i don't rinse my noodles


now that i've got your attention, please spare me more.


hi! it's been a while since i last met new people and made friends, so this is an attempt to change that. i'm looking for new friends and not interested in anything romantic at the moment, but if the spark is there!! /j i really just wanna make new friends for now.

about me:

  • i'm a plus with messed up sleeping schedule, so your tz doesn't really matter to me. if we click, i'm more than willing to lose more sleep for you.
  • my fcs are mostly women, but i fc men when i feel like it. i will let you facechase me btw!! so just let me know if you ever want me to fc your kpop girls/boys. ;)
  • i'm of age () and only comfortable talking to people around my age. (sorry, minors!)
  • i'm not much of a gamer, but i will watch your stream and hype you up if you wanna. i do have plato though!
  • i love spending my free time watching stuff, so if you're looking for someone who will hb with you for hours, you've come to the right person!! i'm into pretty much everything. i don't really watch c-dramas and animes, but i will watch it with you and listen to you talk about it for hours as we watch it.
  • i flirt as a joke sometimes, so if you're into mindless flirting ;) but let me know if you're uncomfy with it!
  • i'm down to plot. if you ever need a hug or wanna go on those movie-like dates, we can definitely do that! if you wanna pretend to be exes who accidentally meet each other in a bar, we can definitely do that too! anything as long as it's sfw.
  • (but) i'm mainly looking for people i can talk to in dms. we can talk about anything and everything: astrology, conspiracy theories, your kpop girls/boys, your day, your pet peeves, your interests, or maybe even your ex /hj. we can also argue about why i should be rinsing my noodles before i eat it or why i shouldn't be pouring my milk first before cereal. anything to keep the conversation going! i'm not the best when it comes to 1-on-1 conversations, but i promise i won't half- my replies. 
  • i've been trying to get into card bots again, so let me know if you play! i'll spoil you if i have what you're collecting.
  • i'm also down to cpdp and match statuses with you. maybe if we're close enough, we might even make it to each other's bio.

if you're still unsure, here a testament from a cute friend who told me they'd sell me hard:

  • not to be biased or anything since i'm her bestfriend, but she's really fun to talk to. i could talk to her about so many things for hours and we wouldn't run out of things to say. she knows how to keep a conversation going despite her saying that she's dry. she's not dry Dry, she just uses proper punctuation LOL.
  • i also like hanging out with her a lot because she's almost always down to spend time with you if you just know how to ask. or she'd even just hit you up randomly to ask you to watch something with her (which i find sweet).
  • she makes really cute edits, doesn't have to be romantic. she makes a lot of edits for her friends because that's how she shows affection (yes she is kinda a tsun but like in a cute way)
  • she knows what she likes and what she hates so she will probably argue with you about many things if you have varying opinion (in a good way). if you're into friendly banter, she's really good at it :D 
  • she won't lie to you. she's pretty straightforward despite being somehow emotionally constipated, she won't hesitate to tell the truth. that's very hard to come by these days but at least i can vouch that she won't lie to you. if she calls you cute, then she's saying the truth.

if you made it this far and you're still interested, leave a trace! my platforms are dc/twt/kkt, but i'm mostly on dc.


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Hello! You sounds so cute and fun to be with and that's triggered my interest. Here's my id for dc. Hope to hear from you soon! @ꫀỉ᭢కꪖꪑ#9696