You Belong With Me (Pt.1)

Jiyoo Discontinued Stories

Yoohyeon's POV


"I'm here to withdraw my application" I said to the student in charge or whatever.



"Sorry but we can't accept withdrawals under volunteers" I hissed.



"Look here, Ga..hyeon-ssi. There's no way that you're partnering me with that spoiled brat, Kim Minji!" I yelled before slapping my hand on the table in front of them.



"We can't do anything about it, we needed the people. Hence, we put the sign 'no withdrawals' " She explained. I rolled my eyes at her.



"It's fine, I won't show up anyways" I gave up before turning around.


"You'll received a penalty if you do that" She added. I rolled my eyes before turning around.



"Why volunteer, then? You know that there's a chance we might be partnered together" I heard the voice from the person I didn't want to hear.



"Stop following me" I hissed.



"We have the same class, stupid" She said before walking ahead of me and glaring at me.



"Whatever" I said before passing her.



"Just know that I won't show up. You can do that event all by yourself" I said before going inside the classroom, passing her.


"Yooh!" I nodded at Dami who waved at me to sit next to her.



"What's up with you two? I heard you guys are partners for that event?"



"Yea, but I won't show up. I told her she can do everything" I scoffed.



"Yah.. you can't do that. You'll get a minus point or worse no point at all" I shook my head.



"My parents are the director of this University. I can basically do whatever I want, I've been academically doing really good. B- won't be that bad don't you think?" Dami sighed before shaking her head.



"I wonder who the spoiled brat is" I gave her a look.



"Obviously her. She doesn't even have friends because of it" I rolled my eyes before glancing at Minji sitting alone in front.



"Why do you hate her so much? It's not like you guys are exes or something.." 



"I just hate her, she hates me just as much. so.. I guess the feelings are mutual" I said while doodling on my notebook.



"Be careful, you might end up together" Dami joked.


"She wishes" I said sarcastically before glancing back at Minji. 


"Do you want to try it? Hook up with her?" Dami joked again. I gave her a look.



"She's not my type and besides, I heard she got a boyfriend" 



"having a type doesn't mean , and so? That's so unlike you.. but you know what? Maybe you shouldn't date her" She laughed. 


"Why not?" She gave me a look.



"Because you just told me there's no chance at all" She laughed again, I rolled my eyes at her.



Ms. Im walked inside the room and began setting up her lessons for today. My eyes followed her every move and of course my nosy seatmate noticed that.



"Well, that's your type I guess" She scoffed. I tapped my pen.



"I tried.. asking for her contacts, she just smiled at me and said no.. that doesn't even make any sense!" I whined.



"She probably knows your background, can't risk it" She flicked my forehead. I sighed while wiping my forehead trying to ease the pain.



"She's perfect" I muttered.


"If you think about it.. she does look similar to Minji, even the mannerisms" I glared at her.



"Stop pushing me with that girl. Not gonna happen, no" I said.



"Fine! Geez.." She said before putting her hands up playfully.



"Alright, so I heard some of you guys volunteered for the camping event? As you may know, I will be there and once the event ends I will make sure everyone who volunteered will get their extra points" Ms. Im said before giving us her angel smile.



"Damn.. is she the reason why you joined?" 


"Obviously, but now it's ruined" I said.


"What is the event about anyways?"



"Well.. we have to go to this camping site then plant some trees and yea, that's about it" She laughed.



"And you're partnering with Minji? Which means.. same tent? for 4days and 3nights?" I scoffed.



"I'll show up but I'm bringing my own tent and she can do all the work" I said while grinning.



"Isn't that too much? You know she's from a wealthy family too. She probably doesn't even know how to plant trees" I scoffed again.



"Then why did she volunteer?" 


"Points duh" 


We both got taken aback as soon as the bell rings while we're chatting. I grabbed my things and put it inside my bag before walking out of class.



"Kim Yoohyeon-ssi" That voice again..



"wae?" I turned around to face her. She's looking straight at me but what's that? I see no hate in those eyes.



"Here are the things you need to bring to the event" She handed me a paper, that's right.. I didn't attend the meeting. 


I grabbed it before walking ahead leaving her behind.



I looked at the paper before crumpling it and throwing it in the trashcan. She'll probably bring most of that stuff anyways. I just need to show her that I'm not interested.



