Waking Up to Panic and Terror

All Roses Have Thorns

“Secure the building.  We are going on complete lockdown.  Let’s move it Roses!  Let’s move it!”  Hongki doesn’t hesitate to give the orders after seeing our damaged state.  Our eyes lock for a second, and there’s an instant understanding between us both.

     His eyes silently warn me that if any of us set one foot out of line we will not be getting out of here alive.  I convey to him that this new enemy is too dangerous for the Bunnies to risk anything at the moment.  In the same instant though we both let the other know that this changes nothing – the Roses and the Bunnies are still enemies.

     “Get the injured to the infirmary.  Now!”  Hongki orders loudly as the Roses hesitate to approach us. “And get Jonghoon to take care of them. They came to us so treat them respectfully.  That doesn’t mean you should let your guard down though.  They are still our enemy.”

     Three men approach us.  I recognize them from when we met with the Roses for negotiations over _______ and land.  I can only assume they are part of the highest circle within the Roses.  They come and take Himchan, Daehyun, and Jongup away from us, leaving me feeling exposed without half of the B.A.P.

     “This is for my sister.”  I hear suddenly coming from the youngest looking Rose.  He lands a punch on Jongup’s side causing my friend to yell out in pain.

     “YAH!”  I yell after him, unconsciously moving towards my friends.  Tension immediately fills the room.  The Roses all shift for weapons and wait quietly as they watch to see what I will do next. 

I can’t jeopardize our safety.  I don’t even know if any of the other Bunnies are safe right now or not.  Even so, I can’t just let this slide: “I did not come here for help to have you treat my wounded men badly.”  I turn towards Hongki my face gnarled in total disgust.

     “And I have no sympathy for those that mistreat my sister, even when they come to us for help.”  Seunghyun states nonchalantly. “But I won’t lay another hand on your precious B.A.P. I just wanted a small revenge.”  And with that he keeps walking out of the room and towards the infirmary.

     “Tiring.”  I hear Hongki whisper, as he lets his exasperation escape his lips. “The rest of you I will see in the meeting hall.  Units three and four, the rest of the Bunnies there.”  The orders are given so quickly and robotically.


     Ah! OH, why does my head hurt so much? I start move a little “AH!” A sharp pain runs through my side.  I lay still.  I have yet to really open my eyes.  My head still hurts too much – my body just feels exhausted.  I suddenly remember that Hongki had stabbed me.  Our entire confrontation comes flooding back to me.  I now don’t have any will to open my eyes.

     “She’s stirring, get the Boss” I hear a whisper coming from the room.  It’s one I don’t recognize. 

     “On it.”  Another voice sounds within the room – but this one was anything but a whisper.  I must have damaged my brain somehow with my argument with Hongki. Why can’t I recognize the voices of the people speaking around me?  I knew every single member of the Roses.  Who am I with?

     “Why does your boss care so much about her?”  I hear a voice resembling Daehyun’s. I really must have hit my head.  There’s no way that can be Daehyun.

     “Shut up Bunny scum.”  A voice commands, it is accompanied with a thud sound and a cry of pain.  “we don’t answer to you.”  A door opens and closes.  I hear the steps of three people walk out.

     My eyes fly open and I sit bolt upright. “AH! Damn it Hongki!” I curse to the air as the pain in my side doubles and I see stars before my eyes. I shouldn’t have sat up so quickly, but I need to confirm for myself whether I am truly am hearing Daehyun and what kind of situation I am in.

     I am breathing hard and am doubled over my legs.  The pain in my side is tremendous.

     “Are you ok?”  I hear the concern in the voice that has just spoken to me.

     “Jongup?”  I ask in a stupor.  I try to get into a position where I can actually see the faces of those in the room.

     “Don’t move, just take it slow.”  The familiar voice coos to me.

     “Daehyun?  Jongup?  Is it really you?”  I ask again.

     “Yes it’s us. Just take it easy.”  Jongup answers.

     My vision has finally cleared and I can see Daehyun doubled over his legs breathing hard – he was the one who got kicked.  I also see Jongup restrained on the wall next to me.  They both looked rather beaten up.

     It’s then that I notice I am restrained too – I can’t move my legs, and my arms are bound together in front of me.  Where the hell am I?  What happened while I was out?  We are clearly not in the infirmary of the Roses – nor are we in Bunny territory as far as I can tell.

     The room we are in reminds me of the padded rooms you see in psychiatric wards for patients who are harmful to themselves.  The walls aren’t white however – instead they are a perfect shade of aged white paint with blood and defecation stains running across them.  Clearly this is a place of terror and torture.    

     “What’s going on?”  I turn towards the two beaten and bruised B.A.P members. “Where are we?  What happened to you two? Where are the other B.A.P members?  Are they ok?”  I can’t stop the questions as they pour from my lips.  My brain is trying to compute fifteen things at once, and I allow panic to set over me.

