twenty five.

You Are My Sun.
it’s been a couple of weeks, and my hand has recovered almost completely. all that’s left of it is a very fine, pale white line that’s at its verge to vanish. the cut on my cheek seems like it was never there, too. school’s getting busier, because it’s almost March and exams begin in early May. most of the seniors are working extra hard to earn good grades for the mid-term exams. even Prince Ji Yong’s fan club hasn’t been showing up anywhere in school lately. i have to admit, they are the sort of fans who do care. school is mostly noisy with flipping pages and the sound of a pen’s insane scribbling on a notebook.
albeit trying to attend school every day but ends up dozing off in every single class, Young Bae doesn’t give up, but also takes extra tutor classes with Dae Sung when he has the time. occasionally, Seung Hyun would even offer a lift to Dae Sung and i to Young Bae’s practice studio to hang out(but mainly revising what we studied) with him. we’ve been pretty careful with paparazzi and fans, often disguising ourselves as staff members. in fact, we’ve been going there so frequently lately that even the staff members know our names and are becoming friendly with us.
although i do remember how shy he becomes whenever he’s not in front of the cameras or on stage, it’s quite a miracle to see that when he transforms into Tae Yang, he’s a complete different person. a sense of confidence flows right through his very veins, and he doesn’t even stutter or shake when he’s talking to female hosts or dancing with female dancers in expectedly skimpy outfits. i don’t know, maybe he’s hiding it, but if he is, he’s doing a tremendously great job. i pour in all of my concentration as i watch him rehearse his dance again. it still feels a little surreal to know that Tae Yang is Young Bae and Young Bae is Tae Yang.
“Kwon. Hyun. Xin.” Dae Sung’s speech sounds cold and harsh. “you’re not focusing!” he throws an eraser and it hits my head, but i ignore him. the way Young Bae’s body moves so smoothly to every beat and rhythm of the music is absolutely mesmerizing and captivating. part of my mind wants me to study and do revision with Dae Sung, but most of it is very much pre-occupied with Tae Yang right now. no, not Young Bae. Tae Yang, the singer; the dancer; the performer.
“ Kwon Hyun XIn!” Dae Sung is now yelling at me, yet i remain frozen and unconvinced. it’s only when he hits me hard on the head with his History text book that i shout back. “OW!” i rub my head to ease the slight pain, and apologizes to all of the dancers and the staff for interrupting the rehearsal. “let’s go, we can’t study here,” Dae Sung says as he packs up all of his things and drags me out and away from the practice studio to a lounge located outside of the studio. the both of us take a seat opposite to each other, and just when i’m about to doze off on my History text book, Dae Sung shoots an interesting question at me.
“has he taken you out yet?” ‘he’. the ‘he’ Dae Sung is referring to, is no doubt Young Bae. has he taken me out yet? on a date? the answer would be a no. i don’t complain, though; he has work on his mind all the time and heck, why wouldn’t he? plus, exams are in another month, it’s not really the best time to go out on a date now, is it? “no,” i answer in a seemingly tedious tone. despite understanding the circumstances and the obstacles we may have to face and overcome before going out on a date(if that’s even possible, anyways), as a girl, i’m unhappy. unhappy because i feel like i’ve been put aside as something of unimportance. i am aware of how selfish and greedy i become when i’m with Young Bae, because he always has so little time at hand.
as if wanting to comfort me, Dae Sung forms a playful grin on his face and says, “don’t worry, if he doesn’t take you out soon, i’ll always be here to replace him!” i jokingly hit him with my book, but we both end up laughing. it’s good to know that things are back to how it was. although Dae Sung doesn’t talk to Young Bae as much as he did in the first two weeks when they met, he’s putting in a lot more effort to do so again, for me. at least, that’s what he told me. seeing Dae Sung laugh is one of my biggest sense of securities, it always brightens my day whenever he’s spreading his contagious laughter.
