Chapter 5



Yunho ruffled his daughter's hair.


"Hanabear, your nanny's coming to watch you soon okay?" Yunho said to her.


Hana looked up, clearly upset, "But it's Sunday!" she said, "I'm suppost to get to spend time with you and umma."


"I know," Yunho said, "but umma needs rest today, so she stays healthy, okay? The doctor said so."


"Alright." Hana sighed.


"I'm sorry Hana." Yuri said. She hated the dissapointed look in her daughter's eyes. Was she the type of mother who was always leaving her child in the care of another woman.


"What's your nanny like?" Yuri asked her.


"She's pretty, I guess, but not as pretty as you. She doesn't let me drink juice in the living room even though I told her you let me. She plays barbies real good though." Hana shrugged.


"Is she nice to you?" Yuri asked, though she doubted Yunho would put her in the care of a woman he didn't trust.


"Yeah." Hana sighed, "She's real nice, but a little odd."


Yuri laughed, and Hana looked startled. The way she talked was so advanced for a three year old.


"Sorry." Yuri apologized to her young daughter, who did not appear to like being laughed at when she was being serious.


The doorbell rang, and Yunho pulled Hana off of Yuri's lap.


"Be back babe, that's probably Ga In." he said to Yuri.


"Is that her nanny?"


"Duh umma, you know that." Hana replied.


Yuri chuckled, "Right, I know that."


"It's okay," Yunho said, walking back over to Yuri and kissing her lips.


"Yuck!" Hana commented.


"I love you no matter what." Yunho said earnestly to Yuri.


"I love you too." Yuri said to him.


Yunho carried Hana out of the room.


Yuri layed back on the bed. Maybe she didn't remember her time with them, but Yuri knew she meant it when she told Yunho she loved him, and Hana too. She hoped that everything would become clear to her soon, but regardless, she knew she would be happy as long as she got to stay with her wonderful newly found family.




Yuri was trying to lay back like Yunho had instructed, but seriously how could he expect her to do so? She heard him and Hana's nanny talking downstairs. She wanted to meet the woman who was going to be looking after her own child. It was only fair. Truthfully, she didn't feel like leaving Hana with anyone at all. She'd just met her baby, and now she was already expected to hand her over to another girl? She decided that must be what it was like when you gave birth, holding your child in your arms for the first time, only to have it whisked away by the nurse to some other room while you lied hopelessly in a bed.


Yuri stood up, and spotted her bathrobe hanging on the bathroom door hook. She slipped it on and stepped out of the bedroom. She walked tentatively downstairs. Yunho and Ga In, as he had called her, were downstairs, and Yuri could tell he was explaining her condition to her, while Hana was over in the corner of the living room, playing with her barbies. Yuri smiled watching her. Hana reminded her of herself when she was little playing with her dolls. She was talking animatedly, using a different character for each one, and making all of them fight with one another.


"Hey!" Yunho spotted Yuri near the bottom of the stairwell, "What are you doing down here? You're supost to be in bed!"


"Good morning Miss Jung." Ga In said. She nodded at Yuri.


"Good morning." Yuri replied, "I'm sorry I just can't stay upstairs laying down when my little girl and husband are down here. I mean, I feel like I should be spending time with you."


"Fine, come here Yul," Yunho held out his arms. She walked towards him, and he wrapped his arm around her.


"Umma," Hana said, standing up and running over to her, "will you take me to the park?"


"Not right now, Hanabear." Yunho replied. Yuri felt her heart sink at her daughter's dissapointed face. "umma needs to relax, remember? But Miss. Ga In can take you."


"Yeah, I'll be happy to take you little Hana." Ga In agreed, nodding heartily.


Hana shrugged and sighed, "Maybe later." she said. She walked back over to the corner of the living room and sat down to the previously discarded barbies. She picked up a hairbrush and began resuming her lonely game.


"Please, can't I take her?" Yuri asked Yunho, her eyes pleading at him. "We could all go together. And we can bring Ga In, in case your worried I won't pay attention or something."


Yunho smiled, "Trust me Yul, I'm not worried about your mothering. You may not remember being a umma the past few years, but I do, and you're pretty amazing." he kissed her affectionately, "I am worried about your health though, and the doctor said you should rest indoors this weekend."


Yuri gave him her best puppy dog eyes, something she knew had always worked well on her parents.


"Okay." Yunho caved easily, "I can never say no to you when you look at me like that. We'll all go. Ga In, do you mind? We'll still pay you of course."


"Of course." Ga In said, "I'll get Hana ready."


A/N: Leave a comment! I love reading them, and they motivate me to update sooner. I really want to know your thoughts. Thanks to everyone who's commented so far! xoxo.

@Lyanna: Um....maybe... :D

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Chapter 7: Update again please!!!
panipanitipani #2
PLS update thiss
Please update soon; i'm yunri deprived!~
Chapter 7: update juseyo~ i'm curious what's wrong with Yuri D;
Chapter 1: oh my this is actually awesome.. please do update..
this one is good.
what happen exactly to yul?
kpopluver626 #7
new reader:D updatesooooooooooon
new reader^^ pls update soon :)
Tzarista #10
cute .. moments :-)