Chapter 11

My Life With Suju!

~~{ Ashley's POV }~~
The plane finally landed down in China. Heechul smiled brightly at me. I smiled back at him and glanced out the window. We slowly touched down and everyone left the plane.
We headed towards the airport to get our luggage. Heechul grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly.
" I'm so excited! But I'm kind of nervous too, " he said and handed me my suitcase as he took it off of the conveyor belt.
" Why? Isn't Hangeng like your best friend? " I asked, rolling my emerld green suitcase behind me. People pointed and smiled as we walked by, probably thinking that we were a couple. I simple rolled my eyes and walked onward.
" Yeah, but what if he forgot about me? What if he's different now? " he asked and gave me a worried look.
" Heenim, don't be so negative, " I gave him a quick hug and smiled up at him. " Might as well find out, though. "
He smiled and skipped ahead, singing " Gee ".
' Oh, please, don't draw attention to yourself ' I thought. As he danced and sang, people were pointing and laughing at him. I laughed and ran up to him.
I grabbed his arm and tugged him foreward.
" Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby~ " he continued as we headed out of the airport
" What's wrong with you? " I asked while laughing.
" I'm HYPER!!! " he said, bouncing around.
" Wow, you're never like this at home! " I said and hugged him to try to calm him down.
" But it's not everyday that you get to see your long lost best friend! " he argued back, pouting. I smiled and headed out to the taxi that was waiting for us. I handed Heechul the address so that he could tell the cab driver to take us there in Chinese.
He told him in very fluent Chinese and we headed off.
Hangeng lived in a big apartment building surrounded by several business buildings, including the one he worked at. I looked around at the buildings. It was slightly different from Seoul, mostly since they all had signs in Chinese rather that Korean. I was surprised to see a small shop with several Super Junior related items.
I stepped out of the cab and grabbed my suitcase from the trunk. Heechul grabbed his stuff and we walked towards the apartments. We headed up to the apartment number on the paper.
Heechul grinned at me before nervously knocking on the door. I shyly hid behind him, clinging onto his t-shirt with one hand and my suitcase with the other. We waited about 20 seconds before someone finally opened the door.
Standing there in front of us was a tired looking Hangeng with his hair brushed over and to the side. He had silver sunglasses sitting on top of his head, a black jacket and white t-shirt combo, and torn skinny jeans. He must have been practicing for his song earlier.
Heechul smiled brightly and waved at him.
Hangeng mumbled something in Chinese and looked closer at him. His eyes grew wide.
" Ah, Heechul! " he said and smiled. He gave him a hug and led him in, leaving me, standing there akwardly.
Heechul looked at me and then turned back to Hangeng. He introduced me in Chinese and I bowed gratefully.
" Hangeng speaks Korean, so you can talk to him in Korean if you'd like, " he told me. I nodded.
" Annyeonghaseyo! It's nice meeting you, " I said, smiling at him. He smiled and turned towards Heechul, asking him something in Chinese. Heechul's face turned red and he shook his head, replying in Chinese. Hangeng laughed at him. He turned back to me.
" You better watch out for him, he doesn't like to let girls just walk past him, " he said and winked. I laughed and shook my head.
" I'm married, " I said and smiled. Hangeng's eyes grew wide.
" To him? " he asked and pointed at Heechul, who continued blushing. He led us in.
" No! I'm married to Eunhyuk, " I smiled and sat down on the welcoming leather couch. Heechul sat besid me and pouted. Hangeng sat on the other side of him. He leaned foreward and set his head on his hand so he could continue talking to me.
" Really? That monkey got married? " he asked surprised. I simply smiled and nodded. I tapped my wedding ring and showed him it. The beautiful diamonds glistened brightly.
" Can you two stop chatting? We came here because of me, " Heechul butted in, sounded a little irritated. I sighed and sat back. Hangeng did the same and turned back to Heechul. They began talking again in Chinese.
I thought and felt bad that at first we had totally ignored him. Besides, Hangeng was supposed to be Heechul's best friend, not mine.
~~{ Heechul's POV }~~
" Hangeng, do you like Ashley? " I asked him, feeling really stupid asking it.
" No, she's married. Besides, it seems like you have your eyes on her, " he smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