     “We are in the hands of a new gang.  They are dangerous and well trained.”  Daehyun informs me.  “we still don’t know their name.”

     “As far as we know the Roses are safe, and Yongguk, Youngjae, and Zelo are safe as well.”  Jongup states – he is uncharacteristically serious.  “we were taken on a very targeted raid by this new group.  Do you happen to have any enemies we should know of?  Anyone that would want revenge on you?”

     “What?  What do you mean? ” I ask as I try not to think about what Jongup just said.  The absence of a certain name did not escape me, and I can’t even bring myself to acknowledge it or ask about it.

     “We were all in the Roses’ infirmary when this new group just swooped in.  They weren’t interested in anyone but you; though the leader commanded that the three of us be brought here with you.”  Daehyun clarifies.

     “Three of you?  Himchan’s here?”  Suddenly I am filled with hope.  He’s here!  He’s not dead.  He’s ok!

     “They took him away just a few minutes ago.  I don’t know if he is safe or not anymore.”  Jongup’s voice is filled with concern for his older member.

     Suddenly the door opens.  And in comes six hardened looking men.  A beaten and barely conscious Himchan is into the room.  He stumbles from the force and falls to the ground next to me.  He whimpers slightly from the pain he is in.

     “Bastards what have you done to him!?”  I snarl from rage.  I can’t control myself.  He is covered in bruises and wounds.  I snap.  “I will kill you when I get the chance.”

     “Ha” one of the burly men laughs at me. “Like you are in any position to speak?”  He says as he approaches me.  “Listen girlie, when we are done with you, you will be lucky if you will even be able to speak again, let alone walk.”  He threatens as he presses his face close to mine.  He is holding a chunk of my hair and forcing me to look at him.

     “I would like to see you try to kill him _______-ah” The voice is eerily familiar.  A shiver runs down my spine – I now realize just how much trouble I am in.

     “HyunA – long time, no see” I put on my brave face, though internally I am anything but, “I thought the street rats devoured you.”

     “You wish.”  Her answer is filled with rage.



Author's Note:  I added this chapter last weekend - and it still has not been reposted, so I am adding it again before adding the next chapter - I will delete this chapter if the old update of the same chapter ever appears again >.<

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I only updated the thank you to Roses - I am writing an entirely new story abotu BAP called "Prophecy"


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Chapter 36: Wow.... That was a very harsh but great story. I loved the ending! She gets with Himchan and Wonbin is not dead! Aww it made me cry so much too!
Chapter 36: at first, i hesitated to read this fic but suddenly changed at the end. i tell you author, it is indeed a good story. i just read it in one go. i stay up late just to finished this and it was worth it. though i admit uhm.. i'm quite not satisfied with the ending. for me, it would be great if you just elaborate what happened to the gang like that. coz you know author-nim(doing a pouty face?) i don't want an open ending. hul~~~ kamsahamnida authornim. :)
Chapter 36: Omg stayed up late to read this xD slightly confusing with pov changes but damn your story was badass good
onewjr #4
Chapter 36: ahh! i cried for nothing! grr!!! i loved it though
SimplyJady #5
Chapter 36: Oh.my.goodness. You played us! >:( I loved it!!!
Chapter 36: OMYGOSH WHAT?!! Hongki is still alive?!! Whaat?!! Whaat?!!!!!
Oh you, you're so sneaky!!! I knew Himchan was still alive but I actually fell for Hongki's death!! =0
soo I shed tears for no reason?! Lol
I was suspicious over Hongki's death but I was thinking maybe Jonghoon was responsible for it or something..but WOAH HE ENDED UP BEING ALIVE!! YAY!! =D

I liked how the end was bitter-sweet <3
Ah I can't believe you've finished it already =(
I know you took your time writing this and I waited life for updates but boy was it worth it and that's why I'm asking if there's any chance of a sequel?? (if you have time)

P.S ThankYOU for writing such an awesome story!! I loved it!! =D x
Chapter 36: loved it! from beginning to end
dragonsoup_ #8
Chapter 36: Woah.. Love this AWESOME story a lot. I didn't expected everything ended up this way tho.. You make this story completedly fit myself.. from the start till the end.. that's totally my style :) Btw, seriously this story is the best i've read.. and this will be the first time i comment on someone fanfic .. There's slightly confusion in it witch when you changed the person.. i mean i hope the next story you make.. you mentioned whos part this is xD I know im not allowed to give comment like this but I REALLY REALLY ADMIRE YOU GUYS! sincerely. <3
Chapter 36: This deserves a second part. JUST SAYIN.
And congratulations on this story. This is honestly the first story that has made me cried.
KittensCanKill #10
Chapter 36: *CLAPS* Loved this story so much! <3 Thank-you,a thousand times over, for writing this story! I loved every bit of it :D And I'm so glad Hongki is alive!!!