Something Fishy

Why are you being like this? (Sequel To 'Are you our anti fan?')

“Heeyoung-ah” you heard Eunri call out from the kitchen, you mumbled some words and faced the wall to continue to sleep. It was Saturday and you were still feeling tired since EXO had their schedules till two in the morning. Few minutes later the door opened and then closed which you didn’t care at all. “Let me sleep for five more minutes” you begged in your head and snuggled closer to the wall. Five minutes passed and you still didn’t move from the spot, all of a sudden you felt a warm air hit your neck. You flung your hand back and hit something which felt like a face.


Turning around and opening your eyes slowly, you saw Kai smiling at you. Sighing, you sat up and patted on his head “Jongin-ah, let noona sleep for a while” he chuckled and pulled you from the bed. “Jongin-ah!” you cried and messed your hair while being dragged to the bathroom. “You look like Tao right now, go and wash your face for breakfast” he pushed your face and closed the door before laughing to the kitchen where Eunri was. “Kai, didn’t the PD say that the recording is cancelled?” she yawned and continued frying pancakes for breakfast. “It’s a surprise for Heeyoung-noona” he smiled and took out his phone to type in something.


“Ahh Jinjia?” Eunri squealed and held onto his arms, “omo I can’t wait for the time to come” she quickened her cooking with a wide smile. “Neh...” he walked to the dining table to take a seat. Minutes later, you came out with casual clothes that you changed into after washing up. “When does the recording start?” you sat next to Eunri and began eating the pancakes without looking up. “The PD said that it will be delayed to 11PM” Kai said and Eunri nodded, you turned to her with a raised eyebrow, “What do you know, unnie. You work for f(x)” you wiped your lips with a napkin and she chuckled, “I don’t know anything at all. Nothing at all” she winked at Kai.


You saw them wink and sighed, “unnie, are you dating Kai?” you asked which made them stare at you with disgust, “WHAT?”. “Get a room and stop winking in front of me” you chuckled and imitated them. “Aniyo! I am with Exo’s manag---“ she cupped and quickly took the cup in front of her to drink. “Exo’s manger, I know” you said and she spat out the water from . “Eww” you said jokingly and winked at her. “That’s not it” she tried to defend herself but then Kai began laughing, “manager hyung already told us about it, noona” he smiled and you looked at him, “so it’s official?” you looked at her until she nodded.



Holding onto the stage clothes in the SM building, ready to go for the schedule; you noticed that it was empty. Walking around to look for the other stylists, you went from room to room. “Why is this place empty?” you pouted and walked back to the room where you got the clothes. Locking the room, you turned around to find the other people. From afar, you noticed that there was someone going to the elevator; taking a deep breath, you reached the person just in time before she got in. “Krystal-ssi” you called out and she turned around with a shocked expression. “Neh?” she asked and you tried to breathe properly.


“Have you seen EXO’s other stylists? We have a schedule coming up and there is no one here” you explained and she tilted her head to think for a moment. “A schedule?” she asked and you nodded. In a second she began laughing out loud for no reason, “wae?” your eyes widened and she waved her hands, “I don’t think there is any schedule today for anyone, Heeyoung-ssi” she said and smiled widely at you. “Aigoo... but Kai said that their schedule had been delayed to 11PM” you said in confusion and she shook her head, “aniyo, I think Kai was playing around. All schedules are cancelled because everyone were told to go to Han river for a special shooting” she patted your shoulders and pointed to the elevator to signal that she was going.


Sighing once you got to an empty bench just outside the building, you stared at the sky that was getting dark. “Another day is gone” you mumbled and began to make way back home, walking down the streets you noticed that people were staring at you and began taking pictures of you. You stared at them and looked around to find any celebrities around but you were alone. You smiled at them and continued to walk, you pulled out your phone and dialled Kai’s number to complain about his false information but it didn’t go through. “Phone switched off?” your eyes widened and dialled Eunri’s number which gave the same result.


Looking at the contact list, you dialled the thirteenth person which was Kris. “Hello?” he answered in the first ring and you smiled despite people were still taking pictures of you walking and talking on the phone. “Where are you?” you asked and flagged a cab to get home quickly without any more attention. “I am at home, getting for the last shooting” he said and your eyebrows rose, “what shooting? Aren’t you suppose to be here for your schedule?” you complained and there was a long pause before he chuckled, “you went to the building? Are you still there?” he asked, changing the topic and you sighed, “I am going home now”. “Alright then see you later” he hung up and you puffed your cheeks as you placed the phone back in your pocket.


“UNNIE” you called out but there wasn’t any reply, you sighed again for the nth time and went for a long bath. ‘Why is everyone away today’ you changed into something comfortable and lay on the sofa to wait for Eunri to come back. It was 10PM already and you yawned as you watched TV. *brnnngg brnnngg* your phone vibrated and you reached for it before answering the call, “hello?” you answered and it was silent on the other end. “Hello?” you said again, “Heeyoung-ssi?” a man said and you sat up, “Ne” you answered back.


“Can you come over to Han River. Now”

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DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!!! kyakyakya


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Summer_xiong #1
Chapter 41: Awesome story!!!!
Hey guess what I noticed?
Throughout the whole story the only person from EXO that your missing is Baekhyun.......although he is not my bias he's still really cute :"]
Anyways this story is one of my favorites!!!!
Loved this story soooo much
(That's why I'm writing so much)
Chapter 39: Omg. So cuteeeeeeee.
Chapter 38: Haiz life keeps getting worse for hee young.... update soon author-nim!
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 38: Hmmm....i feel bad about heeyoung-ie.. i hope nothing happens to her.. and i feel great that woohyun and her are finally together!!! i've been waiting it!!... thank you for updating and update again :)
Chapter 27: this story makes me an exotic .. :))) but still im a #1 inspirit ^^
Chapter 15: Hyunri !!! get lost !!! aiisshh ..
Trix19999 #7
Chapter 35: Yeah you update!!!!!!! I mean double updates.. I hope that you update More often.. And. I hope the person who turned around is namuuuuu.. I hope heeyoung and woohyun will be together.. Authornim please please update again.. Thank you for updating.. Update again....I Miss You.. Bogoshipoyo!!!
Chapter 35: I hope it is woohyun
Chapter 35: Yay!!! Two chapters!!
is it woohyun?!?! I hope so!!
Trix19999 #10
Chapter 33: Yeahs you updated!! Hmm I hope they will know the truth!!! And I hope woohyun and here young Will be together again.. Thanks for updating..update again!!