" As long as you're happy, I'm happy. "
I smiled brightly, seriously wanting to grab his perfect face and stare into his eyes for an eternity.
You guys must be wondering: what exactly is going on between me and Hangeng? Well, me and Hangeng are indeed best friends, but sometimes I think it's more than that (A/N: Bromance, that's what it is... :D click the word to watch the video!).
So in a way, Hanchul is real. Just for you to know. Now, back to the show.
" Thank you, but, I've learned to keep my feelings for her in a deep dark place. I don't want to hurt her or Eunhyuk. Me and her are just friends, " I squeezed his hand and smiled. He smiled back at me with a beautiful smile.

  (A/N: i miss him SOOO much!!! T.T )
The only place in the world I wanted to be right at that moment was right there, with Hangeng.
" Hey, are there any snacks? " Ashley butted in, holding her grumbling stomach. Hangeng simply laughed and stood up to show to the kitchen.
My mind was itching to know what was going on in there? Were they really just getting snacks? Or was he revealing my secrets to her? Or even worse, were they making out?!
I bit my lip nervously and shifted in my seat. I tried to move so that I could get a view around the corner and into the kitchen. I couldn't hear them, only quiet muffled voices. Even the television from the room below us was louder than them. I was extremely worried about what might happen.
I hesitated before standing up and heading towards the kitchen. I could slowly begin to make out parts of their conversation as I neared the kitchen. I stopped in the little hallway right outside the kitchen and listened carefully. Yes, I eavesdropped on them.
" Thank you for the chips, Hangeng. Can I call you Hannie for short? " Wait, a cute little nickname? No!!
" Sure. So, are you glad you came to China with Heechul? "
" Yeah, Heenim's my best buddy! "  They both laughed.
" Oh really? Well you can never beat me on his list! " Was I really that important to him?
I was kind of stuck to choose between Ashley ( a married woman ) or Hangeng ( a Chinese man ). So confusing!
" Well, I bet Heechul's waiting for us, we better head back, and we can find out who exactly comes first on his list. "
I jumped up and quickly slipped back into my seat. Great, now I had to choose.
They soon arrived after me and sat down on either side of me. I smiled brightly and stole one of Ashley's chips.
" Hey! Those are mine! " she pouted and playfully punched my arm. I smiled, glad that Kay and Hangeng weren't making out.
" Heechullie, " Hangeng said and set his hand on my leg. I turned towards him, looking into his deep, gorgeous eyes. I couldn't pull my eyes away from his.
" Who do you like better? Me or Ashley? " he asked me, making me come back to reality. I blushed, realising that Hangeng had noticed my staring. Then I remembered that I had been asked a question.
" Oh, uh, " I glanced between him and Ashley, weighing my options. I knew that this wasn't going to be an easy descision.
And I knew from then on that love is too complicated.


heyo! did you like it?
so, who will heechul pick? what will that person think? does hangeng like ashley? and what about heechul? how does he really feel?
why am i asking YOU all the questions?
Find out in the next episode of.....

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Wonapham #1
i like it, awesome
Chapter 2: your story is so cute
@suju_lover_forever: glad you like it so much ^^ Be sure to read the triquel too!
suju_lover_forever #4
i love it!!!!!!!!1
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Glad you like it xD
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #6
@SuzyLee: Why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you ^^ Yes, the next story will have more AshHyuk and more everything else. I'm prepared for your fangirling xD
@AnimeKitty: Wuv you too unnie xD
AnimeKitty #9
I can't wait for the triquel!!!!! Wuv you donsaeng!!!!!! ^3^
My fone is sparking with me....instead of September I meant see..anyways...I almost died when I saw the completed sign...then calmed down when I saw that there would be more AshHyuck...u r right...I am Ashhyuck's number 1 fan