
You Are My Sun.


it has been months since the near-death experience Young Bae had. he quit his job as an artist a few days after breaking the deal with Ciel. yeah, he told me about Ciel, just to clear things up. we never saw her again, and we’re pretty thankful for that. Ji Yong is best friends with Young Bae again, now always seen around school with him. Seung Hyun decided to take on the job as a model, and he’s slowly making his way in the industry. Seung Ri is, as always, sticking to Ji Yong in school. as much as Ji Yong looks like he’s annoyed by Seung Ri, he knows how caring and responsible Seung Ri can be to him and everyone else when he really makes the effort to. meanwhile, the maknae’s just having fun being the youngest.
Dae Sung, on the other hand, told me that i should be with Young Bae right after the incident. i didn’t know how else to react, but he smiled his radiant smile, hugged me, and told me it’s okay. something about his smile comforted me completely—i think, probably, it’s possible, that he’s gotten over me. at least, my instincts tell me so. 
we’re all back in school, and it’s already autumn. the cold wind kisses my cheeks as i hold onto Dae Sung’s arm. Ji Yong forbids me to walk to school with Young Bae nowadays—says it’s too distracting for me, seeing that my final exams are arriving. i am wearing a thick jacket with the hoodie over my head, all zipped up, but it doesn’t exactly help as the jacket only reaches to my waist, when in reality my skirt is unable to cover three quarters of my legs. the knee-high socks don’t help, either. i love cooling weathers, yet my body always fail to adapt to cold environments. i can only stay closer to Dae Sung while we walk to school, to steal a little bit of warmth from him.
Ji Yong still goes to school without me, and he is still the first thing i see in YG High right when we get off the bus. Young Bae has gained himself the title of the Prince of the Sun, whereas Ji Yong is now dubbed as the Prince of the Moon. ironic enough, their names don’t fit, but you can’t ever see them apart in school. Seung Ri grew a little--perhaps from all that’s happened with me—and now he’s Ji Yong’s personal assistant. sometimes he gets bullied by my brother, but most of the times he’s doing his job perfectly—keeping Ji Yong’s timetable in synchronization with his after-school activities and stealing the limelight from Ji Yong’s fans momentarily when the Prince needs to be alone.
girls come to crowd around Dae Sung again, but i cling to him like a child, not wanting to let go. Dae Sung doesn’t even pose an awkward smile; we only walk through the girls and an occasion group of boys casually. his smile brightens up the corridor, and wherever he goes. we reach our class and it finally feels a little warmer inside. i place my bag on my seat, but don’t take off my jacket so i can store the warmth for the time being. the first bell rings, and everyone rushes into their classes with hushes and little chatters.
the school Public Announcement system makes a static noise in every speaker around school, as if someone’s about to make another dull announcement about upcoming events and whatnot. i don’t bother to listen and plop my head onto the table while i wait for the teacher to come in.
“testing, test, one, two,” the blurry voice sounds painfully familiar. that’s when i realize Dae Sung isn’t in his seat, and he’s nowhere to be found in class. what’s going on?
“good morning, students of YG High School. this is Kwon Ji Yong speaking, and we have a very special announcement to make this morning.” wait. Ji Yong isn’t even in charge of the Public Announcement system. “i’ll pass the rest of the time to Dong Young Bae,” he says, as girls in my class scream in excitement, while others just sigh of disappointment because Ji Yong stopped talking.
“good morning everyone,” Young Bae says. he’s smiling. i know it. something’s up. “today is a very special day for me. today is my girlfriend’s birthday, you see. (take in mind that absolutely no one in school knows that i’m with him. for a moment there, i feel cheated. and that’s precisely when i realize--) happy birthday, Hyun Xin.” everyone in class stares at me. mostly with envious eyes, but i do spot a few with raging jealousy. then again, i won’t get hurt in school anymore. the school’s made a specific rule about that since then. after and outside of school… i’m not so sure.
“happy birthday, Hyun Xin!” i hear two voices simultaneously. it cannot be mistaken. it’s Dae Sung and Seung Ri. i hear Ji Yong curse softly in the background, and everyone in class lets out a giggle. the mic is passed back to Young Bae, and music is being played all of a sudden.
