
The Sharp Knife of a Short Life


     The wind howled serenely against the cold gravestones. The sky was dark, outcast, and looked like it would rain at any moment. I didn’t care. If it rains, let it rain! Let the weather share the same feelings with me! I stared at the two gravestones which lay side by side from each other. One was engraved with the name, Nam Woohyun, while the other, Kim Myungsoo. Looking at these two gravestones, I couldn’t help but cry. They symbolized a painful past and a bright future which was now torn asunder. I walked away, carrying twice the burden I felt a month ago. Life wasn’t fair. Death was too cunning. I paused, and took one last glance at the two memorials. I covered myself with my black shroud and quickened my pace, not stopping to turn around. It’s over. I can’t do anything about it. I kept running, making my surroundings come into a blur. I need to get out of here; I need to be as far away I can. This place brings back too many memories. People turned and started looking at me, probably wondering why a woman dressed entirely in black was running as if someone was pursuing her. I couldn’t care less of what people thought about me. All I cared about now was myself. Call me selfish, call me self-centered. Heck, call me a criminal for living in this earth! That won’t ease the baneful feeling I have right now. I stopped running. I was tired. Why am I running away? I asked. Nothing will ever be the same anymore. Do I still have reason to live? I turned around just in time to see a huge car slam into me. I was flying, and then I felt brief pain. Then, I saw no more.




*** Forever in my memories ***

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akared #1
Chapter 3: omo!!!!!!!! why they have to end life like this??
well, love your story!
annrzdn #2
omg! I'm crying right now ;--;
yingfs #3
omg! im crying so hard right now!! its so sad!!! :(((
:(( I'm crying!
wow..that was..wow..first oneshot i ever cried to while reading.. :(
oh lolz i get the title now... thats sad:(
flabbycow #8
Oh mai god. Why'd you make them all die? :(
_Cookie_Kpop_Aigoo_ #9
So, if they are all in heaven, a love triangle...?
i love the ending of the first part... =)) so cool!