Literate writing partner ad. Available on Twitter and Discord (other social platforms can be considered)


Hello. I swear I'm not a boring person but my friend made one of these and he's having the time of his life, therefore here I am requesting a writing partner with decent plot ideas and writing skills. Not asking for much :)

My faceclaim is usually Wang Yibo but sometimes I do Johnny and Baekhyun. Whichever you'd prefer. 

To be honest... I dont normally have a faceclaim preference for my partner but I want to see Chicha Amatayakul (specific I know) the actress that played Nanno from Girl from Nowhere. I am incredibly thirsty. 
Other than that, any lovely person would be good to me. 

I am of age, so please. 


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fuqqer #1
Not sure if you're still looking but feel free to add me!
My discord's @cyan#1343

I usually fc Wang Yibo so this is actually more of a let's be friends invitation, since I don't see him around very often!
I can write as whoever, I don't mind.
Discord @ hpforlxfe#4447