Chapter 2

A different World

-The next day  

The morning the sun welcomed Brielle as she opened her eyes blinded by the sun she quickly turned to the side and closed her eyes again trying to get back to sleep she then realize that it was the next morning and Seung Jae was not around. She slowly sat up on the couch.  

"Why didn’t he take me to bed." She looked down at her clothing she had the same black dress on.  

"Seung Jae!" She called out no answer. "Seung Jae!" She called again. There was silence. "What is he doing?" She got up and walked into the master bedroom and notice the bed made and no Seung Jae.  

"What how could be just leave like that?" She walked back into the living room and grab her phone. Phoning him.  


"Seung Jae...what happen to you? You didn’t tell me you left."  

"Oh. Yeah, sorry my father called me so early and I didn’t want to wake you babe I'm sorry." Seung Jae stated with a weird tone. 

"Oh, you at work now?"  

"Yeah, he wanted me to start on this new project immediately...I'll be home late tonight...okay I have to go now talk to you later." He hung up not even giving brie a chance to reply. 

"What's up with him!?" She took a second to think what could of went wrong from the car ride home last nice until now. "Okay brie stop doing this. You're being to paranoid. Everything is good there is nothing wrong." She took a deep breath and then decided to take a nice hot shower and get dress. After the shower she slip on a very formal white blouse, black dress pants, and some black Chanel flats. Her clothes where a bit lavish something she wasn’t really use to. she enjoys the casual clothing but in Korea it's about looks and style so living here for almost six months she got on quick to the trend. She already stood out anyway being American but she didn’t want to stand out even more not being hip to the modern culture. She cleaned up a little bit and while putting dishes away She notice Seung Jae's father business card laying on the kitchen counter she picked it up and thought she would surprise him during lunch. She met his father briefly at the dinner as he seems very busy on the phone so she really didn’t get to interact with her. He gave a slight Hey and then walked away. She went over to the stainless-steel fridge  searching for something she could make Seung Jae for lunch. She ended up packing some kimchi, seaweed soup and rice. She called the taxi service and headed to the office building. 

Getting out the taxi car Brielle was in aww. Seung Jae's father office was huge, she thought it was a small typical office building but this building here had over ten floors and glass windows were everywhere. A part of her felt like maybe she shouldn’t of came but none of the less she wanted to show a part of her love to Seung Jae by bringing him lunch. He has been so busy and probably wouldn’t have anytime to grab lunch. Walking into the building it was crowded and busy. People were rushing, chatting quickly and all dressed in fashionable business attire. Brielle notice the reception desk and quickly hurry to the desk before getting trample by all the people that were rushing around her.  

“Yes, mam how can I help you?” the Korean lady spoke in English assuming Brielle wasn’t a native Korean.  

“Yes, I am here to see Seung Jae? Is he available?” 

The Korean lady look and look again like she didn’t understand what just came out of Brielle's mouth.  

“I'm sorry does he know you?”  

Brielle motion her head back a little in shock but she figured of course they wouldn’t know her and him were together.  

“Yes. I am his girlfriend and I wanted to take some lunch to him, if that is, okay? Just let him know that Brielle is waiting for him.”  

The lady eyes got very wide in surprised but Brielle could sense maybe she knew about her or maybe there's something she know that Brielle doesn’t know.  The lady hesitated a few more seconds before picking up the phone and dialing Seung Jae’s father office.  

“Um yes sorry sir to bother you” she spoke “I have someone here for Seung Jae” her tone came off like she was struggling to give out the information she silences herself as she listened   

As Brielle waited, she glances around the lobby viewing the beautiful art that was displayed all over.  

After hanging up she turned back to Brielle  

“Um mam I'm sorry but Seung Jae is not allowed to have any visitors at this time or at all. Mr. Seung has asked you to please leave and wait for Seung Jae outside the building.” 

“Excuse me?” Brielle couldn’t believe her ears, was he serious? Was she serious? She wasn’t just anyone. She was Seung Jae’s woman, the love of his life. Brielle just wanted to drop of some lunch was it too much for that to happen?  She was not leaving out like this, she had to find a way to sneak upstairs.  

“Yes, Miss I am sorry, I will you out, do you need a taxi mam?” 

“No thank before I go, can I please use your restroom?” 

Not thinking the lady pointed to the restrooms a few steps from the staircase.  

