My Life So Far


You know what's so funny?
I always get to know people right before they leave.
It's this bad luck of mine.
Say, my best friend Cassie.
She's one of the people I've know the longest so far.
2 months. My highest record.
I know, right?
It's hard to believe that I've never know anyone for more than 2 months before. That goes for my family as well.
I've seen my mum once when I was 11, don't know how dad looks like, and were friends with my brother for one week until he left with his girlfriend.

Meh, not that I care much 'bout my family anyway.

So back to my best friend, Cassie.

In the first month, I got to know her. (I was in Primary school back then) And in the second month, I shared memories with her. When 2 months ended in a blink of an eye, she's dissapeared.

I have no idea where she went and why she went but after the 2 months that I've been friends with her, she just left.

I must addmit, it was hard for me. Waiting at our usual spot everyday for her to come back to school for days and days. At first I thought she was sick. Since we've only known for 2 months, I didn't even get a chance to ask her phone number yet.

If I had known this wouls happen, i would of asked. But I didn't. So day after day, she just never came back.
Finally, one month later, the school annouced that she left the school and moved away. I was like "WHAATTTTT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" and the school was like "uh-huh. You heard that right."
Of course, she's just ONE of my friends that left me. There are loads more. I wouldn't even bother to count.

So basically, my life has been painful. But don't worry, I'm use to it.
You can tell by the way I'm writing. Usually painful things would be like : "She left me...everyone just left me...all this miserable world..Is this my fate? If it is, then I'd rather DIE THAN LIVE THIS PAINFUL LIFE." (That's so depressing XD)
So yes. It would probably be something like that. But the way I'm writing is so laid-back that makes people think that I don't particularly care. I would be like "Well, this is life. Deal with it."

So that was my life so far until 'fate' brought High school into my life.
High School for me wasn't so bad. I know that most people have a hard time trying to get use to High School and it's environment but for me, it's actually pretty easy to get used to. You simply just go to the right classes on time and know where the toilet is. That's all you have to do. And then comes in the small details like who you sit with at lunch or trying to fit in with everyone else which I don't really give a damn.
At lunch, I always sit with a bunch of blonde girls and boys (although I'm asian myself) but I don't really know them. They're always testing who loves who on a love calculater. Psshh. Never trust those things.
Last time, I typed in MY NAME and APPLES and it calculated 100% true love. (I guess I do like apples but that's not the point here.)
Anyways, I think that people who are in love are cute. You just see them trying their best to make the person they like happy, but when they don't succeed they burst into tears and comes back to school a few days later with dark circles under their eyes.

I would laugh but at the same time, I wouldn't. If you think about it, it's kinda sad. (I think I really would laugh though XD)
Boys in love are even sweeter. You can totally tell when they're going to make a move on her or when they're about to ask her out on a date with a tomato face. (haha. I'd laugh at that too)
Speaking of boys, there's always this one boy that doesn't speak much and likes to read. I wouldn't call him a nerd because his looks is actually very y. The only times we've talked was in math class.
I was sitting next to him and asked if he knew what the maths teacher was talking about (Cause I didn't geddit at all), he replied a simple 'no' and went back to reading his book. Honestly, I find books a little boring but even though I say that, when I actually start reading one, I can't stop.

Every math class he wound just sit there and read his book while I sleep throughout the whole lesson (the math teacher would wake me up every single time by shouting in my face and giving me detension.) I noticed that usually when that happens, that boy would hide his face and laugh quietly to himself. That was also how I saw his smiling face for the first time. Argh, how should I say this...It was cute.

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i love this! ^^
it's so cute!! ^_^ update soon pls :D
Coolgranny440 #3
Hahaha it's nice so far! Update soon :) <3