2 - Hesitance

What Happened After Tipsy Live 3

Wheein was shocked by Hwasa's words. She admits that she hasn't been around much, but they still saw each other at practice and show promotions.

Wheein: Yah! It's not nothing. Talk to me!

Hwasa: ...

Wheein: Hyejinah... please...

Hwasa: It's just that, I don't see you anymore. You're always with your other friends, and that girl too.

Wheein: Yoonyoung?

Hwasa got slightly irritated after hearing the name, but she managed to compose herself before she said something else.

Hwasa: I'm fine Wheein, go to your dance practice. This is just the alcohol talking. I just need to sober up a bit more.

Wheein: What? No. I already decided. Come on! Let me make it up to you! How about this...hmm, let's grab a few more drinks and some fried chicken and chicken feet before we head to your house? We can just watch a movie and catch up!

After a few moments, Hwasa finally agreed and Wheein couldn't contain her excitement. They got into her manager's van after she convinced Hwasa to just leave her car at the restaurant, saying that she'll go with her to pick it up tomorrow.

It may have been a while since they last hung out, but it seems that no time has passed. On their way to pick up food and soju, they slipped back into their rhythm. They talked about the songs they are currently listening to, their unnies' weird relationship not relationship, the restaurants they recently visited, and a whole lot of other stuff! After 30 minutes, they finally arrived at Hwasa's place!

Wheein and Hwasa: *waves goodbye at the manager Thank you for dropping us off, Unnie! Drive safe!

The duo makes their way up to Hwasa's house. When they finally got inside...

Wheein: Yah! What did I tell you about your shoes at the entry way! I sent you the link for the shoe rack months ago!

Hwasa: okay okay! Quit nagging. You can help me order it later.

Wheein: Alright...

All of a sudden, the room became silent when Wheein realized that it really has been a long time since they've spent time together...

Wheein: Your house looks the same, but feels different somehow... I'm sorry, Hyejinah *looks down avoiding Hwasa's eyes

Hwasa: What?! Why are you suddenly saying sorry?

Wheein: I've been a bad friend... I'm sorry...

Hwasa: What are you talking about? We get busy, I get it. It happens. To be honest, I was upset that we don't really see each other outside of Mamamoo, but I feel better now. I'm good now that you're here. 

Wheein goes up to hug Hwasa and it took her a second to react, but slowly, Hwasa wraps her arms around her friend and hugs her back. She closed her eyes thinking how glad she is that Wheein's here.

Hwasa: Alright, alright get off me *lightly smacking Wheein's arm, let's get cleaned up and set up our food in the living room. I'm going to put the drinks in the freezer so they stay cold.

Wheein: Alright... Hey do you still have my sleepover clothes?

Hwasa: Yeah, they are in the closet.

Wheein: Same spot?

Hwasa: Yup!

15 minutes later, the two are back in the living room in there PJs and digging in the food they picked up.

Wheein: What if one day a chicken comes to you and proposes?

Hwasa: *disgusted I don't want to!

Wheein: Then what about only dating for two months?

Hwasa: *giggling What are you on about? I don't want to!

Wheein: but it'll do everything you want!

Hwasa: Yah! How do you even date a chicken?!

Their senseless but completely hilarious conversation continued for about an hour until they remembered the alcohol they bought! Hwasa quickly jumps off the couch and grabs a few bottles of soju and two shot glasses.

Hwasa: Wheeinah! Let's play a drinking game!

Wheein: A drinking game? What kind of drinking game?

Hwasa: There's this game I saw online a few days ago. I don't really want to move off of this couch, so I think it'll be perfect!

Wheein: Call! That sounds good!

Hwasa: All we have to do is put a hat on each top corner of the tv, mine will be the one on the left and yours is the one on the right. Everytime a character shows up and it looks like they are wearing my hat, I have to drink. Same goes for you!

Wheein: Sounds fun and perfect for lazy people like us! Let's go!

Wheein and Hwasa: Okay! Game Start!

Hwasa: Yah Wheeinah! That one's you! Take a shot!

Wheein: Your turn! Take a shot!

Wheein: Ooo another one! Take a shot hyejinah!

They're barely 30 minutes in and Hwasa is back to slurring her words. Somehow, she has had to take 11 shots! Wheein's not that far behind with 8 shots, but she's better at handling her alcohol. They kept playing the game and after an hour, Wheein asked Hwasa a question, but she didn't get a response. Hwasa had fallen asleep.

Wheein: Aiishh. This girl! Hyejinah...*taps her shoulder... Ahn Hye Jin! Yah, wake up. Let's get you to bed...Ahn Hye Jiiiiin!

Hwasa opens her eyes with a confused look.

Hwasa: Wheeinah?

Wheein: hyejinah, wake up. you took too many shots. Are you okay? Is your head spinning?

Hwasa: you're here? 

Wheein: oh did you forget already? Yah! You can't drink like this with other people. Understood? You can only do this with me or Byul-unnie because god knows we can't count on Yongsunnie.

Hwasa: ...

Wheein wraps Hwasa's arms around her neck so she can lift her when all of a sudden Hwasa pulls her hard, causing Wheein to land right on top of her.

Hwasa: Wheeinah...

Wheein: Yah! Ahn Hye Jin! I'm trying to help you. Stop it!

Hwasa: Wheeinah, look at me!

Wheein tried to look at Hwasa but even before they made eye contact, she felt warm lips on hers. Wheein was too shocked to move, but she slowly closed her eyes and returned the kiss. When Hwasa slipped her tongue inside , it immediately snapped Wheein out of it and she quickly got up and just stared at her friend with wide eyes. Wheein touched her lips wondering what the hell just happened.

Wheein: Hyejinah...what did you just do?

Hwasa seemed to have heard her and briefly woke up still slurring her words, but Wheein heard her clearly...

Hwasa: I'm in love with you, Wheeinah.

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Aneernotis #1
Chapter 2: Pls continue hehe
Jadenul123 #2
Chapter 1: Yes