“looks like someone’s in a good mood today,” a deep voice startles the both of us. Seung Hyun has been successfully scaring us lately, often appearing and disappearing at cue. but of course, we know better—he’s been busy dealing with Young Bae’s schedule and whatnot. he is Young Bae’s manager, after all. although i personally think Seung Hyun would soar high if he became a model, because he has such a slender figure, and his face, his expressions are always so perfect—he’s almost too good-looking to be just a manager. “aren’t you supposed to be doing something?” Dae Sung shoots back at Seung Hyun. ever since the party, these two seems to have been on the same side. in spite of being older than Dae Sung, Seung Hyun is more of a child when he isn’t working. it’s equally as enlightening to watch them arm-wrestle or crack jokes with each other. they’ve actually managed to develop a sort of click—well, you’ll see what i mean.
“History, ew.” Seung Hyun peeks over my shoulder to find the subject he hates the most. “i know right, hyung?” Dae Sung replies. “History kills my brain cells,” Seung Hyun says. “not to mention your good looks too. it’s that devastating!” Dae Sung dramatizes things. Seung Hyun grabs his face frantically and start screaming, “OH NO, NOT MY FACE! AHHHHH!” he pretends to run away like a child and hides behind a column in the lounge. “DON’T WORRY, HYUNG! I’LL DEFEAT THIS VICIOUS MONSTER FOR YOU!” i laugh as Dae Sung waves his imaginary sword and stabs the book. with a satisfied expression on his face, he says, “hyung! the History monster is defeated! it is safe for Your Good-lookingness to return to the kingdom now!” the older of the two walks back triumphantly, as if he’s really a king, as he thanks his subordinate for protecting him. “thank you, Dae Sung, for saving my good looks. now, as a reward, you shall get… Princess Hyun Xin! i will marry my dear sister to you!”
“hell no i’m participating in this madness,” i warn them with a fierce glare. they immediately cut the act and return to normal. this is what i mean. they’re so crazy and entertaining when they’re together, i sometimes wonder if they should form a comedy duo.
there’s a commotion back from the practice studio when Dae Sung and Seung Hyun are still trying to convince me to play with them. a flock of casually dressed dancers walk past us like birds taking flight. they’re all whispering and mumbling to each other in a worrying tone. the dancers leave, but i don’t see Young Bae anywhere among the crowd. the lounge is empty with just us three again, when Seung Hyun tells us he’s going to check on Young Bae. he does, and we watch him vanish behind the door of the practice studio. 
fifteen minutes slip past us, and a man walks out from the studio, slamming the door behind him. i recognize him as the main choreographer/dance trainer in the company Young Bae’s signed to. he’s always managed to scared me with his stern expression that seems glued to his face all the time. today, he’s more than intimidating; he looks absolutely furious. i can even see the veins popping out from his neck. the man who is bathed in sweat rushes past Dae Sung and i, and slams the elevator button angrily. i place the textbook back on the table, and tell Dae Sung i’m going to see what’s happened. i walk briskly to the practice studio, lay both my hands on the door and push it open as quietly as possible. i take a peek of the interior. 
a little short, but i'mma make the next chapter real sweet, i promise! (: 
some ToDae action, haha! 
do leave a comment about what you think of the story <3 i love feedback! 
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Lovely story
I love your title!
xinray #3
thank you, japan_lover! <3
Japan_lover #4
I'm really liking this story its so touching ... Yah it makes me cry :'( ... Ur a really good writer! :D
xinray #5
thank you, kazumi (:
Kazumi #6
Like this, realy great fanfic~~ Beautiful story. Like, like, like this ♥
xinray #7
sparkles : d'aw thank youuuu <3<br />
ciel is so evil LOL noooooooo I can't believe its coming to an end :( BUT YAY FOR A DAESUNGIE FANFIC!♥
sparkles #9
I'm gonna leave a comment even though I just started reading your fic....I love your writing style so far!! I'm pretty sure I'll comment when I'm done reading everything also :D
xinray #10
10 subscribers! <3 SO HAPPY. Big Bang's comeback is tonight, be sure to stay up ahurhurrrr. thank you all for reading, and please do leave comments! <br />
<br />
thankyou arabianchick and strawberryfields <3