twenty one.

You Are My Sun.


“Hyun Xin!” he rushes right in front of me and i recognize him while he wipes the drop of blood away from my cheek and touches the piece of cotton wool on my other cheek, then reaches for my bloody hands. “Young Bae…” i whisper his name under my breath. i try not to tremble to the sight of the blood gushing out continuously from my hand as i keep them far away from my treasured piece of clothing that belongs to him. Min Byul stares in disbelief, throws away the piece of broken glass and hugs Young Bae as though he is the last living thing on earth.

“Y-Young Bae-oppa! i’m sorry, i’m sorry! i didn’t know what got into me, i just, i just—“ surprisingly, he hugs her back lightly and disengages the hug politely. i observe in silence as he looks into her eyes softly, saying, “i remember how you told me you’re a big fan of Tae Yang.” she nods eagerly. “well, fans of Tae Yang shouldn’t go around hurting the people he loves; fans are supportive and understanding, and i believe you are one of those fans, too, right?” his voice is as angelic as all the good of the world, and his smile as radiant as the sun. how can one be so forgiving? Min Byul suddenly realizes and understands what he means, then apologizes to me for a million times or something.

“Min Byul, can you please inform the teacher that Hyun Xin isn’t feeling well and we need to go to the hospital? that would be a huge favor,” he says, again with his credulous smile. she nods, apologizes to me one last time and leaves in a hurry. well that certainly got into the list of the weirdest things that’s ever happened in my life. the smile on his face vanishes almost instantaneously. “why do you always get hurt when i’m not around? this is only going to make me feel even more guilty, if you’re aware of that,” he says, sighing afterward. i flinch a little harder when he applies pressure onto the deep cut on my right hand to stop the bleeding. “i just want to prove that i can protect myself without you…” i mumble. his face unexpectedly turns into a deep blush of red as he turns around with his back facing me, as if realizing something extremely important.

“…p-put on some clothes, will you? w-we can’t go to the hospital like this,” he says while his eyes are fixed onto the floor. i squeeze my thighs together, but i guess it’s probably too late; i assume he already saw what color it is. i blush even harder as i tiptoe hastily into the bathroom and put on my slightly damp school skirt. upon exiting the bathroom, i hit his head lightly with my unharmed fist, whining, “ert! …let’s go! my hand hurts!” he picks himself up shyly and holds my hand gently in his. he calls Seung Hyun to pick us up at school after we head back to class to get our bags. we slowly pace out towards the school entrance, unaware of a thousand eyes watching with curiosity.


i sit obediently next to him whilst waiting for the nurse to call our number to get necessary medications and pay for the treatments. the hospital is unusually packed today. nurses and doctors seem to be at their busiest in the emergency room, running around but never bumping into anyone or anything. i gasp mentally in bewilderment to their perfect senses to avoid obstacles around them. Young Bae is still fondling my injured hand—now bandaged perfectly and has long stopped bleeding—since from we were in Seung Hyun’s car up till now. the question flows right into my mind again. okay, i’ll ask.

i tap his hand with my forefinger and throw the question at him when he fixes his attention on me.

“why did you forgive her?” his pupils dilate for a second, with his brows raised, then he giggles in the most adorable fashion and pinches my nose a little too hard. my whole face transform into a huge puddle of wrinkles until he lets go. he never stopped smiling. “what, am i supposed to hit her and get revenge or things like that?” he jokes. of course i knew he wouldn’t have thought of doing that. i play along as i shrug with a ‘i don’t know, maybe?’ face. he laughs again, then tells me the true reason.

“i’ve talked to Min Byul a few times in school. she always seemed so lonely. i was quite horrible at trying to be friendly, but eventually, we did become friends. in spite of her frequent silence, i can tell that she’s a very kind girl. i remember seeing her name quite frequently among the fan mails that i receive. every time, she would write me letters to support me: asks me if i’m okay or if i’m getting enough rest, sends me my favorite food,  tells me how my singing has inspired her—you know, things like that. i felt like she was truly, in love with Tae Yang. maybe it’s naive of me to think that there people in love always act out of love, but it’s what i believe in, and i believe she didn’t mean to harm you.”

i look at him in admiration and respect as he looked back at me, still playing with my fingers with a sincere smile across his face. i think i just fell harder for him. i let out a chuckle and say “you’re stupid” as i throw my arms around his neck, my chin resting on his left shoulder, our body warmth emerging together. “i think i’m really in love with you now, Dong Young Bae,” i whisper. i feel the wide smile on his face as his cheek pushes into my hair. my arms still around him, i pull away slightly to look at him. that face, that face which never ever fails to make me feel like butter on toast. “but i hate it when i become so weak with you around,” i add.

“silly Hyun Xin,” he says, “that’s exactly why i’m around. to protect you.” he attempts to lean forward and push his lips against my forehead to produce another kiss, but a figure comes abruptly to shove him away from my embrace, grabbing his shirt with complete power, causing quite the uproar in the emergency room.

“don’t you dare touch her again! I TRUSTED YOU!” 


shorter chapter D: i'm running out of brain juice, i swear. 

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Lovely story
I love your title!
xinray #3
thank you, japan_lover! <3
Japan_lover #4
I'm really liking this story its so touching ... Yah it makes me cry :'( ... Ur a really good writer! :D
xinray #5
thank you, kazumi (:
Kazumi #6
Like this, realy great fanfic~~ Beautiful story. Like, like, like this ♥
xinray #7
sparkles : d'aw thank youuuu <3<br />
ciel is so evil LOL noooooooo I can't believe its coming to an end :( BUT YAY FOR A DAESUNGIE FANFIC!♥
sparkles #9
I'm gonna leave a comment even though I just started reading your fic....I love your writing style so far!! I'm pretty sure I'll comment when I'm done reading everything also :D
xinray #10
10 subscribers! <3 SO HAPPY. Big Bang's comeback is tonight, be sure to stay up ahurhurrrr. thank you all for reading, and please do leave comments! <br />
<br />
thankyou arabianchick and strawberryfields <3