Betrayal Chapter 2


Chapter 2



For the past week all my dreams had to do with Youngmin. Whether it was romantic or terrifying. Youngmin and me have been really close lately. Sometimes he'll come over to my house to study or I'll come to his house. Ever since we've become friends I haven't seen one girl with him. What if he was falling for me? "You're not at Youngmin's house? I'm surprised." Himi teased. "Shut up. We gotta get ready for exams and I like to study by myself." I said back. "So that means you can't help me?" Himi got close to my face and made a puppy dog face. I shook my head. She started to pout and whimpered like a dog. "Fine." She jumped up and down. ' Sungi you've got a message!' i went over to my phone wondering who would be texting at this time. I looked at the message and it was from Youngmin. I said 'Help me!' I smiled and sent back, 'No you can do it on your own. I believe in you. Fighting!' I laughed at my own text. "What are you laughing at?" Himi asked. I shut my phone and turned to her. "Nothing." She came over to me and tried to grab my phone, but I jerked back. "Let me see." She jumped towards me and we both fell. My phone rang and she took the phone out of my hands.

"Hello?" Himi said. I couldn't hear what the person on the other line was saying, but I knew it had to do with me. Himi went out of the room talking to the person. Who the crap was it? "Sungi it's for you." Himi came back in and handed me the phone. This time I was the one who went out of the room. "Hello?" I said. The other line was slient until I heard Youngmin's voice. "Hello? Oh, Sungi why can't you came help me? You know I at language." He whined while I giggled. "But, it's so late." I said back. "So, I can always walk you home, plus it's Friday we don't have school tomorrow." I thought about it for a minute. I would be with Youngmin for about 2 hours maybe. "Fine. I'm coming over now." I heard Youngmin cheer in the background. "Good. Oh yeah, my parents aren't here so it will be quiet." My heart started beating faster. I hung up the phone and went back into the room. "So what did you two talk?" Himi asked. "Nothing. I'm going to Youngmin's house, though."I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "Mrs.Kim I'm going to a friend's house." Mrs. Kim stuck her head out around the corner. "Ok honey. If you decide to spend the night call me." I smiled and went out the door. Why would I stay over at Youngmin's? He's parents aren't there and I'm a girl and he's a boy. Tons of bad things can happen like that.

I knocked on the door waiting for him to open it. The door swung open and Youngmin pulled me in. "You've gotta help me!" Youngmin yelled in my face. "I'm here so we can study." I tried to calm him down. "Not that. MY ex. is coming over. I tried to tell her that I was having someone over, but she wouldn't listen." I thought about all he just said. "Ok. How am I suppose to help? Pretend to be your girlfriend?" I laughed, but Youngmin just looked down at his feet. Oh no. He wants me to be his fake girlfriend. "Can you please?!" He got down on both knees and begged. How could I say no? "Fine." He jumped back up on his feet. Before I got to say anything else, someone knocked on the door. "Ok. If she asks how long we've been dating say about 2 months. Ok?" I nodded. The girl that slapped me walked in. She glared at me once she saw me. I have a feeling this is gonna go downhill. "So, you reject me for this chick?" I hope she knows I do have a name. "She does have a name, Seohyun." Her name is Seohyun? "Like I care what her name is." She is getting on my nerves. If Youngmin wasn't here I would so kill her. "Can you just leave?" I said without even knowing. Youngmin and Seohyun looked straight at me. Why did I have to talk. "Excuse me?" Seohyun hissed. I so regret coming over. I guess it was time to fight back and stop being all quiet.

"You heard me." I snapped back. That shocked Youngmin and it also shocked me. "You little b-" She was interrupted by a slap across the face. I looked at Youngmin. Did he just slap her? "Don't you try to talk to my girlfriend like that." Youngmin shouted. My heartbeat fasten. He just called me his girlfriend. Even if we're pretending it made my heart go faster. "Now get out of my house." Seohyun looked Youngmin with wide eyes. She left. Now we were all alone. No parents and no Seohyun. "So..." I tried to break the silence, but couldn't. Youngmin put his hand on my arm. I looked at him. He leaned over to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Uh..I'm sorry. It was a thank you kiss I guess." Youngmin turned around in embarrassment. He kissed me. He kissed me! But, does that mean he actually likes me? It's way to late to go home now. Maybe he'll let me spend the night. I tapped Youngmin on the shoulder. He turned towards me. "Can I st-aay the night?" I muttered. His face turned bright red. Hopefully he lets me stay. "I guess that's fine. You can sleep in the guest's room." I felt butterflies in my stomach already. What's gonna happen tonight?

Youngmin showed me to the guest's room. It was a large room with a king sized bed. The walls were a creamy brown color. "My room is right across from your's. If you need anything just ask." With that he left. When I was about to get into the bed. I noticed that I was still in my jeans. I can't ask him if I can borrow a shirt. That's to embarrassing. Stay in jeans or ask? I guess I'll go ask. I walked across the hall to Youngmin's room. I hestitated to knock on the door. I had to force myself to knock. The door opened to a shirtless Youngmin. I whipped around. My back facing him. How can he answer his door looking like this? "You need me?" He asked. I forced myself once again to turn around. "Yeah. I was wondering if-if I could borrow a shirt." I stuttered. He laughed while getting a shirt. I took the shirt and ran in 'my' room. My heart was thumping rapidly.

After changing I turned off the light and got into bed. My eyes wouldn't close what so ever. All I could think about was Youngmin and me kissing, also his shirtless body. I wonder if he's still awake. Should I go check or not? I decided to go see. I tiptoed to his door and softly knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked harder. Still no answer. I opened the door slowly and peaked in. There, I could see Youngmin's sweet angleic face asleep. I walked in making sure not to trip over anything. I still tripped over something. I tripped over a book and fell on top of Youngmin. To my surprise he didn't budge. I slowly tried to get up, but was pushed back down. "Why are you in here?" He said without opening his eyes. My heart was going to explode. "Well?" I tried to think of something to say, but nothing came out. If I told him why I was really in here he may think I'm a freak. I guess the truth's gonna have to come out.

"I was wondering if you were awake. You didn't answer the knocks so I came in to make sure you were really asleep." I could see him nodding his head. Taking everything in. What was he going to say? "Doesn't mean you have to lay on me." He chuckled. I realized we were in the same position the whole time. I scrambled to get off, but he kept me glued to him. "Well if you would let me go then maybe we wouldn't be like this." All he did was smile and squeezed me. Why is he acting like this? "Y-youngmin?" I stuttered. "Hmm?" He said. Youngmin pulled me closer and placed his lips on my cheek. "You should get to bed. I'll come tuck you in." He giggled. My cheeks turned red and burned. Youngmin got up and grabbed my wrist. I laid down on the bed and he tucked me in. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. Youngmin left me there with eyes wide open. Two kisses in one day! After thinking about everything that happened today I fell asleep dreaming of Youngmin. 

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youngminlove #1
omg really really great story update soon