I saw her boyfriend walking towards her, passing me. HyunwooI continued walking until I reached the stairs to the rooftop, my go-to place. 


I lit a cigarette before laying my body on the comfortable wooden planks where I always lay. I heard the door opened. I hurriedly hide. If they see me smoking, it's the end for me. My parents doesn't know and well, no one knows I smoke. My parents don't allow it too so.. I need to hide it.



"Why do you do this?? Am I not enough?? Hyunwoo-ah..  Why do you keep doing it?? Don't deny it!" Ah.. that girl. 


"I'm sorry babe.. That's the last time, I promised" I rolled my eyes. 


"I'm tired of looking like a fool to these people. I know you're cheating but I kept passing on it! Please change, Hyunwoo-ah" Hm..



"I will, I will. I'm sorry" It got quiet.



"Can we stop talking until you fixed yourself? Please?" I heard her say before hearing the door closed loudly.



It looks like both of them left. I slowly walked and sat on the wooden planks before inhaling my cigarette and dropping it on the floor and stepping on it.



"I didn't know you smoke" I widened my eyes before turning my head to face her.



"What are you.." 



"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I'm not nosy like that" She said before sitting down far away from me. I can see the redness that hugs her eyes.



I stood up, ready to leave her alone.



"You.. you're going right?" I knitted my eyebrows.



"to where?" 


"The event" She replied not looking at me.



"I already told you" I heard her sighed.



"Why do you hate me?" 


"I could ask the same thing. Minji-ssi, let's not associate ourselves with each other" I said before going down the stairs. 


"Oh, Yoohyeon-ssi" Ms. Im greeted me. Glad I went down before she could see me smoking. I gave her a bow before walking past her.


The next day.. 


I saw Minji with her bodyguards following her up to the gates. Tsk, she didn't even bow or say thank you to her bodyguards. 


"Yooh! There's a meeting for the event later at 6pm don't miss it, it's important" I nonchalantly nodded at Joohyun-sunbae.



I saw Yujin approaching me from a distance, I gave her a small smile. We hooked up once, what does she need this time??



"I volunteered, I heard you did so.." I gave her a look.



"Why'd you do that?" I said annoyed.



"I want to be with you" 



"Yujin-ah.. that.. was a one time thing" I explained quietly.



"but it wasn't for me.. and plus I heard you got partnered with that girl, don't you hate her?" I facepalmed myself. I hate myself when I'm drunk.. I say things I shouldn't.



"Yea, I'm dealing with it right now. Please don't add to the problem" I demanded before passing her.



"Whatever, but you're always welcome to my tent" She grinned before letting me go. 


I went to class and sat next to Dami. 


"Hey, It's the first time your girl didn't come to school" I looked at her confused.



"my girl? Huh? What are you talking about" She pointed at the empty seat infront of the room. 


"I just.. nevermind. She's not my girl" I said. I saw her got inside the gate earlier though.. 



"Did something happened to her?" I asked curiously.



"Why? Curious about her whereabouts now?" I glared at her.



"Yubin-ah.. you need to stop" I said seriously.



"No, I heard she skipped classes now" I narrowed my eyes before nodding. I doubt.



"Good for her" I said nonchalantly.



After the class with Dami, I hurriedly went to the rooftop and indeed, there she is sitting peacefully with her earphones on. I scoffed. I pulled one of her earphones out.



"Stop stealing my place" I said before looking at her. Oh.. she's crying.



She quickly wiped her tears before taking off her other earphones out. 


"What were you saying?" She asked softly.



"I said your music was too loud" I said before looking at the field facing infront of us.



"I'm not stealing your place, don't worry" She said before standing up. I looked at her.



"Are you going back with that face?" She looked annoyed.



"I'll go somewhere, this is your place right?" I scoffed.



"Yea, whatever" I said. 


"Look, I don't know why you hated me this much but to tell other people and make me feel like the bad one is not fair Yoohyeon-ssi. You don't know me, stop acting like you do!" 


"It was that one time.. wasn't it? I didn't mean it, ok?" She continued.


"Bring her back then" She gave me a look, the look of pain.



"How can I?? I don't know where she is! You.. you're misunderstanding it, don't judge me just because you saw us that one time together" I shook my head.



