
Illicit Affair
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After throwing her first stick, Seulgi fetches out her pack of cigarette from her side pocket and took out another stick. Offering a lighter was Ryujin whom she was smoking with five minutes ago. They are currently at the secret chamber, smoking as both of their classes ended few minutes ago. There is just one missing member of their small circle, it was Professor Jung who’s currently teaching Government and Politics of America to her third-year students.

It was Seulgi who asked the younger professor to come up with her at the secret chamber as they have something important to discuss. But five minutes had already pass, and the older professor is still keeping shut.

“Unnie,” Ryujin called out for the second time at Professor Kang who seems to be in a deep thought. “We’ve been here for quite some time; you haven’t told me anything.”

Truth is, Seulgi was still indecisive whether she would tell Professor Shin about her little theories. But she knew, she can’t pull off this plan alone. She needed someone who is smart enough and someone who she can trust.

“Okay,” Seulgi sighed. “Just—be sure this will be a secret between the two of us, for now.” Ryujin eagerly nods. Seulgi motioned her to come a little bit closer, afraid people might hear them. She glanced around before letting the cat out of the bag. “I think, Professor Jung is a killer.”

Surprised, the younger professor was unable to control her voice, so she exclaimed “What?”

Seulgi shushed her by placing her index finger in her lips. She looked around, once again, hoping nobody heard them. “Don’t you think she’s a little bit, I don’t know how to put this lightly, weird?”

Scrunching her nose, Ryujin asked, “What do you mean?”

“I did a little ‘investigation’ about her.” Seulgi brought the cigarette to her lips, inhaling a smoke before slowly blowing it out through her nose and mouth. “She used to work at Korean Air Lines before joining the faculty.” She started. “I mean, she’s already working at one of the richest companies in Seoul, why would you resign just to teach college kids?”

Shrugging, Ryujin answered “Maybe the environment was toxic?”

“Even so,” Professor Kang rebutted, “she could work with other companies like Samsung or LG, why the university?” When Ryujin didn’t answer, Seulgi explained “Because it will be less suspicious if you’re a killer. Everyone in South Korea thinks highly about professors, they will never question a professor.”

Still unable to understand, Ryujin pull a little smoke in before flicking the cigarette to tap out the ashes. “How did you come up with this? Are there any missing reports lately?”

Seulgi shook her head as a response. “But hear me out, didn’t I tell you she lives with my cousin?” Professor Shin nods, “Well, she’s nothing but suspicious at their apartment. She always had her door locked—”

“She could be one of those people who values privacy.”

“—she soundproofed her room”—”

“Maybe she hates noises”

“—and when I was there, she had foods good for two people.”

“She might be a hearty eater” Ryujin tried to reason out. “Seriously unnie, the things you pointed out, maybe that’s just who she is. We haven’t known her for a long time. You have no solid proof about your allegation.”

Professor Kang groaned at every rebuttal Professor Shin insert to their conversation. She wanted to drop this topic, but her spidey senses are tingling, indicating that there is really something wrong with Professor Jung. She knew she needs to do better to convince the younger professor to go along with her plans. “That’s what we need to do, collect evidence.”

Just in time, they both saw Wheein walking on the grounds, on her way to another building. The two peaks through the parapet and watch as Professor Jung glanced towards Yongsun’s car which was parked at the back of the Social Sciences Building, just in front of the main stadium.

The professor on the ground approaches the car, looked around, making sure nobody is watching her then leans into the window of the driver side of the car. She used both of her hands to cover the external lighting on the side of her face as the car was heavily tinted. And when it seems like the person, she was looking for wasn’t there, she carried on her way to Dure Cultural Center with a little disappointment on her face but smiled anyways.

The smokers at the Shinyang Social Sciences Hall knew that, that car belongs to Professor Kim of Physical Education. Because she is the only one who drives a freaking Cadillac in this school.

