3. [Trans/Nonbinary]

Coming Out Letters [Templates]

Dear Family,

I know that this may be a little long but please read all the way through.

I'm suffering from a term people call "Gender Dysphoria." Gender Dysphoria is "a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological and their gender identity."

Recently, I've been thinking about gender and uality's. I've been discovering my own and researching.

I've come to realize that I am very uncomfortable with this thing we call "gender." I don't like that fact that I was assigned the gender role of female, it makes me uncomfortable. Thus bringing forth my gender dysphoria.

I've been having a hard time thinking about a way to come out to everyone so I decided to send this message/letter.

Hi, I'm ____ my pronouns are he/they (which may change depending on how I feel) and I am a transgender masculine person. Or more specifically a Nonbinary person. "Nonbinary" is an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is neither man or woman; can also be used as an individual gender identity for someone who is neither a woman nor a man, but does not identify further. For me specifically, I do not feel like a man or a woman I'm kind of both but neither.
(There are multiple other genders under this Nonbinary umbrella but I'm staying on the surface)

I have been battling gender dysphoria for a while. I've never been all that into gender. I've never like what we gender as "feminine clothing." I hated dresses, skirts, and pink. However, I've always wanted to one of the pretty girls who everyone notices. I've been going through "phases" and researching to figure out what I am, and I found it.

I having a hard time sending this to you. I'm hesitating. I worried about what you'll say, about what you'll do. I always run scenarios in my head about things that could happen but I'm not always optimistic. In fact I'm very pessimistic so those scenarios didn't work out.

I've first hand seen the amount of homophobia, transphobia, etc. If god made me perfectly the way he intended then does that mean that he made me like this on purpose. No matter what I'm going to sin, but because I'm being myself he doesn't accept me?

Anyway, I would like to thank you for reading this. I hope you understand where I'm coming from and why I'm doing this. I know that since your adjusting you may misgender me or dead name me but I'll know that you love a respect me if you try and correct yourself. Thank you for understanding.


P.S. Please don't share this... please let me come out on my own.

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