4 is the perfect number

The duckling's gang
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Teeny tiny Wheein was the cutest yellow duckling ever and her human had found her semi-dead on a road near her parents' farm.

The human named Helena was a 27-year-old biologist who had already traveled around the world and worked for some natural parks.

Before rescuing Wheein, the female saved a blue macau in África.

The female bird had probably fallen from her nest and got lost from the parents.

Helena heard some co-workers saying that it was a waste of time to bring the baby bird to the camp because the animal had no chance to survive.

Well, the majestic Hyejin would disagree every day, while flying inside Helena's house back in Korea.

Many people might say that it was exotic enough that a macau had become a duckling's best friend.

Little did they know that the duo had chosen a young dachshund as their mother and they constantly behaved like puppies.

The biologist had adopted the dog one year before rescuing the macau but she left Yongsun with her sister during the trip to Africa.

Back in Korea, Helena introduced the blue bird to the dachshund and they immediately clicked.

Wheein joined the group six months later and they accepted her as easily as they were accepted by the human.

Since Helena loved fauna and flora, she was living in a house with a huge yard filled with trees and a beautiful garden at the back.

Her pets had the freedom to walk inside and outside the house, as they preferred 

Although it had cost a great amount of money, the property had no luxury and from time to time the biologist needed to hire professionals to do some repairs.

But a small hole near the front gate passed unnoticed. Until a sassy and bohemian cat moved to the neighborhood with her human.

The cat liked to take long walks under the moon and she would usually sit on the roof or jump from wall to wall around the houses nearby.

One day, her owner left the house in a hurry and forgot her locked inside at night and that messed her whole agenda.

Moon Byul, as the human had named her, was forced to sleep early due to boredom and woke up with the sun shining on her cute face.

Her owner came back home and apologized a dozen times but he was completely ignored.

The cat yawned, stretched herself in slow motion, and got outside the house.

Moon Byul-Yi was not used to boredom. So she sneaked out of the property, ready to look for trouble.

When the cat glanced at the house in front of hers, her eyes instantly noticed the small hole.

"Let me check if there is any dumb dog inside to be my toy'".____ The cat would say. If she could speak.

Moon Byul heard a funny sound coming from the other side of the wall and she curiously started spying through the hole.

" Quack quack quack quack"._____ A tiny and yellow duckling was complaining of something.

The cat leaned her head with a funny expression and called the adorable creature:

_____ Psss, Meow. Meow.

The duckling looked around and stepped ahead very confused.

_____ Quack Quack! Are you speaking to me?

Moon Byul was pleased. She hadn't tried to communicate with another species apart from the dogs she usually bullied.

_____ Of course, meow! Who else?

_____ Who are you? Mom Yong says I shouldn't speak to strangers._____ The little duck quacked with suspicion.

_____ I'm the Almighty princess Moon Byul-Yi, baby. I'm no stranger._____ The cat walked from one side to the other in her cocky way.

_____ Never heard of you. _____ The duckling scoffed.

_____ Your loss. I'm famous and powerful. I can turn you into a tall duck. How about that?_____ The cat whispered with malice.

_____ Oh really?! Can you do that? Like...right now?_____ The yellow duckling quacked with excitement.

_____ Sure, baby. Just come closer to the hole._____ Moon Byul smirked. In a cat way of smirking.

The innocent duckling did what she was asked and the cat knocked her head with her paw.

_____ Quack quack! Why did you attack Wheeinie?_____ The adorable duckling cried and ran inside the house while giving her short and cute steps.

______ Wheeinie, don't go. I was kidding... Come on! It didn't hurt, right? Meow???

Moon Byul felt regret for the first time in her life and she returned to her human and cuddled with him in bed.

Back home, the dachshund Yongsun heard Wheein crying and came running from the garden with her short and cute legs.

_____ Bark bark! What happened to my Wheeinie? 

_____ A cat attacked me _____ The duckling would pout. If ducks could do that.

_____ Whaaaaaat? Who is this miserable? Where is he from? Is the fat yellow stray one? Or the gray Persian one with dumb face? I'm gonna kick their asses!_____ The blue macau came flying and screamed. Or something similar to a scream.

_____ I don't know her. I think she is new here. Quack._____ Wheein whined.

_____ I'm gonna bite her head! And sit on her until she can't breathe!_____ The dachshund ran from one side to the other in a bad mood.

_____ Me too, mama! Me too!_____ Hyejin was convinced that she was a dog.

_____ We'll get this villain tomorrow! Don't worry, Wheeinie._____ Yongsun wav

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Tomorrow is children's day in Brazil. A kiss to everyone who keeps their child alive in their souls and hearts.


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Chapter 1: This was soo cute 🥰
Army_Moomoo__ #2
Chapter 1: omg 😍😭😍😭😍😭
penguin809 #3
So fluffy 🥰🥰 thank you for writing this!
Yongddunie_12 #4
Chapter 1: I'm crying T^T it's so cute and adorable. Thank you <3
Chapter 1: Ohhh i love it!!!!! I miss stella and helena so much!!!! Arghh jana is unpredictable!! Love you so much Jana!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee!! Thanks for this sneakpeak of Stella's life as a mother. I really love that Stella story.
Chapter 1: Omg this is cute, is this like the extension of Stella? 💖