“Thank you” Brielle replied in Korean with a bow. She quickly rushed into the bathroom to freshen up before making her move up the stairs. Her heels were already killing her from standing so long waiting for Seung Jae. She rushed into a stall and pulled out her phone trying to call Seung Jae. The call was sent straight to voice mail. 

“What the hell!? Did he really just forward my call!?” Brielle had no other time to waste she quietly snuck out of the bathroom and tip toed inside the stairwell and headed up 10 flights of stairs the worse experience ever. Reaching the end of the stairs after taking off her heels during the 5th flight of stairs. Brielle slap her heels back on and straighten out her wardrobe. She suddenly felt nervous and her heart starting beating fast. Her showing up could go right or go left, at this point Brielle wanted to prove that Seung Jae has her back and would defend her if his father ever said something bad to her. She made sure the lunch box was together, her head and stood in confidence as she opens the door to the end of the staircase. She notices there was one big door down the hall that was wide open and assuming it was his father office she quietly walks down the hall admiring the beautiful pictures of his father and him together and some other profiles of maybe some relatives or coworkers. The closer she got the more she could hear the sound of Seung Jae's voice and his father.  

“Dad come on you can’t be serious right now?”  

“What!? I mean what I said Seung Jae, she can’t go. You will take so young and that’s final.” 

Brielle suddenly stopped in her footsteps. She can’t go, played in her mind once again. It was a bad time for Brielle to be there but she couldn’t leave just yet. The conversation was just getting started.  


“Look Seung Jae my reputation is on the line at this meeting and if you screw this up by bringing some foreigner there, it's going to be a you understand me!?” His father slams his fist down on top of a stack of papers on his desk. “Whatever you do with her on your free time, I don’t care but when it comes to family, you dismiss that and focus on family...I get it Shes a good time. You can find plenty of them out there but she is not one of us...she is not.” 

“Dad stop!” Seung Jae couldn’t believe his father would have a big issue about him being with Brielle, before moving he was so happy for him but now since he arrived back in Korea. He did a complete 360.  

Brielle almost choke on her tears, before taking another step forward she was snatch up by two security guards.  

“Ouch!” She screamed as the lunchbox slipped out her hand and made its way to the floor  

Seung Jae rushed out of the office into the hallway noticing Brielle being held up by two security guards.  

“Brielle? What are you doing here?” Seung Jae looked at her as tears rolls down her eyes even more. he felt crush and knew that she must have heard everything.  

The security guard grabbed her arm tighter “Do you know this woman?”  


“No, please take her away” Seung Jae’s father stepped out of the office facing the guards and Brielle.  

“Dad!” he looked at him and back at the security guards. “You can let her go, Shes fine.” Seung Jae rushed over to Brielle picking up the lunch box and grabbing her hand taking her away.  

“Seung Jae! Seung Jae!” he called out to his son full of anger.  

“Sir would you like me to go get them?” the guard asked ready for any direction. 

“Aish!!” His father yelled and then took a deep breath  “No no don't worry I'm sorry for your trouble please go back to your place.” 

The security guards bowed before exiting. Seung Jae's father walk back into the office grabbing the phone and dialing someone.  

Seung Jae took Brielle outside to the rooftop  

“Baby what's wrong!?” Seung Jae grab her cheeks looking into her eyes.  

Brielle debated if she wanted to express to Seung Jae what she heard but she couldn’t find the right words to say to him. She just looks at him as he stared at her in worried and fear.  

“I’m okay” she slowly removed his hands from her face. “My feet hurt from walking up those steps, it made me cry” she chuckled.  

“Are you sure?! What were you doing here?”  

“Seung Jae I just wanted to bring you lunch? Was that so hard for me to do? Yes, it was. I thought you would be hungry and I wanted to do something nice for you...but no it was really hard to do a simple thing like that.” 

“Why would it be so just let the receptionist know you are here and...” 

“I did Seung Jae...I was told I was not allowed to come here at all. According to the message from your father.” 

“What!?” Seung Jae couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  

“Why does your father hate me so much Seung Jae!? When I use to talk to him when we were in the states everything was fine, he loved me...but now since we got back to Korea it's been weird between me and him.  

"Look my father doesn't hate's just he's going through a lot of stress in the company, and it's taken a toll on him." he rubs the side of her arms giving comfort. "Come on, let's go home, I'll talk to my father later okay?" he locks hands with hers and they both head back inside.


Chapter 3 coming soon Please give feedback 


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