boyfriend, where u at?


hi, you're seeing this ad (again) now or not- heh.


I just reposted my old story and it's been months since i last roleplayed and i'm just so lonely so that's why i went here. i hope you care to stop by and read me. heh. 


I'm looking for a roleplay partner but not to join in a rp agency or stuff like that because I don't think I can handle one and be active there. I have full-time work every business day which is from monday to friday, actually saturday too but only for a short period of time and it's half day for saturday and i'm all yours on sunday! i can still reply during my working hours because it's usually pretty chill at work but i'll always let you know when i have to give slow replies. let's plot when i get home, we can cuddle to sleep and stuff like that, i love that. I'm just lonely and I want some affection from you aaaa I simply want a boyfriend to cuddle my stress away and too. also, i love movie dates so we can do that if you'd like! heh. hey, I am at age so I want you to be one too.


i only do straight pairings where I do the girl's role. i don't mind real pairings or crack pairings, we can always discuss about it.


I'm from the plus side of the world so i hope you are too because i hate struggling with timezones.


ack what else do I need to put here.. well, my default faceclaims are rv's yeri & joy, twice's sana, aespa's karina, itzy's ryujin & yeji. but, lmk if you have any request for me to be portrayed. i don't really mind about your faceclaim tbh but no minor pls ? 


i like got7, txt's yeonjun, cho seungyoun, lee know, kim taehyung if you ask. heh


other information will be given later in the discussion. pm me if you're interested!? 


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