Adrenaline and Cruelty

All Roses Have Thorns

     As I have her under my shoe, keeping her pinned to the ground, I can’t help but remember when she spared my life.  That day when she learned that the man most precious to her had been killed by the Bunnies.  When Yongguk orders me to let her up I release her. 

     I offer her my hand to help her up; her shock at my friendly gesture is evident on her face.  I laugh inwardly.  She can’t seem to hide a single emotion on her face.  HIMCHAN! I scold myself, remember she is the one who killed your sister! Don’t go getting sentimental and soft now! For a long time I have been desiring revenge on the one who killed my sister; now, I am torn after discovering she is the same person who spared my life.

     “I won’t kill her Yongguk,” I tell Yongguk as he questions my own restraint.  “I’ve already settled my score.  I just want to know why.  Why did my sister have to die?  She wasn’t even in the Bunnies.  Why did you kill her?” When I finish I am surprised by my own lack of control on my emotions.

     I watch ______ closely now, seeing on her face, that she has remembered my sister, she’s remembered Jake, and Yongguk too.  Though I’ve heard the story from Yongguk many times, I need to hear it from her.  I need to know that my sister brought it upon herself. 

       When _______ explains everything herself I snap.  My sister really did run into the fight. What an idiot!  I told her not to get involved with Jake, it could only end badly. Suddenly I can’t stand the stuffiness of the room.  I need to get out of here.  Before I even consciously think about it I grab ______’s hand and run to my room.

     I don’t know what I am thinking.  In fact I am pretty sure there was no thought behind it.  My actions have become pure instinct. 

     I lock the door, and hear Yongguk yell at me from the other side.

     “Sorry, Yongguk.  I need to do this.” I respond.  I still don’t know what it is I need to do.  I am running on pure adrenaline and instinct, just like in fight.  There’s no time to second guess any action.

     I turn to face ______: “You killed my sister.”  I am surprised to see the look on her face as I say this.  It’s one of pain, and regret, but there’s no fear there.  Her eyes are searching mine.  I don’t plan on letting her know what I am thinking. 

      Damn it, why does she have to look at me like that?  Why did she have to spare my life that day?  Why did I have to fall for the woman who saved me?  Why did it have to be the same person I have been hating for the past three years?

     “Are you…” Her voice cuts through the room pulling me out of my thoughts.  She doesn’t finish her question though when I look up at her with a glare.

     “Who the hell do you think you are to do this to me?”  I snap at her.  “What right do you have to mess with me so badly?”  My conflicting emotions are making me upset. “Well, you’re not the only who can play that game.  Remember your precious wonbin?”

     “Don’t.  I don’t want to hear anything about him from you” She snarls at me, her voice low and threatening.

     “You don’t want to hear about how Wonbin died?” I know I am being cruel, but I can’t stop myself.  I want her to be in pain.

     “Stop.”  She is commanding me.  Using the same voice she probably uses to command the Roses as the Gilded Rose.  It is a formidable voice, but my better judgment has left me. I move closer to her.  I have her pinned up against the wall now.

     “Oh, come on now.  It’s a lively story to tell.  His only concern was you the whole time we had him here.”

     “YOU! DON’T!” She yells, as tears begin to form.

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I only updated the thank you to Roses - I am writing an entirely new story abotu BAP called "Prophecy"


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Chapter 36: Wow.... That was a very harsh but great story. I loved the ending! She gets with Himchan and Wonbin is not dead! Aww it made me cry so much too!
Chapter 36: at first, i hesitated to read this fic but suddenly changed at the end. i tell you author, it is indeed a good story. i just read it in one go. i stay up late just to finished this and it was worth it. though i admit uhm.. i'm quite not satisfied with the ending. for me, it would be great if you just elaborate what happened to the gang like that. coz you know author-nim(doing a pouty face?) i don't want an open ending. hul~~~ kamsahamnida authornim. :)
Chapter 36: Omg stayed up late to read this xD slightly confusing with pov changes but damn your story was badass good
onewjr #4
Chapter 36: ahh! i cried for nothing! grr!!! i loved it though
SimplyJady #5
Chapter 36: You played us! >:( I loved it!!!
Chapter 36: OMYGOSH WHAT?!! Hongki is still alive?!! Whaat?!! Whaat?!!!!!
Oh you, you're so sneaky!!! I knew Himchan was still alive but I actually fell for Hongki's death!! =0
soo I shed tears for no reason?! Lol
I was suspicious over Hongki's death but I was thinking maybe Jonghoon was responsible for it or something..but WOAH HE ENDED UP BEING ALIVE!! YAY!! =D

I liked how the end was bitter-sweet <3
Ah I can't believe you've finished it already =(
I know you took your time writing this and I waited life for updates but boy was it worth it and that's why I'm asking if there's any chance of a sequel?? (if you have time)

P.S ThankYOU for writing such an awesome story!! I loved it!! =D x
Chapter 36: loved it! from beginning to end
dragonsoup_ #8
Chapter 36: Woah.. Love this AWESOME story a lot. I didn't expected everything ended up this way tho.. You make this story completedly fit myself.. from the start till the end.. that's totally my style :) Btw, seriously this story is the best i've read.. and this will be the first time i comment on someone fanfic .. There's slightly confusion in it witch when you changed the person.. i mean i hope the next story you make.. you mentioned whos part this is xD I know im not allowed to give comment like this but I REALLY REALLY ADMIRE YOU GUYS! sincerely. <3
Chapter 36: This deserves a second part. JUST SAYIN.
And congratulations on this story. This is honestly the first story that has made me cried.
KittensCanKill #10
Chapter 36: *CLAPS* Loved this story so much! <3 Thank-you,a thousand times over, for writing this story! I loved every bit of it :D And I'm so glad Hongki is alive!!!