be a good sport

stable jobs and secret relationships
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The company sports fest is in next week.


Jeongyeon actually hated sports and activities that are physically tiring but unfortunately, as a department head, she had to be there to boost the team’s morale. Jeongyeon sighed as she checked the list of activities she could join in.


“Jeongyeon, please.” Chaeyoung practically begged her with those cute puppy eyes, and what power does Jeongyeon has to refuse the younger girl?


Jeongyeon sighs. She's really having a hard time in choosing an event. She wasn't really athletic and she preferably wants to preserve her energy for just working overtime instead.


Tug-of-War? That would mean physical torture.


Sack Race? Nope, Jeongyeon will not risk being planted face first on the floor if she tripped, which is very likely.


Obstacle Course? Leave it for the agile ones.


Basketball? A team made up of girls who doesn’t really play basketball will only lead to intense shoving and hair-pulling.


She scans the list until she sees it. Three-legged Race, yep, that’s the one. It’ll be quick and she has to be co-dependent with her partner which means she can probably half- this and use her department head privilege if they lose. No pressure, no physical strain.


Jeongyeon quickly signs her name on the right side of the list. She doesn’t check who others signed up for the game. She figures she’ll check later, afterall, she’s okay with teaming up with anyone just for compliance.




Jeongyeon later learns that the activity she signed up for was an interoffice eveny, which means she will be partnered up most likely with someone from a different department to establish camarederie. And she was, and with Minatozaki Sana of the Finance Department.


Jeongyeon finishes tying up her right ankle with Sana’s left one. Pushes a finger in the restraint to check the tightness and looks up to the other woman. “Is this okay?”


Sana nods, “Yes, Ms. Yoo.”


“Call me Jeongyeon.” Jeongyeon says and earns a sweet smile and a soft 'okay' from Sana.


Jeongyeon heard about Sana, most of the talks were about her being effortlessly pretty and how her personality resembles that of the sunshine - always bright and bubbly. Jeongyeon actually finds Sana cute, and there’s something in Sana that makes you want to take care of her because she could be a little clumsy at times as Jeongyeon has observed. She already had three tiny accidents in the duration Jeongyeon was with her. Sana is cute and clumsy. There’s all to it to Jeongyeon.


But Jeongyeon didn’t notice she had a stupid grin on her face until she hears the emcee’s voice around the auditorium.


“Well, what do we have here? Do we finally have a potential power couple at the firm in the f

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Chapter 7: Hahahahha...mina is so spoiled
kiddoatheartu #2
Chapter 7: 😅😂 the taste of Sushi baked pizza is okay 🙈
Thank you for the update! 😁
CLNkks #3
edward-pmc #4
Chapter 7: Now I wanna have me some sushi too. 😁
Thanks for the update Author, stay healthy.
happysooyoung #5
Chapter 6: I really love this.
I'm a er for Boss/Employee stories lol
plus jealous Mina, now I await a possessive Mina and it's complete lol
Hope you update soon! Take care
Chapter 6: Really love possessive Mina..hehehe
kiddoatheartu #7
Chapter 6: Yes! I'm still here! Patiently waiting! Hehe
Don't abandon this one please 🥺👉👈 you can just do another au featuring 230s 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fxxxxkjeongmi #8
Chapter 6: Thank you thank you for your it so much
yayaeee #9
Thank you for the update 🥰