
One. Two. Three.

"Now come and get me,” He said with a smirk.

I stared at him in astonishment. He was so mysterious. Before I could even react to what he just said, he had already done a 180 turn and sprinted off in the opposite direction. I did the same. I wasn’t sure why I was chasing him, let alone where he was going to take me, but if he wanted to play, then let’s play. 
I followed him down a dirt road that led to more broken down buildings. I looked while I ran, getting goose bumps from the creepy atmosphere it gave off. As we passed an old tire shop, I couldn’t shrug off the feeling that I was being watched through one of the broken windows. This place was freaky, and how Kai knew about it, I didn’t even want to know. I looked in front of me and noticed that Kai was slowing down. Hah, looks like I win. He was only about 10 feet in front of me when he started walking, and just to prove to him that I could beat him, I bolted forward and jumped right in front of him. Facing him, he was only about two three feet in front of me now. But, as I stood there enjoying myself, I saw Kai just standing there.
Within a second, his body hit the ground. 
He collapsed. I gagged at the sound his head made when it hit the pavement. I stood over him, replaying the scene in my head. The way that he had fallen… The way he lay on the ground… It was haunting. I bent down onto my shins to see what happened. His face had become pale, and his lips were becoming a light crimson color. I had seen this once before, and I sure as hell didn’t want to see it again. I carefully took my fingertips and placed them under his head. I closed my eyes as I pulled them back out, not wanting to know if anything had transferred onto them. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw no blood. Thank god. At least he hadn’t cracked his head open. I couldn’t help but feel that the way he fell was… haunting. I gently put my palm over his forehead, feeling his temperature. He was ice cold.
I frowned. I looked up and down his body, looking for any signs of trauma. I didn’t see any, but the way he had landed was a bit sickening. His arms were angled in a strange position so I took them and lay them on his chest. This made him look even worse; it looked like he was in a coffin. Goodness I whispered as I rearranged his arms, placing them at his side. I looked at his legs and questioned whether I should even bother check them since he wore pants. But, I decided to anyway, and lifted up the legs of his pants looking for any abrasions. There were none. As soon as I looked away, I gasped.
How could I not check if he was breathing!? I cursed under my breath, quickly bringing my ear to his mouth. It was so quiet, I think even my heart stopped beating to allow for his breath to be heard.
“Huu…”. I breathed the biggest sigh of relief I ever had in my life. I brought my fingertips up to his chin and felt a beat. At least he was technically alive. Even though he felt like he was frozen. I heard a howl off in the distance, giving me chills. I didn’t want to know what was out here. Where the hell are we? I asked myself.
I once again felt Kai’s face in the hope that it would feel warmer, but it was still just as cold. I looked him over once more and jumped as I heard another howl.
“Ouuuuuu!” It cried. It sounded closer, but I brushed it off. I needed to focus on Kai right now, and on how him and I would get out of here before sundown. Wondering what to do next, I spaced out and looked around. We were in such a strange place. A strange, frightening place. The sun was still high in the sky and was shining right on Kai. I hoped it would warm him up. I just sat there, waiting for him regain consciousness.
A few seconds later I felt something. I wasn’t sure if it was a breeze or if it was something else. I stayed there motionless, not knowing what to do.
It happened again.
I froze.
Something was breathing on my back.
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mincupin07 #1
Chapter 22: This is the best mafia fic ive ever read. Goodness, I NEVER WRACKED MY PILLOWS JUST HAPPY YEOL IS ALIVE
minniscule #2
Chapter 21: True! A very nice ending. <3
Chapter 17: omg this is so heart breaking, he was just a freaking kid!! LOVE the story by the way <3
Chapter 22: First off I normally hate OC's like I jut can stand them but OMG I LOVEDDDDD THIS
o.O this fanfic is sooooooooooo GREAT !!!! i'm speechless xD
where's the next button?

Wow, that was extremely well written!!! I love it! <3
It's hard to find great stories like these!! D:
I'm so going to read the sequel!! :D
Ah! A twist with a bro. Excellent plot. Kai's character was spot on and one of the better 'Kais' I have read. I agree with your readers: a sequel is a needed ;)

Another very good read! <3
wait...that's it?!?? OMG O_O pleassseee make a sequel!! so many questions!! CHANYEOL's ALIVE!! how!? and I want to know more about kai's past and this "mob"..o_O anyways, it was soo good! ^^