“Okay, that was weird.” Ryujin didn’t want to admit it but what Wheein did few minutes ago was really sketchy. “Doesn’t she have some feud going on with Professor Kim?”

Still staring at the car, Seulgi fits her every thought like a puzzle. “Holy ,” she silently exclaimed. “What if Professor Kim is her next target?”

They both stared at each other’s eye with the same horror. “But wouldn’t it be a little obvious if she goes with Professor Kim? I mean, everyone in the university knows they hate each other.”

“But Professor Jung isn’t alone. Professor Kim has some terrible reputation amongst her students.” Kim Yongsun being a terror teacher isn’t a secret, people from SNU knew how scary this PE professor is. “And like I told you before, no one will suspect a professor.”

“We should warn Professor Kim” Ryujin gets up and was about to leave when Seulgi pulled her.

“Wait, no. We can’t.” Seulgi stopped her. “We need Professor Kim as our bait. We needed evidence against Professor Jung.”

“Yah!” Ryujin yelled at the older professor. “We’re putting her in great danger if your theory turns out to be true.”

“We are not sure how Professor Kim will react to this, what if she involves the cops. This will get us in trouble if they find nothing on Professor Jung.” Seulgi threw her cigarette stick and applied sanitizer on her hands. “Let’s go, I have an idea.”

The three of them, Seulgi, Wheein and Ryujin found themselves sitting across to Irene, Yongsun and Hyejin. This is Seulgi’s plan. She thought, they can keep Yongsun safe and gather evidence from Wheein if they kept the two closers with each other.

Pulling her connections from her sleeve, Seulgi invited Irene over lunch. They’ve been acquaintance for more than a year now since they both went on a conference, representing their department. She knew Professor Bae was one of Professor Kim’s close friends that’s why she set this whole thing.

Yongsun and Wheein already saw this coming. Earlier, they texted each other about how both of their friends decided to have lunch together. They didn’t protest nor exclude themselves from this lunch. It’s been a while since the couple had lunch together and they thought, this is a good opportunity to see each other. They just didn’t think it would be this awkward.

The Seoul National University’s cafeteria, as always, has been busy during lunch. There were noises coming from the chatting students and loud laughs from some faculty members. But the table where they are sitting at has a deafening silence.

Yongsun has been trying to avoid Wheein’s eye for the past ten minutes. She was sitting directly across her wife but she’s not sure what Seulgi and Irene was planning.

Wheein is also doing the same thing. She would steal glances at her beautiful spouse in front of her, but she knew the people she’s with is watching them closely.

“Are we having couple intervention?” Hyejin joked, trying to ease the awkwardness.

But her statement froze Wheein and Yongsun even more. Wheein dropped her chopstick and Yongsun slams her fist against the table. “Yah! We’re not a couple!” Yongsun stood up and denied. She pointed to Seulgi and accused her, “And what’s with you inviting us for lunch?”

This was the moment Seulgi understood what the student means when they say Yongsun was a scary professor. “I’m—I just want

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arseuo #1
Chapter 7: i want to read this cause it's been recommended to me that it's good but i think it's not updated anymore 😔
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating!
I’m so happy Wheein’s family is supportive of her, i hope soon Wheesun feel secure enough to come out as a married couple to everyone and don’t feel bad about Yongsun’s parents reaction
tobecontinued00 #3
Chapter 7: oh an update thankyouuu
vitawheeiny #4
Chapter 7: Heheh welcome back. Excited for the next update
Chapter 7: Welcome back, author-nim! Also, new chapter is sooo sad & heartwarming at the same time. Oh my wheesun heart. 🥺💕
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 7: welcome backkkkkkk author!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Whee_paeyong #7
Chapter 7: thank you for the update, author-nim!
Chapter 7: Hahaha naughty Prof.Jung!
It’s good that at least they have the Jung’s support. It’s tiring to hide when they’re madly in love like that. Send help please!
Patiently waiting for an update (1)
Whee_paeyong #10
Patiently waiting for an update, coz I love this story.