Chaerin (continued)

Catch Me First


“So little girl, are you excited?” I asked Chaerin.

“Shhh! Can you wait a little? We are still in the car with my parents you know!” She whispered.

“Fine fine, I’ll stay quiet.” 

“What are you girls talking about back there? Boys?” Mrs. Lee asked.

“No Auntie. We are talking about this one project we have for school. It is going to take so long for us to finish it.” I replied.

“Then maybe you both should just go to our house and work on the project instead of going to the bowling alley?” And cue Chaerin’s glare and cue my saving my from Chaerin’s wrath.

“It’s okay Auntie. I am pretty sure we can finish it. I think we deserve some fun, have you seen Chaerin’s grades? All A’s.” I am hoping this works.

“Oh really? Good for you honey. Fine, I’ll drop it. Just keep getting those good grades and you can do whatever you want, like go to that event you are going to.”

“Thank you Mom. It looks like we are here. Thanks for dropping us off. I’ll see you at home! Dara’s parents agreed to give me a ride home. I love you!”

“We love you too, honey. Bye Dara! You two be safe, you hear me? Bye!”

As we watched them drive away, Chaerin couldn’t helped but pinch me. “Oww! What was that for?” 

“That was for almost getting us into almost not going to tonight’s event.” 

“Wow. You really want to go to this don’t you? I really need to meet this guy. He has my little Chae falling for him!”

“I am not falling for him! Let’s just go in.” 

We walked in the bowling alley. Music was playing, people were chattering. Sounds of the bowling ball hitting the pins and the the sounds of excitement over getting a strike. We are finally here. We walked into the room where they are holding the event. 

There were people who were setting up the stage. I was trying to look around and spotted this one guy. He isn’t the best looking but I am really attracted to him right now. I look at Chaerin and she was looking at the same direction. I noticed that there were the two of them. 

“Hey Chae, is Seungri one of those guys?” I said as I pointed to the two guys who were goofing off. 

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“I just got the feeling and plus, you won’t stop staring. So which one is he?” I am seriously hoping she isn’t talking about the guy I am looking at. 

“Umm he is that guy with the spiked hair.” 

“Oh okay, cool. Do you want to go over there and talk to him?” 

“No not right now, after the show? I still have to muster up the courage to actually talk to him. I have not actually liked anyone for a while.. so this kind of new to me.”

“Okay then. Let’s go sit. I think we have been staring for a while. I feel a bit creepy.” Well that was close. Yay! She does not like the one I am attracted to. I guess it really is time for me to do work. Yay for getting over Top! 

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Chapter 20: O-M-G!!! Don't tell me they got in a accident? Oh why now when Dara going 2 tell her feeling 2 Jiyong.

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ HENGSHO (⌒‐⌒)
chuuubbbyyy #2
Chapter 19: Wow dara will confess about her feeling to jiyong ??????
Chapter 19: Kyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Can't wait 4 the next chapter !!!
Chapter 18: Jiyong u are going 2 realize now how much Dara important 2 u and especial 2 u!!! Oh Minho and Dara is cuuttee (^^)
sujukat #5
Chapter 17: oh... alert..damn! well, im excited with dara-minho thingy..hahaha...
daramaegon #6
Chapter 16: sohee strike again in this story!i wish jiyong will get jealous on minho, dara having a difficulty on his unrequitted love to ji while minho we never know what do his feelings for dara?pls update soon:)
Chapter 16: Sohee u are evil u didn't deserve Jiyong!!! I'm Happy dat Minho is here, so Dara can stay away from being hurt.
Chapter 14: Poor Dara I wish there will be a guy 4 her. Dara don't cry.
Chapter 14: maybe a new love interest for Dara would be good, since Jiyong has his and it might shake Jiyong's head on what he truly feels for Dara. hehehe. Waiting for the next update authornim! :)
lalalala_mEe #10
Chapter 13: aigooo.. i wish Dara would have the guts to tell him how she feels already.. but i kinda have a feeling Ji knows something?? kekekeke~ maybe he's just hiding his feelings?? i hope.. kekekeke~