made out before going, no?”


Minjoo flinched, nudging Chaewon in panic. “Your words, Chaewon. Minseo’s around. And no, we didn’t!” She answered, rolling her eyes with a sigh, thankful that Minseo was busy talking with her unnies, sitting on Minjeong lap.


They finally dropped the topic of lateness and their attention focused on Minseo solely, they were all fond of Yujin and Minjoo’s ‘kid’. Since they all became close, they would always ask Minjoo to bring her little cousin often and because of it, Minseo grew closer to the older women, happy with the attention and affection they would give to her. She was spoiled as well because she was the youngest, always babying her.


“Minseo-yah, come here to Jimin-unnie,” Jimin bribed, showing her a Gucci paper bag. “I have a gift for you.”


“Hey, no, mine’s bigger, Minseo.” Chaewon arrogantly said, showing off her bigger paper bag that had the Balenciaga brand on it.


Minjoo scratched her head, yep, Minseo’s such a spoiled brat when it comes to her friends but she just let them since she made sure to talk with them about this topic. They wouldn’t spoil Minseo that much. Thankfully, Minseo was a shy and humble kid but when she really wanted something, she would go to Yujin and give her puppy eyes.


Ryujin whipped out a box from the side, and Minjoo wondered where the hell it came from. “Minseo-ah! Ryujin-unnie bought you three pairs of shoes!”


And they all fought for Minseo’s attention, the poor kid didn’t know where to go first and had to do a eeny meeny miny moe.


Yujin looked around and realized they were still incomplete so she glanced at Yena who was watching the women fight and bribed the little kid before asking, “Where’s Kazuha?” asked the taller woman.


“Downstairs,” Yena answered plainly, giggling.


Yujin rented out an entire floor for this dinner since she knew that they might disturb other people with their loudness. They could be chaotic sometimes when they were all complete and together. As for their dinner — Jimin, Ryujin, Minjeong, Yena, and Kazuha would casually spin a bottle and whoever landed it would pay for the entire meal they all got. But if they were eating in a fast food chain, Minjoo or Yeji would insist because they felt bad not paying for their expensive dinner. Meanwhile, Chaewon was thick-faced so she never joined and wanted free things, but she always treated them when it came to drinks.


“Alright,” Yeji clapped her hands so they would earn their attention. “Let’s give Minseo’s presents later instead and order some food already. The poor kid is getting overwhelmed again.”


They all agreed and sat back into their seats but Ryujin looked pouty, “But honey, I’m so excited for Minseo to try these on! We picked these ourselves.” She whined like a kid and Minjeong had to slap her arm while laughing at her.


Yeji narrowed her eyes on her girlfriend and held her hand, “Honey, the shoes can wait. Come on, let’s sit down.” And Ryujin complied anyway.


Minjoo giggled at the both of them, and she and Yujin shared a glance. Time flew fast, and it wasn’t too surprising that these two would end up together because they sensed it already. At first, they hid the fact that they were dating because Ryujin just tried and gave it a shot while still trying to move on from Minjoo but in the end, everything worked out after Ryujin fell head over heels for Yeji. There were some little conflicts and it led them to almost breaking up but it ended well, now they were a happy couple. And everyone was happy for them as well.


“You guys aren’t still ordering?” A new, familiar voice suddenly spoke which made everyone on the table look at the entrance.


Yujin looked at them, “Ah, speaking of,” She murmured, scratching her chin.


Kazuha smiled at them, walking at the vacant seats beside Jimin. “I had to pick this lady. She just arrived as well.” She said, pointing at the woman she was with, holding her hand as they sat together.


“It’s been a while, guys.” The pink-haired woman greeted with a gentle smile on her face, her Korean still got an accent but she improved drastically. “How are you all?”


Yena responded, “It’s been a while indeed, Sakura-chan.” She replied with her poor Japanese speaking skill which made everyone chuckle at her but kudos for trying. “We’re all good, I hope you’re doing well too.” She finally gave up and spoke in Korean.


Sakura understood it well anyway and chuckled. “Hi there Minseo.” She greeted the kid who started to waddle towards them with a smile. Kazuha cooed at the kid, patting her head and kissed her on the cheek while Sakura hugged her.


It wasn’t just Ryujin and Yeji who got everything worked out. Kazuha also got her own woman, Miyawaki Sakura, her classmate in Japan. She officially introduced the woman to them last year and since then, Sakura was warmly welcomed and also grew closer to the group of friends, blending in well despite not knowing how to speak in Korean at first.


