Chapter 6

My Life With Suju!

~~{ Heechul's POV }~~
" Heenim? Can you tell me more about Hangeng? "  Ashley asked, giving me a kind and caring look.
I felt something deep in my heart. Almost like butterflies mixed with heartbreak with a hint of dropped heart-rate.
" Well...." I started, not wanting to go into this because I was afraid that I was going to fall apart. ".... Hangeng was a wonderful person. "
I took a deep breath before continuing. I folded my hands on the table.
" I helped him out a lot when he joined the group. His Korean wasn't too good, since he came from China, but I was always there for him as a friend, " I looked up to see her nodding her head and looking distant yet interested.
" We became great friends. When we used to live at the old dorms, he would cook his very own special Bejing Fried Rice, and trust me, it was possibly the best rice on Earth, " I smiled a little bit at the great memories we had together, and when I would help him cook, even if I always ended up burning it. I sighed. " Too bad he had to go and sue the company. At least he's back home in China now, going on with his solo singing career. He's probably happier now. "
" Do you think he misses you? " she askes, then thanks Ahjussi for bringing us our food.
" Maybe. I really don't know. He never gave me any contact information before he left, except for his cell phone number, but he got a new phone, so I can't really talk to him, " I sighed again and pushed around a piece of brocolli with my chop sticks.
" Heenim, you have to see him before you leave for the army! " she said eagerly, grabbing my hand.
I looked up to see her bright, smiling face. Yes, I still had feelings toward her, but so what?! I think that this is more important.
" I don't know... Manager hyung probably won't let me go, especially with the busy schedule and all. Besides, I have to leave next week, that gives me practically no time to go to China, " I said and pulled my hand back. I sighed and popped a greasy piece of pork into my mouth. Mmm, Ahjussi never fails to create the best food ever.
" Oppa~ Never give up~ " she said in a sing-song tone.  I just shrugged my shoulders and continued eating my Happy Family (A\N: I know it sounds weird, but, trust me, it's just stir fry!! Here's a picture:)

