Gotta Catch 'Em All


Super Junior is once again given another day off. Heechul decides to take matters into his own hands, so the day would not end like the last. But knowing Kim Heechul, the day was doomed to be complete chaos.


A story for MusicChibi unnie! Hopefully, I did not fail you. Anyway, I love you! I hope you like it. Oh, and this is also for those who asked for another bored!Suju day. This is sorta kinda a sequel to Defeating Boredom . It took me like four days to write this. Guys, it's 3,067 words long. 3,067. I've never written anything this long ever. Um, I'm feeling a bit lazy right now, so I'll edit it a bit later. Oh, and I know the ending . I know. Please forgive me. I forgot what else I was going to say. Whatever! Feel free to comment and stuff! And be warned: This is complete nonsense.


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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 1: They all would look cute in Pokemon coustumes but I want a henery evee just too adorable^-^

Omg PikaKyu~ gahhh so cute. Donghae as a Magikarppp ahhh Yesung & his turtles.
Chapter 1: HAHAHA! My poor Onew! xD

PikaKyu... SO CUTE!^^

LOL Siwon's eyebrows are full of helpful charm and magic. Even the policeman fell in love with Shisus. :)
Heechul's texts are so weird and random, but very very amusing, indeed.

This is the bestest crack EVER.
This is absolutely brilliant. :)
This is amazing! By the way, what Pokemon were Leeteuk and Hankyung?
memoire- #5
Omg... I nearly died of laughing and eventually got suffocated. This is absolutely cute and funny!!!!
If that would really happen I'd throw any kind of pokeballs at them and catch them! Hehe a fish in a fish costume, a turtle maniac in a turtle costume, a joker in a mime costume, and Heenim in a meowth suit! Seriously I can't stop laughing! hahaha! XD You should of put Eunhyuk in a Primape costume monkey and monkey! XD
lol this was amazing!!
ChristalSJ #8
*Throws master balls*
EeJouRin #9
Omg, the soft kitty song made me especially burst out. Lmao. ing big bang theory ftw! And PikaKyu! Aigooooooo! Just pronouncing it makes me all soft and fluffy inside! Lol! Oh Minnie, the forever giggly one...and the faountIn boys...yeah, not gonna start. Lol. Canadians are not afraid of the dark, we know that Henry...
jaz096 #10
hahaha! really, heechul? really? xDD!
adorable super pokemonsssss! :DDD