Nine Wishes


Lee Jinki grew up listening to old stories about mystical beings and beautiful princesses who would be rescued by their one true love, their prince. At such a young age, he loved it.

But growing up comes with a price and that price for Lee Jinki was to believe, like most, that there was no such thing as magic. That is until his Grandfather returns back from a trip of a life time with a gift for his only grandchild.

What could be in store for Jinki, the boy who stopped believing; when he comes face to face with 9 individual genies who all believe he is their new master?


This is a story I am currently writing for my awesome Yeobo!

Nona, this one's for you babe.

Thanks to my dongsaeng, Mai for the poster.

It's beautiful babe, just like you!


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2038 streak #1
Chapter 4: Hello there, author-nim ^_^ A new reader here... :)

Wow! THis story is really nice. Awww... Onew is so cute as always. Can't wait to read more and find out how the other wishes are going to turn out... Something tells me that the rest are going to turn out like the first two. Anyway please update as soon as you can ^_^
Nona93 #2
Aiiigo, Onew! He's just so damn cute though!!<br />
OMO That's just like my Physics class! <br />
Yobo, I love you <3 <br />
I'm sorry I read this so late TT.TT
Galdy42 #3
Eep! I was right... Poor Onew ^.^<br />
You updated!!!
Omona!!! It all came out!!! Hahahahhahahah I love your concept!! Gosh!!! I'm loving this!!
Oh geez, Onew! *Slaps Forehead*
Galdy42 #6
Oh dear! Speaking one's mind can be so dangerous.... Eep!<br />
I am loving the story so far ^.^ <br />
<3 Omoni
Nona93 #7
Love it love it love it!<br />
though I feel that danger is switfly approaching >.>
Nona93 #8
What Mai said >.<
Unnie, you need to update this! and I realized how big the poster is T_T.
Nona93 #10
Love the second Chapter.<br />
You really are incredible Yobo <3