METAVERSE    //    7 DAYS POP UP AGENCY ; open and accepting reservations!


     7  D A Y  P O P U P  R P    
"PALACE FOUND.beginning navigation. . . "

 - This is a closed rp. No interaction with accounts outside of the metaverse.

- One account per head, please don't do any double accounts.

- Please no facechasing and cliques. Interact with everyone as we don't want anyone to feel left out.

- Do inform us if you're dating anyone in the agency and we also accept move in couples!

-Please reach 75 tweets in 24 hours after joining, if you fail to reach tc or do not tweet for 3 days, you will be deemed inactive and hence unverified.

- Please DM base if you plan on ending your navigation in the metaverse.

- Timeline is rated pg-15 but please keep the hard stuff in DM.

- TCC lasts for maximum 3 days, cooldown for tcc and cc is 1 day although if you wish to cc to your current tcc character please inform base beforehand.

- Subscribing is mandatory for reservation but upvoting is greatly appreciated.

-Do report any discomforts, questions etc. to base. this is a safe space for you 

-The password is your timezone and all-time favourite game character.



- Comment under this post with the following format:

Character name and origin



- You may reserve anyone you like but we do not accept babies and you can also reserve for up to 2 more friends.

-After your request is approved, make your account within 24 hours (after the opening of the agency) and follow and mention base for verification but if you haven't received verification in the next 10 minutes after you mentioned us, feel free to interact with everyone else.

-You must include metaverse somewhere in your account.

-We suggest you to secure your account by adding both email and phone number to your account in order to avoid getting sniped by Twitter.

- Your tag/username must include @mvname or @namemv , if usernames aren't available you can dm base for help.



- We accept characters from anime, manga, manwha, vtubers, games etc. as long as your character isnt a real life person.

- 01/10: registration day.



- genshin impact: albedo. kokomi. thoma. lisa. ganyu.

- haikyu: kuroo. atsumu. osamu. bokuto.

- jujutsu kaisen: megumi. gojo.

- kamisama kiss: tomoe.

- rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai: sakuta. mai.

- tokyo revengers: rindou. smiley

- yugioh: yuki.




 jaden: " genshin's xinyan, demon slayers' mitsuri, haikyuu's yachi and more friends!"

 kuroo: " akaashi keiji and tsukishima kei "


you can press on the PALACE FOUND on the main page for our base! (@metaversetwt)


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chiIdes #1
genshin impact’s ganyu.
minus five.
genshin impact's lisa.
plus eight.
ash ketchum?!
iPegNanami #3
genshin impact's thoma,
plus eight,
N4N4M1 #4
tokyo rev’s nahoya

+3, sephiroth
cxxhjg #5
Haikyuu Bokuto Kotarou
Kinomoto Sakura
kyanreki #6
haikyuu's miya osamu.
-3, connor kenway.
fukuroudani #7
tokyo revenger's rindou.
+7, ada wong.

also reserving tokyo revenger's sanzu.
+8, guoba.
jvstbecause #8
kamisama hajimemaa’s tomoe
-7, yuna ffx-2
neuvillettes #9
jujutsu kaisen’s fushiguro megumi.
-4, kaedehara kazuha.
judais #10
yugioh's jaden yuki
-7, cloud

also, reserving for a friend!
haikyuu's kuroo tetsurou
+7, bennett