trick or treat!


no tricks i promise.


hey there!

i promise to keep this really short and sweet. 

  • i'm just looking to create new friends and meet new people as i've been away for awhile.
  • i'm a little shy at first but i promise i'll always put effort in to carry the conversation (i'm a really great listener so talk to me about anything).
  • i'm a full time college student so please don't worry about late replies, take your time!
  • just to clarify, i am of age. 
  • i'm usually available through twitter or discord.
  • i usually fc female idols but i'm comfortable trying other idols too.
  • i spend most of my time listening to music, watching netflix, reading, and watching videos so feel free to share your hobbies too. i'd be happy to do them together if you're down.
  • halloween is also coming up so if you'd like, we could spend the day watching movies together! (don't even get me started on christmas). if you don't celebrate holidays, i totally respect that too. we can celebrate our new friendship instead haha.
  • that's about all i can think of for right now.

just send me a dm and i'll reach out to you as soon as i can.
i look forward to meeting you!


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