A Love Triangle

It Started with a Wedding




Your POV:




You are busy sitting at the sofa reading the files given to you by the editor-in-chief. He wanted you

to make a review of this material.  Siwon came and laid his head in your lap. You’re used to it

because he has this habit of making your lap his pillow. He just stopped doing this when he dated

Han Byul.



                “Are you hungry?” he asks.

                “I just ate snacks at the office…” you answered without bothering to look at him.

                “So how’s your day at work?”

                “Just fine.  I already got an assignment to work on..”


                “How about you?” you decided to ask him in return.

                “Hmm..I slept a lot..watch TV..quite bored…”

                “After a few more weeks, I think you could go back to your work…”

                “That’s why I need to prepare…”


                “____, what happened to….us?” The question made you stop reading and finally look at him.

                “What do you mean?”

                “The last memory I had is our first day in college. The rest is nothing…what I mean is…

why did we end this way?”

                “This way?” Still clueless as you gazes down at him.

                “You just had a boyfriend not long ago…In those seven years, if we were both

uncommitted then…”

                “Ah…that family joke?”  There were times that your parents say that maybe you’ll end

up together since both of you are not interested with romance. You really like the idea back then

and silently hope that it would happen but then he met Han Byul.


                “Well, you had a girlfriend and you’ve been together for quite a long time…”

                “I..I did?!” the expression on his face says that he finds it unbelievable.



                “Well…..in the end, it didn’t work out the way we hoped it to be….” You avoid looking at his eyes.

                “I cannot understand…why would I do that? I must be out of my mind…” he says.

                “Wh-why are you saying that?”

                “I just can’t believe I’ll do that…”

                “You fell in love you know…”

                “I doubt that…”


You rolled your eyes at him then push him away. He fell on the floor.


                “Ouch…what’s that for?” he says laughing.

                “Because you’re being a jerk…”

                “I got you annoyed…Oh no, please don’t kick me out of the house…I’m jobless right

now…” He remained sitting on the floor. He gave you those puppy-eye look while pulling gently

the end of your pants. You couldn’t help but smile with his cute action. You gently shook your head

while looking at him.







                “Damn!” Jaejoong cussed in a very low voice.

                “What’s the matter?” you ask.

                “I left the tickets at the car…will you please wait for me here I’ll just get it.”

                “No, leave it to me…just buy us some snack and I’ll see you here.” You took the car key on his hand.



You went back to the parking lot to get the tickets. You opened one of the compartments inside the

car and smile as you found what you are looking for but a small box got your attention. You

decided to sit for a while and open it. Your eyes widen as you found a diamond ring inside…Is he?

You suddenly remember the night Siwon and Han Byul got into accident. Jaejoong said it was

special and he prepared something. Could it be that he tried to propose? God, you really miss

something big _____. The fact that he’s now looking forward to a future with you makes you

happy but with the recent events, you feel like it’s not yet the right time. You closed the box and

return it inside.



                “Did you get it?” Jaejoong is standing on the exact spot where you left him. He had a big

pop corn box and two drinks on his hands. You smiled and wave the tickets in the air.

                “Found it!”

You decided not to mention anything about seeing the ring.







You were on your mini library still thinking about the ring. There were times you wonder how does

he plan to pop the question to you. You could imagine how nervous he might look upon planning

the proposal. You shook your head lightly to erase where your thoughts are going.



                “No…this is not the right time for that..” you said to yourself. You decided to continue

reading the papers on your desk but to help you focus; you should listen to a good music. You stood

up and comes near the book shelve. There is a CD rack beside it. Your fingers scan on the CD’s

there. Then you pulled one. This is the disk that Siwon gave you as a graduation gift. Both of you

like this singer and you remember you already got the same CD even before he gave you this. You

lied to him by telling you still don’t have one because you don’t want him to be disappointed. You

didn’t use it too much because you’re keeping it well as his gift. You opened it and put the CD on

the player but before you close the case you discovered the small hump on it. You tried to open it

and see what’s inside. There’s a small paper inside and you open it.


Would you take this another step with me while holding my hand?

You’re more that just a friend to me.

Please be mine….



Together with the note you got a button. Oh God, this is second button on Siwon’s uniform jacket.

The one that made you upset after he told you that he gave it away. All these years it’s in here and

you didn’t have any idea at all.



                “I’m glad you still found it…” Siwon is now at the door.


                “Yeah….I only had my eyes for one girl and that’s you.  I told myself that I’ll let you

know before we enter college. Even though it scares the hell out of me, I decided to confess my

feeling to you like this. I really don’t know why things turned out this way but every thing's the

same for me. I still love you…..I love you..” Siwon’s  eyes are filled with loving emotion.


                “Why just now? Do you know how much I waited for those words from you?” your

vision was clouded with tears. He embraced you tightly.


                “I’m sorry it took me some time to say how much I love you….”







Jaejoong’s POV




                “_____?” The door is open so you decided to come in but the living room is empty. He decided to come up.


                “I’m glad you still found it…” He heard Siwon’s voice on that room so he came near the slightly opened door.



                “Yeah….I only had my eyes for one girl and that’s you.  I told myself that I’ll let you

know before we enter college. Even though it scares the hell out of me, I decided to confess my

feeling to you like this. I really don’t know why things turned out this way but everything’s the

same for me. I still love you…..I love you..”


                “Why just now? Do you know how much I waited for those words from you?”

He embraced her tightly.

                “I’m sorry it took me some time to say how much I love you….” Jaejoong heard ____ sobs.



His heart is tearing up now with what he saw and heard. He couldn’t take it anymore so he decided

to leave without a word. 





Author's Note:


Thank you so much for the comments....(source of energy and inspiration) 

Seems like Siwon earned a lot of haters lately...(sorry, my fault!) Well, anyway like you read the previews

chapters, he was in love with our lead girl too so it's natural for him to get jealous of Jaejoong....

I'm looking forward to hear more from you guyz...Happy reading!

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Personally. I have my favorite chapters in It Started with a WeddinJust wondering...do you have your favorite chap or scene in this fanfic? If ever, what is it?


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Chapter 57: Hahaha! Junsu ypu're so lucky that she has a very valid reason of getting so 'attached ' to you.
Re-reading fever!
Chapter 59: I m crying buckets..i dont know where all this tears coming from..do i hv extra large lacrimal glands tonigts
Chapter 24: Now...at last
Chapter 15: Hehe..jaejoong extra happu bcoz of the news..i could totally imagine it
Chapter 12: I just found this..its nicely written..short but precise ..

Its contain humor and unique plot that i never read b4
ayouth #7
Chapter 57: I really love this story..a lot...i don't know how many times i've read it... i'm your fan totally
Keahun #8
Chapter 60: i like your story of jj , just discovered this a while ago, please write more about jj, thanks
HyunJane #9
Chapter 58: your all stories are jjang! ate! <333333333333
biniben #10
Chapter 57: dear author , just finish reading this fic. I cried at the separation and cursed siwon , your writing brought out that emotion in me. you are my chai. gonna read your other fics too.