
Why are you being like this? (Sequel To 'Are you our anti fan?')

You studied the figure before ‘it’ turned around, but before the figure faced you; different thoughts came up to your head. ‘Eunri unnie is not this musculine~. Kai is not this short! Lay is not this built; Kris doesn’t know how to cook~ I think. This must be my hallucinations’ you tried to shake the thought off until you met eyes with the person. You were stunned, “who are you?” you asked the person, hoping that it would be someone else.


“You got to be kidding me” you spat. You didn’t know why you were acting like this; you knew you missed him a lot. You knew that missing him a lot was useless so why are you imagining Woohyun in your kitchen, making you breakfast.


Until he smiled, “it’s me, Heeyoung-ah” you shook your head when you noticed tears forming in your eyes. “I must be dreaming, this cannot be real. Woohyun oppa is with Hyunri. Woohyun oppa hates me. Woohyun oppa slapped me. Woohyun oppa---“ you were interrupted when he appeared in front of you.

“Forgive me” he said in a low voice, lifting his hand to wipe your tears away.


Ignoring his presence, you made your way to the living room and sat on the couch, lifting your legs and hugging your knees. Tears fell down continuously, “why are you appearing in my life again? You shouldn’t be here! You shouldn’t be in Beijing” you cried out loud and covered your face in the cushion to stop your cries.



[Woohyun’s POV]


I remembered the address that Eunri sent me a night ago. I grew nervous when I thought of Heeyoung, I don’t know how she will react to my presence. I just wish she won’t chase me away like the way I did to her. I felt ashamed of my actions; I don’t feel like a man anymore.

Boarding the plane alone, the other members had planned not to come with me even though they showed me their boarding pass that night. It was fake.


I waited for the plane to take off but when it did, my heartbeat increased. Just four hours and I will be breathing the same air that Heeyoung is breathing. Standing on the same land that Heeyoung is standing; I tried to think of ways to confront her. Knowing her personality, I knew that she won’t give in easily especially to what I said to her.

Half an hour left and I am getting off the plane, I tried to think of ways but every time I grew confident of my idea, Heeyoung’s crying face would appear and my heart would break.



I flagged a cab to the apartments with my limited Chinese. I made my way to EXO’s dorm which Eunri instructed me to; to get the apartment key.

I knocked and Chanyeol opened the door with a sleepy face but once he noticed it was me, his eyes became serious and I knew I was going to get loads of coming at me.

“Come in, you head” he said in a low voice and I nodded. I couldn’t care less of the nicknames, I deserve them.

Eunri crossed her arms as soon as she saw me, “You know what?” she said as soon as the door closed from behind. I shrugged and she sighed, “I hate you from the bottom of my heart. We all do and I am 101% sure that Heeyoung would not accept you again” she smiled and I nodded with my head low.


Kai approached me and glared through his dark eyes, “Hyung, can I do something?” he asked me, I nodded; “sure”

Within a second, a punch was flung towards me, I felt me body go unbalanced and fell on the floor. “KIM JONGIN” I could hear the members growl at him, “its okay, guys” I raised my hand to assure them. “That’s for Heeyoung noona” he frowned before blowing another punch to my face, I felt my cheeks sting. “That’s for ignoring her in the rain when she was already sick! And trusting that !!” he shouted at me, “that’s enough, Jongin” I heard the tallest of them say but Kai was numb to their voices. “I would like to give you thousand more punches so that you can die and disappear from Heeyoung’s sight” he threatened.


I felt a warm liquid run down my nose, Eunri’s eyes widened “Woohyun, you’re bleeding” she panicked and I shook my head to stop her from coming over. Kai looked away from me, “I know I have done so many wrong things. I regret everything; if you want to kill me? Please do so” I understood how Heeyoung felt the day she came to the practice room. One against seven, a female against a nasty female and six males. I sighed and looked up, Lay approached me with a tissue. His expression was dark.


“I don’t like to go against people but Woohyun hyung has gone too far. Do you even know how worried Myungsoo, Kai, Eunri and I was? I attended to her was she was not feeling well, Myungsoo was by her side mentally and always cheered her on unlike some one in front of me, Eunri was always worried over her twenty four seven. You might misunderstand minor things but even though I don’t know if Kai has feelings for Heeyoung or not but he wasn’t so stupid for tossing her away when she didn’t return his feeling.

Exo will always be by Heeyoung’s side even if you like it or not” I listened to Lay’s words. I feel wrong for my actions. I regretted more.