“i wrote this song for you, Hyun Xin.” i can hear the entire school quiet down to listen to his voice. Tae Yang’s voice.
if not you, then who
if not now, when else
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
you keep me awake with a smile like the sun, sunny
you take my breath away with a voice like sweet honey
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
no one makes my heart flutter like this but you
you’re the only one i can see
just wanna whisper into your ear, thank you
baby thanks for being with me
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
you keep me awake with a smile like the sun, sunny
you take my breath away with a voice like sweet honey
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
i’ll let you sleep in my arms, forever and a day
and every night i’ll kiss you
so will you be my girl tonight, baby please just say
yes, or i won’t know what to do
if not you, then who
if not now, when else
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
you keep me awake with a smile like the sun, sunny
you take my breath away with a voice like sweet honey
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
it’s you, and there’s no doubt about it
there is a short pause of silence before every class in school bursts into endless claps and cheers. ohh, Dae Sung better be back soon. or Young Bae, or Ji Yong, or Seung Ri—whoever it is, please, oh Lord, someone please walk me home today! i do NOT want to get killed today.
“HYUN XIN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Dae Sung screams behind me and surprises me with a hug. in front of the entire class. i am so dead. don’t these boys know anything about their violent fanclubs? sigh. i hug him back and smile at him, while he hands me a sunflower hairclip. “this is for you,” he says, with the brightest smile. the slightest hurt he’s been feeling for me is completely gone. no present is better than knowing that.
i turn my attention to the front of the classroom as everyone gasps loudly. Young Bae is standing right next to the blackboard, looking handsome and surprisingly, a little shy, in his school uniform and his styled faux hawk. in his hands, is the biggest, and most beautiful bouquet of sunflowers i have ever set my eyes on. i can’t help but to stare blankly at him, not knowing how to react. he strides between the tables of the classroom, reaching the spot where i am standing, holding the sunflowers away from between us so his eyes are just inches away from mine.
“thank you,” he speaks softly, as if he only wants me to hear him. “for everything. happy birthday, Hyun Xin.”
Dae Sung lets Young Bae walk me home today, telling me he has things to do in school—but really, who can’t see through Dae Sung’s sweet lies? Young Bae wraps his arm around my shoulders as we head out of school. i try to ignore the eyes and stares the other students give us, and thank heavens they fade away and dissipate quickly as we walk further away from school. we haven’t said a word, but him half-hugging me on my birthday seems like a good enough present for me already.
he leads us to the park--where Dae Sung and i found him bleeding horribly—and we take a seat in one of the benches scattered around the park. he holds my hand, but doesn’t say a thing. just as i’m about to lay my head on his shoulder, he turns to me with a straight face and talks to me.
“hey,” he my face gently, with his shivering, gloveless hand. “i’m sorry for all of the pain i’ve put you in, Hyun Xin.” his brows knits together like a complicated knot. “you never should’ve gone through all of that for me. i’m sorry…” he trails away as he looks away from me, too. i grab his hand that’s on my face. “no,” i say. “if it wasn’t for all of those things, you wouldn’t be here with me now. those are precisely the events that tied us together.” i feel a little stupid and embarrassed for saying such cheesy things. the butterflies in my stomach doesn’t go away while i look nervously into his eyes. his expression relaxes a little, and he leans in closer to me. i close my eyes, knowing exactly what to expect.
this is the second time i am feeling his lips with mine. soft, luscious, and rich of his fragrance. i will never forget this taste, this electrifying sensation. after what seems like an endless eternity, our lips part, and we gaze into each others’ eyes like people in the movies. i bite my lip habitually, and we both smile. he hugs me again, this time him being the one whispering into my ear.
“i promise you, Hyun Xin. i’ll always be your sun, and i’ll always look after you.”
hope you liked the ending! yes, i had to make up the lyrics on my own XD and the song was from the lullaby Young Bae sang to her in chapter 28/twenty-seven. feedback? (: 
something personal : the sun has always carried a deep meaning for me. which is why i love sunflowers so much. yes, they seem a bit stupid, for following the sunlight everywhere, but i think they have a deep sense of loyalty towards the sun. as if they made a pact without saying anything. i just find it superb that way. (:
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Lovely story
I love your title!
xinray #3
thank you, japan_lover! <3
Japan_lover #4
I'm really liking this story its so touching ... Yah it makes me cry :'( ... Ur a really good writer! :D
xinray #5
thank you, kazumi (:
Kazumi #6
Like this, realy great fanfic~~ Beautiful story. Like, like, like this ♥
xinray #7
sparkles : d'aw thank youuuu <3<br />
ciel is so evil LOL noooooooo I can't believe its coming to an end :( BUT YAY FOR A DAESUNGIE FANFIC!♥
sparkles #9
I'm gonna leave a comment even though I just started reading your fic....I love your writing style so far!! I'm pretty sure I'll comment when I'm done reading everything also :D
xinray #10
10 subscribers! <3 SO HAPPY. Big Bang's comeback is tonight, be sure to stay up ahurhurrrr. thank you all for reading, and please do leave comments! <br />
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thankyou arabianchick and strawberryfields <3