
Young Love.

Minho's POV;;


As I stood at her dorm, I couldn't help but think as to how she looked. I glanced down at my sweating hands. "Why am I so sweaty?" I quickly wiped my hands on my shirt. "She this is where she lives?" I whispered to myself and looked at every detail of the place. I shook out of it. That's when the door flew open. Her gorgeous brown hair flew when it did. Her white dress slightly shook, too. "Wahh," I said to myself. "You look..." She closed the door behind her. "Please. I already feel uncomfortable." She chuckled. "Lets go." I rushed to open the door for her before she got in.

I reached over to put her seatbelt on for her. There she was. Kwon Yuri. Right there in front of me. We never been this close unless it was a performance, My breathing got heavier as I buckled in the belt. I slowly pulled out from across her body. That's when our eyes met. I can feel my face turn red as she directed her gaze towards mine. That's when she quietly sneezed into her hand. I quickly pulled out and got in on my side.

The drive there felt endless. There was a long silence until she cut on the radio. "Wahh! 2PM!" She began to break out in a random dance. I couldn't watch. I had no right. But my mind was teling me yes, knowing that it would . Everything about her does. But I was forced to see. I turned and before me as her chest propelling forward and back around ily. I took a huge gulp and squirmed slightly in my seat. I quickly turned back arou nd. Oh my...



Yuri's POV;;


"A date!?" I yelled at him. He slightly jumped back in his chair. "Mianhae. I didn't know how to ask..."He whined and looked down. I threw a choptick to show my anger. "Why didn't you tell me, babo?" I sighed and settled into my seat. "Gwenchana, oppa. Mianhae...for throwing the chopstick at you. A little too much. But really...its alright." His eyes suddenly widened. "CHINCHA!?" He jumped up with excitement and did a little dance.

"AHEM." I coughed loudly into my shirt on purpose. "You're embarrassing me." He jumped slightly. "Oh. Right." He nervously chuckled and sat back down, drinking his coffee.

Minho pole dance



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Hahaha! Minyul is so cute!
I wonder what he will do for their date!
Update soon!
BlackPearl_Goddess #2
Hmmm... A coffee date? Haha... Hope to see the next update soon! ^^
Wah! Another minyul story!
Haha! It seems like its moving quite quickly!
They look like they have feelings for each other already!
Update soon!
BlackPearl_Goddess #4
Hi! I'm being your 1st subscriber! Yippee! Finally, another MinYul fanfic...! I've been waiting quite long for it... I'm a MinYul shipper too...!
Sooo sweeet...! A light peck..? Hope to see more MinYul moments.. ^^
Look forward to your next update soon!