Love Anguish

Love Anguish

I was walking to the shop you worked at, with your birthday present. It was a rainy day i was upset because i thought we could have a nice night out. I was happy to finally see you after a week since i was away. I decided to surprise you at the time you got off.

When i was about two shops down from where you worked, i saw you walk out with some guy he was holding your hand and you looked at him how you would always look at me, than he grabbed your cheek to kiss your lips, you wrapped your arms around his neck.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I started to tear up, i was angry & hurt. I wiped my tears and calmed myself a bit. I decided to go up to you and give you your gift. Yea i looked like an idiot, but if it made you feel bad, it was enough for me.

'Hey Junsu.( i said this with the biggest fake smile on my face) ......'

'Y-Yoochun..w-when did you get back?....'

'Today...i wanted to surprise you with your gift but i see you are busy so here take care Junsu! Bye....'

'Yoochun .....wait!'

I kept walking away as you called my name over and over. When i felt your voice getting closer i started to run. The rain started to pour i kept running untill i got home, i was soaked when i got in. I didnt want to hear you explanations. Your lies, I've heard them enough. I now see how blind i was, how i fell deeper in love, but it was one sided all along. I am actually glad i found out. I admit my heart broke, i really did love you.

You kept calling me that entire night. I didnt answer it because i knew that if i did i would take you back because despite what i saw . . . . . . i still love you.


Hello i got this idea today idk, i was at work i decided to write something i got and idea. Well thanks for reading hope you liked it....comments are loved (: ...k bye!

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it needs a sequel...story seems incomplete
I agree with "Skypeia126", BAD Junsu! He needs to be punished! Sequel please.
Skypeia126 #3
Bad Junsu =(
Ohh! How I wish Chun will open d door n 'punish' Su, ahahaha
uknown123 #4
omagah! so sad T-T junsu, you naughty! poor chunie!

i kinda want moar! moar! XD