i was so friendless when i was younger lol (10 mins ago)


i don't know who needs to hear this but ONE MORE FRIEND WON'T HURT.


false advertisement: i actually have SOME friends, so i'm not a complete loser (sorry to disappoint). but who says you can't join my platonic harem as well?

some not-so-notable-notable-things:

  • i'm overage, although this is very much a friends-based ad, so this doesn't really matter to me... but in case you DO happen to fall for my dashing charming amazing personality, that is something to note. *thumbs up*
  • minus tz BUT i stay up for no reason and wake up early for no reason. tldr i'm probably one message and 5 minutes away.
  • in my motion-picture era right now, so if you ever want to netflix party or hop into a new hyperbeam room every 3 hours (unless you happen to have premium x__x) i will always be up for that. anime, movies, shows, youuuu name it. 
  • games-wise... i'll definitely TRY, key word being try. imsg games is probably your best bet. or plato, if you don't have imsg. i'll be your #1 cheerleader, though, in case you're otw to become a famous twitch streamer slash youtuber!
  • i don't open spotify that often, but i like to think my music taste isn't completely terrible. will make you a playlist if you request and if our friendship level is high enough. <3
  • for some unknown reason, my interests change every couple of days but if you like listening to people ramble on and on about the nichest things that exist in the world, hi. (i'll return the favor, of course!) current obsession: true crime. tell me all the gross grimy twisted things you know.
  • fcs? icons? dps? who knows. but THOSE will probably be limited to enha or txt or tbz or other boy groups that i can't think of right now. or a pretty girl icon because girls are pretty!

i am on discord and twitter now! pm your id or @ if you're interested!


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