Eunri walked in front of me and passed me the keys, “You have one last chance, but if you hurt her one more time. You are going down because I know that Infinite will go against you as well” she gave her signature smirk and patted on my shoulder.


“All the best hyung” Lay’s expression changed, so did the rest except Kai. I ignored him and bowed to all of them before making my way to Heeyoung.


I quickly washed my face once I got in and made sure it wasn’t going to be visible when she sees me. I hurried to the kitchen and made her favourite breakfast. I wasn’t so sure if she will still like it. Placing all the plates and utensils on the table, I turned to the sink to wash the frying pan.


Just then, I heard Heeyoung shout, “Yahhh---“ I jumped in surprise and turned around to see her stunned on the spot. She grew thinner, her hair was a bit longer then the last time I saw her.



“Who are you?” I heard her ask, I grew confused. Is she trying to chase me away? She stood still on the spot until she continued, “You got to be kidding me” she didn’t sound happy to see me. I walked closer to her and smiled, “it’s me, Heeyoung-ah”, she began shaking her head. “I must be dreaming, this cannot be real. Woohyun oppa is with Hyunri. Woohyun oppa hates me. Woohyun oppa slapped me. Woohyun oppa---“ my heart was broken into millions of pieces when I heard her voice break. I saw her tears fall down to her cheeks.

‘I must have given you a hard time’ I asked for forgiveness as I wiped off the tear on her cheek.


Before I could continue, she ran off to the living room. I chased after her until I saw her sitting on the couch, crying non-stop. “Why are you appearing in my life again? You shouldn’t be here! You shouldn’t be in Beijing” she shouted out in her cry. I ran to her side and pulled her up from the couch. I stared at her wet face and immediately, I held her tight. I didn’t want to let go, but she didn’t move from the hug neither. She kept crying.


“Shhhh, Heeyoung-ah stop crying, you don’t want to have swollen eyes tomorrow” I tried to sound like the old days; she shook her head and pushed me off. “I hate you so much, so you know that?” she sniffed as she told me. I nodded; don’t know how to respond to her. I breathed in and held onto her hands before she would walk away again.

“I want you to listen to me” I began and she sniffed.

“I am truly sorry for what I have done, I regret doing all immature things to you. Leaving you out in the rain, slapping you cheek...” My voice wondered off and looked down on the floor. “I have already gotten my punishment from your friends but if you want to give me a good slap or punch, I will withstand it” I trailed off again.


I stared into her eyes that were still wet from tears, “I still haven’t forgiven you for throwing freezing cold water at me” she blinked and I pulled her into a hug again. “Heeyoung-ah please forgive me for all I have done wrong” she chuckled and I felt my cheeks go upwards as I smiled.

“How shameless have you gotten after you’ve been with Hyunri” she said in a joking manner and I pouted. I felt my cheeks being pulled and a giggle was heard.


“I forgive you”


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DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!!! kyakyakya


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Summer_xiong #1
Chapter 41: Awesome story!!!!
Hey guess what I noticed?
Throughout the whole story the only person from EXO that your missing is Baekhyun.......although he is not my bias he's still really cute :"]
Anyways this story is one of my favorites!!!!
Loved this story soooo much
(That's why I'm writing so much)
Chapter 39: Omg. So cuteeeeeeee.
Chapter 38: Haiz life keeps getting worse for hee young.... update soon author-nim!
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 38: Hmmm....i feel bad about heeyoung-ie.. i hope nothing happens to her.. and i feel great that woohyun and her are finally together!!! i've been waiting it!!... thank you for updating and update again :)
Chapter 27: this story makes me an exotic .. :))) but still im a #1 inspirit ^^
Chapter 15: Hyunri !!! get lost !!! aiisshh ..
Trix19999 #7
Chapter 35: Yeah you update!!!!!!! I mean double updates.. I hope that you update More often.. And. I hope the person who turned around is namuuuuu.. I hope heeyoung and woohyun will be together.. Authornim please please update again.. Thank you for updating.. Update again....I Miss You.. Bogoshipoyo!!!
Chapter 35: I hope it is woohyun
Chapter 35: Yay!!! Two chapters!!
is it woohyun?!?! I hope so!!
Trix19999 #10
Chapter 33: Yeahs you updated!! Hmm I hope they will know the truth!!! And I hope woohyun and here young Will be together again.. Thanks for updating..update again!!