Most of them knew how to speak basic Japanese but Sakura diligently learned Korean just for them, not wanting to feel too left out.


As they talked, they discussed what to eat until Jimin finally called the server to take their orders before continuing to catch up once more. And it was a lovely sight since they were complete, so chaotic.


After they graduated from Diamond, most of them parted ways from then, pursuing the career they wanted… or their parents wanted. Ryujin went to Yonsei, same as Chaewon. Yena in KAIST. Jimin attended a private college in the States, and Minjeong followed her a year after attending SNU. Then, Kazuha went back to Japan to pursue her degree there and to move on too. Yeji attended the same school as Minjoo and Yujin.


And so, it was almost rare for them to meet in complete but whenever they could, they would. However, even after all of that, the distance and everything… they all remained good and close friends.


Their bond remained the same, even way closer than before, actually. Their groupchat wasn’t always silent, always getting bombed by updates, rants about their exams, and many more. A lot of things have happened in the past years.


Chaewon and Yena almost broke up last year because of a big misunderstanding but because of the group, they managed to fix it and became stronger than ever. And to be honest, at this point, they all couldn’t see each other breaking up because they could see their future with their respective partners.


Years passed so they matured and became more responsible but they remained chaotic and loud whenever they were all together, as if they were a group of rowdy high school students. It was refreshing since they didn’t meet often anymore unlike before but whenever they did, they were always the same. It hits differently.


While eating their lavish meal, Kazuha suddenly said something. “In winter break, I want us to have a vacation. Like all of us, together.” She said, was full of lobster meat. Sakura scolded her for speaking with full, wiping the side of her girlfriend’s mouth.


Minjeong nodded in agreement. “I would love that as well. We should spend time together longer, seriously.” She said, and Ryujin chuckled, elbowing her gently.


“You really miss spending time with us, no?” asked Ryujin, and Minjeong rolled her eyes but the silence answered everything. They all understood that Minjeong wanted to spend time longer with them, especially that she and Jimin were studying in the States, away from them.


Minjoo chuckled, teasing Kazuha. “In Japan? Your treat?”


Kazuha nodded without hesitation. “Of course, I want to take you all to our house in Kochi and take you guys around. Expenses all paid by me, even your plane tickets.” She said, and it looked like everything was planned already thoroughly, just trying to see if they were going to agree.


Minjoo’s mouth dropped. “W-What? At least let us pay for the tickets.” She just didn’t like to be a freeloader despite her friends being too rich.


Kazuha waved her hand off, “They’re just tickets. Just make sure to bring Minseo with you, she’ll love it there.” She said, and leaned over the table to give Minseo a high five. The excited kid giggled, and looked very ecstatic upon hearing a potential vacation in Japan.


Minjeong chewed on her steak before saying, “I’ll upgrade the tickets to the highest class. All on me.”


Ryujin nodded, and glanced at her girlfriend with a smile. “Let’s go on a yacht trip, I’ll rent.” She offered. And they all continued to talk about what they should do on their vacation. One week vacation! They decided to go around other cities as well.


Minjoo and Yeji, as usual, were getting intimidated because of course — unlike their lovers and friends, they were just average people. Yujin immediately noticed and said, “Let Minjoo and Yeji buy snacks.” She said, not wanting them to feel left out, and the two immediately beamed, nodding eagerly so everyone just agreed.


After settling everything, they continued to talk about random things, and Minjeong and Yujin were arguing over stupid stuff.


Minjoo couldn’t help but to look around, admiring each of her friends as she helped Minseo eat the shrimps. She missed their loud chatters, laughters, and banters. She always missed them and their chaotic asses, really. Even in video calls, they were so noisy but still, it was different to hear all of them talk and catch up like this in person. Minjoo could perfectly feel their presence. She loves how her friends lit up the whole room with their loudness.


She loves her friends.


“Love, are you good? You’re not eating your steak.” Yujin’s voice suddenly broke her unexpected reverie. Minjoo looked at her lover with a smile, nodding to reassure her but the taller woman still looked worried.


Minjoo reached for her hand, and giggled, “I was just admiring. I missed our little group as well.” She said, she got overwhelmed in a good way.