I heard her sigh in frustration as she went back to her food as well.
I set my chopsticks on my napkin and took a sip of my tea. I looked at Ashley. She looked kind of disappointed. I pouted and sighed again.
" Fine, " I brushed a hand through my hair as she lifted her head. " But you're coming with me! "
She smiled brightly.
" Yay! Field trip with my buddy! " she clapped her hands. We both continued to chow down on our food.
' Love, Oh baby my girl~ ' the first part off Marry You came through the speaker of her phone.
Ashley reached for her phone.
" Jagiya? " she said into the speaker. Oh, it must've been Eunhyuk. Made sense, with that ringtone and all.
I decided to block out their conversation so I wouldn't be eavesdropping.
~~{ Ashley's POV }~~
" Jagiya? " I said when I answered the phone, knowing that it was Eunhyuk from the ringtone I set for him.
" Ashley? Where are you? " he answered in a whinning voice.
" Oh, Hyukkie, I'm with Heechul right now. We just went out to go shopping and get something to eat, " I said and sipped my tea, even though it was my least favorite beverage.
" You're not cheating on me with him, are you? " he said in a worried tone.
" Of course not! " I laughed.
" Well, come home soon. Remember, we are going to go house hunting tomorrow! " his voice was cheerful now.
" Um, hang on, " I covered the speaker and looked back up at Heechul. " When are we going to go to China? " I asked him.
" Tomorrow! " he smiled brightly. " There's not much time! "
I shrugged and went back to my conversation with Eunhyuk.
" Sorry Hyukkie, I already promised Heechul I'll go with him to China tomorrow. He's going to go visit Hangeng before he leaves for the Army, " I said, sounding a little depressed, even though going to China would be more fun than house hunting.
" But, you told me that you were going to go with me, " he sounded extremely upset.
" I know, but I totally forgot. Listen, we have forever to go house hunting! Heechul's leaving next week and I'll feel bad if I don't go with him, " I said, trying to sound as reassuring as I could.
" You're just going to go with him so you can cheat on me with him! And Hangeng too! " he yelled through the phone.
" Oppa... I would never do that! You're my husband! " I said back to him, trying not to yell.
" And how exactly is that going to hold you back when you're away from me in another country! " his voice began to crack and he sounded like he was on the brink of crying.
" Hyukkie, I'm not trying to hurt you. It's just that Heechul's my best friend and all and he wants to visit Hangeng before he has to leave. You are taking it too seriously! " I said, placing my hand on my pounding forehead. I didn't want to argue with him right now.
" Oh, am I?! Listen, Ashley, I married you because I love you, not so that you can go run off with other guys! " he yelled at me. My eyes began to water.
" It's nothing like that! I thought that you, out of all people, would understand me! You're my husband! You know how much I love you, because I agreed to marry you. Now listen. I don't want to fight. I don't want to end up like one of those couples who fight every night and end up leaving each other, " I was sobbing by now. " Don't let that happen. "
He was silent on the other end.
" Just, don't worry about me. I won't do anything that I'll regret. You are the only one that I love. Always, " I said, wiping away my tears as Heechul looked at me sadly with wide eyes.
" .... I love you too..... " he said quietly and sobbed a little.
" I promise that as soon as I get back from my trip, we'll go house hunting, " I said.
" But, I got the day off tomorrow. There's no way manager hyung will give me another day off, " he replied with a sigh.
" Don't worry, we'll figure something out. "
" Okay. I hope you have fun on you're trip. You're still hanging out with Heechul, right? "
" Uh, yeah, " I said, glancing back at him. He was still looking at me but he looked away when I looked at him. He began picking at his food.
" Can I talk to him? " he sounded super serious.
" Sure, " I handed the phone to Heechul and told him that Eunhyuk wanted to talk to him.
" Yes? " he said into the phone.
I don't know what Eunhyuk said to him, but it made his eyes go huge.
" H-hyung? No! I'd never! " he said, looking part terrified, part nervous.
" Aish. Yes. Yes, I know, " he said, nodding his head. " Don't worry, I won't. "
He handed me back the phone.
" Ashley? " Eunhyuk said through the speaker.
" I'm here jagiya. "
" He's safe. I trust you, okay? Don't do anything behind my back, " he said in a serious tone.
" For the millionth time, I won't okay? " I laughed. " We can talk when I get back. "
" Okay. Love you~ " he sounded sweeter now.
" Love you too, bye~ " I blew him a kiss through the phone and hung up.
I turned back to Heechul and smiled.
" Everything's good now! " I looked back down at my near empty plate. There was only a few spare vegetables left. My rice bowl was completely empty. My glass of tea was half full.
" Finish up, then we can go somewhere else! " He said, clapping his hands together. I smiled and ate the rest of my food quickly.
Heechul left the money and our plates at the table and we headed onward and outward.
" So, where to next on this wonderful journey? " I said and glanced at the time on my phone. 4:30 pm.
" How about we just walk around for a bit before heading back home, " he grabbed my hand and led me foreward.
He ended up dragging me to the small park we visited that one time a while ago with all of the members. The sun was still up and was causing the water to shimmer in the light.
He pulled me over to a tree and sat down in its shade. He patted the grass beside him and I sat down.
" Heechul ssi. Do you really have to leave? " I said, laying down on the cold grass. I looked up at the clouds passing by, noticing how one of them made the shape of a cat.
" It's the law. Trust me, I 'm not going on my own free will. If it was my decision, there would be no war. Nobody would have to go off into the Army, " he said in a sad, far-away voice.
" Heenim? " the wind slightly brushed my hair over my ears, causing me to wipe it back to the side.
" Yes? " he turned towards me.
" Is Hanchul real? " I asked as I continued to watch the clouds. Heechul relaxed and laid down as well.
" What do you mean? "
" Is Hanchul real? " I asked again. " You know, you and Hangeng. "
" You mean, like friends? Yeah, " he sounded a little uncomfortable with talking about this.
" No, I mean like more than friends, " I felt a little nosy. This was his business and I shouldn't be getting into this.
" We'll both find out when we go to China, " he said reassuringly as he stood up and offered a hand. I grabbed it and he helped me stand up.
" Come on, we should head back home now, " he smiled and led the way back home.
I continued to wonder. Did Heechul still like me? Was there something special between him and Hangeng? How many secrets is he hiding?
Heechul, who are you really? 



did you like it?
I just REALLY wanted to put Hanchul in this, because I KNOW it's really reall! ^^

and I miss them both so much T.T


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Wonapham #1
i like it, awesome
Chapter 2: your story is so cute
@suju_lover_forever: glad you like it so much ^^ Be sure to read the triquel too!
suju_lover_forever #4
i love it!!!!!!!!1
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Glad you like it xD
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #6
@SuzyLee: Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you ^^ Yes, the next story will have more AshHyuk and more everything else. I'm prepared for your fangirling xD
@AnimeKitty: Wuv you too unnie xD
AnimeKitty #9
I can't wait for the triquel!!!!! Wuv you donsaeng!!!!!! ^3^
My fone is sparking with me....instead of September I meant see..anyways...I almost died when I saw the completed sign...then calmed down when I saw that there would be more AshHyuck...u r right...I am Ashhyuck's number 1 fan