After today passes

After today passes

Ji Yong sat across his room, boxes and papers filling the bedroom. Today was his last day in Big Bang’s dorm. After 13 years together, the members choose to part and follow their own path.


As Ji Yong carefully wrapped the photos he had taken along Bigbang’s life, he stopped his doing as he found a photo of Seunghyun and himself, smiling brightly towards the camera. This was a rare piece of them both, not promoting, not doing fanservice, just enjoying each other presence and warmth. Old good times.


As every GTOP shipper could have wished, Ji Yong and Seughyun used to be dating. They didn’t shared any romantical feelings for each other until a few years ago ; guess the fanservice did help a lot, as their view of the other changed as time went by.


TOP was the one who confessed, or more exactly who pinned Ji Yong against their practice room wall, kissing him breathlessly before finally releasing the poor G-Dragon while whispering “I won’t take no as an answer ; you either date me or I’ll make you regret !”. And of course, Ji Yong chose the first answer.


Tonight is a night when I start missing you for no apparent reason.


Their relationship wasn’t always bright; they did fight a lot, breaking up many times before running into each other arms once again. But they still loved each other, and it was the only thing that did matter. But one day, more exactly 3 months ago, they broke up without feeling the urge to run back to their ex. And they knew this was it. They shared their dreams, their life and their love, but now, there wasn’t anything left to share. Love was in the past, as much as their relationship was.


Do you happen to remember the time we first met ?
When you looked at me filled with a pure, innocent smile. Sauvignon Blanc.
And the pointless obedience I sent back at you,
Then the endless moves I made on you, even though the reality was that
Our destiny was to end up being parted.


Although they didn’t fought for anything after their break up, the atmosphere in Big Bang wasn’t the same anymore. After a few months of trying to bring the old feelings back make things better, all members agreed on disbandment.

It was time for them to experience hardships and obstacles alone; to build a life were Big Bang wouldn’t stay in the background, and oblige them to stick to their youth days.

It wasn’t that they didn’t love their group anymore; Big bang meant family, dreams and achievements to them. They just wanted to achieve new dreams by themselves for the time being.


The disbandment was announced internationally yesterday, and today was the day Ji Yong was moving out. As he recalled these past 13 years, a smile crept on his face, alongside with a tear rolling down his cheek.


As he placed the photo carefully back in the album, he thought about how his life would be from now on. Beautiful was a must.

After today passes, you’re just a dust that will disappear. .
Once it becomes tomorrow, it will be like nothing happened
And I will start the day off by forgetting about you.
I’ll just wish for you to be happy as I stay here smiling, praying for you

He stood up a few minutes after, taking a paper and a pencil, and writing his last words to s.



“I’ll miss you guys. Stay happy and healthy. Love. GD”



Song : Love Dust - Big Bang






A/N : Hope you liked it :)

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I don't know what to do if bigbang disbanded for real, i can't live without them ;A;
Sounds cheesy but it's the truth ;A;
bohyemi #2
It just hurt me so much to read this that i actually cired....i think i can't even endure the idea of them breaking up...
Gosh this just broke my heart. BUT it's a harsh reality that us as fans will have to face one day. UNLESS they're like U2 and will be together for like...all their lives.

I still liked it though. In my head after calming down and settling into their new lives I see them starting to miss each other and then 'Jiyong' will go to find Seunghyun and they will talk about what happened and then Jiyong will admit that... he still loves his Hyunnie. And Hyunnie will be reluctant because he'll have a girl/boyfriend but after realizing that he still loves GD he'll return back to him. And without the pressures of being artists they can live happily. Making music in the basement of their house while they adopt children. --> Wow sorry about that. LOL but really I do see that in my head. I'm such hopeless romantic.
awww....why so saddd ~~ still is very loved ~~
so sad! but i liked it!