Jimin heard it and gave her a teasing yet soft look. “Ooo, Minjoo missed us so much.” She teased, and everyone looked at Minjoo, giving her smiles and giggles which made Minjoo’s heart warm.


Yup, she wouldn’t trade them for anything.


Once they were done with their dessert, Ryujin took the empty wine bottle and placed it in the middle. And it began. Yena spun it, her eyes sparkling and even did a sign of the cross as if to get some luck, hoping that it wouldn’t land on her.


The bottle landed on Jimin so she had to pay for the meal but they made everything so dramatic to the point it almost felt like Jimin really did not want to pay for the meal. She kept accusing Yena of not spinning the bottle hard enough but it was just for dramatic effects, really. She happily handed her black card to the server anyway.


Unfortunately, the dinner ended but in a happy way. Some of them agreed to meet tomorrow but Jimin and Minjeong had to ditch because of some projects that they had to finish and their flight back to the States was later in the morning so they had to go home to rest. They only spent a day here for this short meeting. Ryujin had exams the next day and couldn’t go as well while Kazuha and Sakura had an important business to attend to in Jeju.


The remaining promised to meet tomorrow and Minseo was excited to spend time with her unnies again, and she was sure going to get spoiled again. Before going to their respective homes, they made sure to play with Minseo first and gave her their gifts.


Yujin’s car was full of gifts for Minseo, solely. And the little kid was ecstatic to open each of them and try it.


But in the middle of the drive home, the poor kid fell asleep out of exhaustion playing with her equally hyperactive unnies, especially Yena. Minseo was peacefully sleeping in the backseat while Minjoo was comfortably sitting in the passenger seat while Yujin drove carefully.


The younger woman glanced at her girlfriend. “Did you enjoy the food?” She asked softly, trying to avoid waking Minseo up behind them.


Nodding, Minjoo answered, “Yes. The food is extra delicious with them.” She said, and grinned at her brightly. “Thank you.”


Yujin smiled, and her heart warmed upon seeing how much Minjoo actually enjoyed spending time with their friends. She loved her genuine laughters and smile earlier. She grabbed Minjoo’s hand with her other hand and pressed a quick kiss on the back of her hand.


They arrived home, and Yujin carried the sleepy Minseo while Minjoo grabbed the gifts. It was quiet when they entered and Minjoo was slightly not used to it after being surrounded by loud people for hours straight but this just meant that they were home.


Yujin tucked Minseo in her bed, and Minjoo tried to change her cousin’s clothes while she was still very drowsy.


After that, they both went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth together, hitting each other’s hips with giggles before retiring for the night. They slipped under the thick sheets and as if they were magnets, they drew closer instinctively and held one another in this cold night.


“Are you happy?” whispered Minjoo out of the blue while they were tangled with one another, eyes closed as they felt each other’s warmth.


Yujin pulled her lover closer, pressing her lips on Minjoo’s forehead for a sweet kiss. “Yes. Very.” She murmured, “I have you and Minseo. And the gang too.” She added and then opened her eyes to give Minjoo a weird look. “That’s so random, you know. Can you give me a kiss?”


Minjoo opened her eyes as well, and leaned in for a kiss, moving her lips against Yujin’s in sync, softly before pulling away. “Let’s sleep now, love.”


This wasn’t what Minjoo had expected, to be honest. If you were to ask Minjoo from years ago about what would happen in the near future, she would probably say, she was probably taking care of Minseo and continuing working part time in that chicken place while studying college.


Who would know that she would end up having someone like Ahn Yujin?


That she would end up with her lover like this, kissing and cuddling every single night, with a warm heart.


Thank God for the soccer ball hitting her face. Oh, you too, Eunbi.




A/N: here you go, the promised special chapter! sorry if it was late lmfao huhu anyway, happy holidays~! i hope you guys enjoyed christmas~ stay safe and let’s see each other in the next fic of mine ;)


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stray_zone21 #1
my comfort story
its4jenchulichaeng #2
Chapter 3: noooooo :( whyy summerzz?!! :( bye
hellifox #3
Chapter 3: summerz sad ending huhu
ray_scyyy #4
bluuuuuu #6
Chapter 5: I like this story very much. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story☺️
Chapter 5: what a nice special chapter 😊
bluejin #8
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
bluejin #9
Chapter 4: im in love huhu
Chapter 4: I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH you're my favourite jinjoo writer! Of course this one didn't disappoint! Looking forward for your future stories <3