"She was your only friend, yet you drove her away. Just how worse can you get, Minji-ssi?" I felt a sting on my cheek.



"You know nothing" She said before storming out. I scoffed before touching my cheek. How dare she slap me..



I went downstairs and inside the restroom. , just how strong is she? My cheek is so red right now. The door opened revealing her. I scoffed before washing my hands.



"Sorry" she apologized, surprising me a little bit.



"whatever" I replied. She started washing her hands, I saw a bruise on the back of her wrist. I knitted my eyebrows before unconsciously grabbing her forearm.



"Why? You're.. hurting me" She said before taking my hands off her.



I looked at her but she's avoiding my eyes, she looked at the mirror before fixing her uniform and walking out of the restroom. I swear.. I saw a bruise there..


I saw her talking to some juniors in the hallway where there's not a lot of students.


"Here's the copy of the notes you missed, Jiu-sunbae" I saw her take the notes out of their hands rudely before walking past them. I quickly followed her before snatching the notes away from her.



"What are you doing?? Give it back!" She said angrily.



"Woah.. quiz notes? You.. you're really something huh. Pretending to be innocent yet you're the worst" I scoffed, she tried snatching the notes from me. 


"What would happen if Ms... Choi? Found out about this, huh?" I said teasing her.



"Give it back, Kim Yoohyeon" I laughed.



"you really treated those students like trash, not even a single thank you? You're really a spoiled brat" She gave up reaching for the notes.



"I paid them, ok? That should be enough" She said.



"Woa.. what a spoiled brat. If you skipped classes, own it. Don't cheat your ways" I scoffed before shoving the notes to her.



"Why? is that what you do?" I looked back at her.



"I'm smart, I don't need to cheat" I said sarcastically.



"Yeah, right" She said before fixing her bow and her skirt. 


"I thought you were smart, turns out you're just a con artist" She glared at me, I gave her a smirk before throwing the notes off the floor, landing in the puddle on the ground floor. 


"You're right, I don't need it" She said before walking past me and bumping on to me.



The bell rings indicating that lunch break is done. I quickly headed to my class while waiting for her to show up. 


"Seems like you're waiting for someone" I heard Bora teased.



"Shut up" 


"You obviously like her, why pretend to hate her?"



"I don't like her, I despise her" 



Ms. Choi walked inside the room and quickly handed us our quizzes for today. hm.. this looks different from the paper I saw Minji was holding.. 



We all heard the door opened, revealing Minji. 


"Sorry, Ms. Choi.. I ran into some problems.." I looked at her up and down. She looked fine, why was she late? 


"Hey, that's your girl" I slapped Bora's arm before giving her a look.



"You and Yubin better stop teasing me" I said.



"Or else..?" I rolled my eyes before focusing my attention to the quiz.



We got dismissed as soon as everybody finished the quiz. I stretched before grabbing my things and my bag. I saw Minji walking alone with her head hung low. 



"hey you got any plans later?" Bora asked.



"Yea.." I said before walking past her and following Minji.



"Stop following me" She stopped.



"Please stop! Why do you keep on foll--" She stopped after realizing it's me.



"Who keeps following you?" I asked. I saw blood stains on her ribbon. It's pretty noticeable up close.


"Don't worry about it" She said before turning around and walking ahead.



"Where's your good-for-nothing boyfriend?!" I asked, still following her.



"I asked a question" I said annoyed as I grabbed her wrist because she kept on just walking.



"And is that blood stains on your ribbom?" 


"Can you please stop bothering me?" She stopped before facing me again.



"Why are you suddenly so interested in me?? Since you're being nosy and all, my nose bled an hour and a half ago, hence I was late" 


"Don't get it wrong, I'm in no way interested in you" I scoffed.



"THEN STOP FOLLOWING ME!" She yelled surprising me. 


I stopped walking before turning around and started walking towards the elevator.



Why did I follow her anyways? 


End of Yoohyeon's POV

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Donnaolgah_2 #1
Chapter 2: Aaaaahah I need more .
wenrene012 #2
Chapter 2: Waaa this is such a good start 😭😭😭 i hope some Jiyoo writers take interest on this and continue. It was a nice story and i'm genuinely hoping for more 🙏