twenty seven.

You Are My Sun.


it’s already past 6 o’clock when Dae Sung and i walk out of the building. the sun is already setting, creating a very lovely reddish orange sky above our heads. we’ll be walking home as Seung Hyun’s busy with work to fetch us back. i remember to text Ji Yong as we start walking. i slip my phone back into my bag and put my arm around Dae Sung’s as usual. we hasten our steps, for we know that we’re later than usual.
i fish out my keys just as we make it to my house. it’s been a habit of Dae Sung’s to drop by to cook and have dinner with us, then go home. Ji Yong has even considered paying him to come around regularly, but Dae Sung refuses the pay, even though he practically drops by every day, except weekends. just as i push open the door, Ji Yong is already whining.
“i’m hungry, Dae Sung! there’s still plenty of ingredients left in the fridge from what you bought the other day, so cook up already!” i throw my bag in Ji Yong’s direction. he catches it in time, preventing it from hitting his face. “Ji Yong-oppa! where’re your manners?” i scold him. he’s always like this, acting like a kid when he’s hungry.  Ji Yong isn’t exactly best friends with Dae Sung, but it’s times like these that they converse the most. Dae Sung sets his bag down next to Ji Yong on the couch, grabs the apron that’s been hanging quietly on a plastic hook--i bought it for him several years ago--and heads into the kitchen. “dinner will be ready in a jiffy,” he says confidently. “thaaaaank you Dae Sung! my manners are right HERE, Hyun Xin,” Ji Yong says as he makes a funny face at me.
soon enough, dinner is served. rice, fried eggs, boiled spinach, and the best of all—stir-fried chicken with soy sauce. the three of us sink our teeth into the food without a word, until all of the plates are empty and shiny as new. “ahhh, that’s the best! i love you, Dae Sung!” Ji Yong hugs Dae Sung tightly, and continues, “but only when you’re cooking for us, not when you’re trying to get my sister!” Dae Sung frowns awkwardly, breaks free from Ji Yong’s grasp and places his plate and cutlery in the sink. “i gotta go now. see you tomorrow, Hyun Xin,” he says, as he picks up his bag and heads for the door. i follow him to see him out, and let him ruffle my hair right before he leaves as i close the door behind him.
“Ji Yong-oppa, you’re washing the plates tonight, i’m going to bathe now!” i yell across the living hall as i pick up my bag and head upstairs excitedly. something about hearing Young Bae’s voice tonight has made me extremely excited and pumped up. i lock the door once i’m in my room, and i strip off all of my uniform, letting them lay dead on the ground carelessly. i grab my pajamas and towel, head into the bathroom and let the man-made rain wash me clean. i even take the time to rinse my hair and scrub it clean. i step out of the bathroom in my pajamas, smelling like flowers and fruits altogether thanks to my body wash and hair conditioner. i let my hair dry up evenly under the heat of the blow dryer.
the large LED clock sitting on my desk shows that it’s only eight. i sigh in slight disappointment, but continue to do my work anyways. homework, casual reading, listening to songs and accidentally letting Tae Yang’s song play through my headphones, looking out the window, playing with my hair, trying to fall asleep—nothing is working. i miss him. it’s only been hours since i last saw him, yet something about his promise is making me long for him even more. finally, i succumb to the longing and lay dead on my bed, letting my mind be filled with his faces, his smiles, his voice, his touch. i fall asleep without even trying.
the ringing of my phone startles me awake. i jump up, literally, land on my feet, and watch my phone vibrate for a little while before picking it up. “hello?” it’s a question, not a statement or a greeting. the LED clock blinks from 10:02PM to 10:03PM.
“sorry for calling so late. were you asleep already?” i want to lie, but like i said earlier, it’s so impossible for me to come up with a lie with him anymore. “i fell asleep, but not on purpose,” i confess. hearing Young Bae’s voice burns my cheeks. we talk about school and his work, his schedule and whatnot. then without taking note of the time, we’re suddenly talking about our dreams and hopes. how i want to be a veterinarian but won’t because i’m scared of blood, how he wants to be a singer/performer forever, how i want kids when i get married, how he loves Boss like his own son; we couldn’t stop. something kept us going, and although i’m already lying comfortably in my bed with the lights out, i don’t want to go to sleep now. i don’t want this conversation to ever end.
“aren’t you tired?” he asks, after answering my question about his whereabouts for these past years. “a little, but i’m determined to stay up for you,” i say as a smile spreads across my face. i usually can’t bring myself to say mushy things easily—not even to Ji Yong or Dae Sung all the time—but with Young Bae, it seems to just come naturally. it’s almost as if my soul is made to please him with little playful words like these. i can hear him giggle shyly on the other end of the conversation, as he continues. “it’s getting late. there’s school tomorrow. i’ll see you tomorrow, okay? i don’t want you to be sleepy all day long tomorrow,” he says, gently.
“…tch, fine. on one condition!” i come up with the best idea. “sing for me,” i plead.
even before reuniting with Young Bae, i have already fallen in love with Tae Yang’s voice indefinitely. the sweet, buttery, honey-like voice that either makes you want to fall in love or dance until you collapse. the voice that seems to be the only sound that exists in the Universe when i listen to him sing.
there’s a slight pause before he answers. “okay,” he says. and he sings a pleasant little tune for me.
if not you, then who
if not now, then when else
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
you keep me awake with a smile like the sun, sunny
you take my breath away with a voice like honey, honey
it’s you, it’s you, it’s you
i held my breath when he sang. it was amazing, to be able to hear him sing like this. “i’ve never heard this song before. what is it?” i ask, wondering if it’s one of his favorite songs. “it’s work in progress,” he says. “now go to sleep, okay?” i nod, then realize that he can’t see me, and reply several seconds later, saying “okay.” we both hang up at the same time. i place my phone back on the desk, ignoring the LED clock that’s blinking annoyingly and snuggle back into my blanket. he sang, i thought. for me.
i fail to wipe away the curve formed on my lips as i drift off to sleep. 
SORRY FOR THE MAAAAAAJOR delay. school. meh. this story's on constant hiatus now, i've no guarantee when i'm going to update this and the story might go out of hand because i didn't set up a real plot for it. (: 
enjoy, though! leave a comment please? <3
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Lovely story
I love your title!
xinray #3
thank you, japan_lover! <3
Japan_lover #4
I'm really liking this story its so touching ... Yah it makes me cry :'( ... Ur a really good writer! :D
xinray #5
thank you, kazumi (:
Kazumi #6
Like this, realy great fanfic~~ Beautiful story. Like, like, like this ♥
xinray #7
sparkles : d'aw thank youuuu <3<br />
ciel is so evil LOL noooooooo I can't believe its coming to an end :( BUT YAY FOR A DAESUNGIE FANFIC!♥
sparkles #9
I'm gonna leave a comment even though I just started reading your fic....I love your writing style so far!! I'm pretty sure I'll comment when I'm done reading everything also :D
xinray #10
10 subscribers! <3 SO HAPPY. Big Bang's comeback is tonight, be sure to stay up ahurhurrrr. thank you all for reading, and please do leave comments! <br />
<br />
thankyou arabianchick and strawberryfields <3