TOP (final)

Catch Me First

It has been a month since that thing with Top went down. Fortunately, we continued on like nothing happened. I’m actually glad it went the way it did because it just reminded me that if things are meant to be then it will happen... and if not, well, it’s just not. I can’t have everything going my way. I’m also young to stress about this kind of stuff. School should be the only thing I should be stressing about. I am such a nerd.


Chaerin has been teasing me quite a lot lately when we are alone together. If we are with the group she would give me that knowing look and I would answer with a glare. People are starting to finally be aware of our acts. They have been getting quite curious but what can I do? I really can’t tell them about it. Bom and Minzy are getting mad at us because they think we are keeping them out of the loop. They’ll know someday, just not now because it is definitely something we can’t laugh about yet.


It is Friday and I still believe that everything happens on a Friday. Something is definitely happening today because today, I am going to talk to Top.


“Hey Top!” I saw him with a huge crowd of students trying to get to class. I don’t understand why though because class does not start til ten minutes later. 


“Wassup Dara? Do you know why people are going to class early?”


“So I’m not the only one who noticed? I don’t know either but can we talk?”


“Yeah sure, what’s going on?”


“Well it’s nothing really but I just want you to know some things so yeah.”


“So what is it?”


“Okay so I guess after what happened, I’m glad that we weren’t so awkward around each other and I realized that the no awkwardness thing means something. If things went back to normal after that then I guess it is really not meant to be. I think I got over you. I am okay with us just being friends and those feelings... those feelings would somehow be there but they wouldn’t be so active like it had been. I guess what I’m just trying to say is that, you don’t have to worry about me or my feelings anymore.”






“I am actually glad you said that. I guess this is our closure.”


“I guess it is. Are we cool though?”


“Of course we are. Can I ask you a question though?”


“Go ahead.”


“Do you think I still have a chance with Bom?”


“Why do you even have to think that? I know you do. She does not know that yet but she will come around. Stay persistent and do not give up! She does not like it when people give up.”


“Thanks Dara. That means so much coming from you.” 


Well, that went really well. I think if he and Bom are to be together again, it would last. If not soon then definitely later. I will bet my life on it. Okay maybe not my life, but I will bet on it. If Bom has a Top, I wonder who I’ll have or Chaerin or Minzy. 


I’m definitely excited about the future. 



A/N: I'm so sorry about the short chapter and the long wait. College life is definitely keeping me busy, I mean there's school, club, and dance crew. I have many things on my plate. Finals are coming up after next week. I may be able to update quite a few chapters but I can't promise it. I'll be taking summer classes as well. Thanks to those who have not unsubscribe yet. Thatnk you for you patience :) 

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Chapter 20: O-M-G!!! Don't tell me they got in a accident? Oh why now when Dara going 2 tell her feeling 2 Jiyong.

Thank-you soooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ HENGSHO (⌒‐⌒)
chuuubbbyyy #2
Chapter 19: Wow dara will confess about her feeling to jiyong ??????
Chapter 19: Kyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Can't wait 4 the next chapter !!!
Chapter 18: Jiyong u are going 2 realize now how much Dara important 2 u and especial 2 u!!! Oh Minho and Dara is cuuttee (^^)
sujukat #5
Chapter 17: oh... alert..damn! well, im excited with dara-minho thingy..hahaha...
daramaegon #6
Chapter 16: sohee strike again in this story!i wish jiyong will get jealous on minho, dara having a difficulty on his unrequitted love to ji while minho we never know what do his feelings for dara?pls update soon:)
Chapter 16: Sohee u are evil u didn't deserve Jiyong!!! I'm Happy dat Minho is here, so Dara can stay away from being hurt.
Chapter 14: Poor Dara I wish there will be a guy 4 her. Dara don't cry.
Chapter 14: maybe a new love interest for Dara would be good, since Jiyong has his and it might shake Jiyong's head on what he truly feels for Dara. hehehe. Waiting for the next update authornim! :)
lalalala_mEe #10
Chapter 13: aigooo.. i wish Dara would have the guts to tell him how she feels already.. but i kinda have a feeling Ji knows something?? kekekeke~ maybe he's just hiding his feelings?? i hope.. kekekeke~