03. I haven't even told you ...

Senior, I like you!

Music <3 (I just love this song lol)


Author's P.O.V.

It started raining so everyone went back to their tents. The rain just wasted the bonfire so instead they played truth or dare inside the tent. Moon Joo and Seungho were wondering where Jiyeon went. Seungho couldn't stop worrying so he stood up and left. Moon Joo wanted to follow him but she couldn't. It would only get worse if she follows, she was afraid she probably hurt Jiyeon's feelings after what happened in the bonfire.

Meanwhile, Jiyeon was in a place where no one usually goes. She was far away from the campsite.

She was hugging her knees while leaning her back, crying and burying her face in her knees.

"Jiyeon-ah..." She heard him call her. Slowly, she looked up and saw him. The raindrops stopped falling on to her when Seungho was close to her, holding an umbrella. "Get up, let's get away from here." He said but Jiyeon shook her head and looked on the ground.

"I want to stay here for a while," she whispered.

"Dont be stubborn," Seungho said and pulled her up, holding her hand. Jiyeon tried to pull away but Seungho was stronger than her. She just cried, sobbing like a child who lost a mother. "Don't cry," Seungho said but Jiyeon cried even louder and harder. "You'll turn ugly if you cry," he teased. "Don’t cry, Jiyeon-ah. Listen to me. Let's go back. You're sick, so don’t be stubborn anymore. You need to rest, don't cry." 

And then she thought why is she crying? That's so stupid, she's so stupid. That's what she thought. She wiped her tears away and started giggling. Seungho widened his eyes. 

"What's wrong?"

"Senior," she looked up at him and smiled. Her eyes were still soaring after all that crying, "Can I ask you a favor?"


"Can you forget that I cried tonight?"


"Senior, we need another umbrella...We won’t fit in just one umbrella."

Seungho smiled and handed her the umbrella. "I'll just run while you hurry back to the tent okay?" He said and ran off. Jiyeon wanted to stop him but he was already running fast. She let him go as tears rolled down her cheeks again.

"Senior...Seungho-ah..." She lowered her head and sniffled.

The following day, nothing much happened. They spent times together like it was the last time. It was the last day of camp and Jiyeon didn't want to waste it. It would be the last time she's spending time with Seungho, and maybe she will get over some other guy since Seungho likes her best friend, Moon Joo.

They ate together and it was a day of laughter. Every time Seungho's guy friend teases Seungho with Moon Joo, Jiyeon would just go with the flow and teases along. She was getting along with Seungho's guy friend. Moon Joo was so confused but she blushed anyway, every time Seungho looks at her.

"Ya, Jiyeon-ah, why are you doing this?" Moon Joo asked, embarrassed.

"Sorry, it's just fun." Jiyeon laughed but inside, her heart felt like breaking into pieces. She just pretended not to show her weakness.

While in the bus on the way home, Moon Joo sat in the front seat with the Leader since they had to talk about the next camp plan for next year. Moon Joo is very close with the Leader since they are relatives.

But even if there will be another camp, Jiyeon knew she wouldn't want to come again.

She was sitting alone in her seat. She was so sleepy and just then, Seungho saw her eyes opening and closing. He chuckled silently and quickly sat beside her. Jiyeon fell on his shoulder, asleep. Seungho smiled at her and stayed there for as long as she's asleep.

Shortly, they arrived back to their houses including Moon Joo. Seungho didn't come down because Jiyeon was still asleep. He asked the driver to wait for a while. Suddenly, JB, his junior student cousin and also Jiyeon's classmate came with flowers on his hand. He walked toward Seungho and glared down at him.

"Hyung," JB said. Seungho looked up at him and then at the flowers.

"JB? What are you doing here?" Seungho asked, lowering his voice so he wouldn't wake Jiyeon up.

"I came to see Jiyeon-ah. What are you still doing here? You already passed by your house."

"Ahh, I'm waiting for her to wake up. What's with the flowers-anyway?"

"It's for Jiyeon."


JB smiled and turned at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon slowly fluttered her eyes open and rubbed her eyes. She yawned and almost jumped when she saw Seungho then JB.

"I'm glad you're awake, Jiyeon-ah." JB said and looked at Seungho. "Hyung, you can go home now. I'll walk her from here." JB then grabbed Jiyeon's hand and walked out with her. Seungho sighed and watched the two walking together as Jiyeon pulled her hands away from JB. Seungho couldn't believe his cousin likes Jiyeon, and he was probably going to court her. Seungho sighed as if in defeat and asked the driver to go on. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for him, Senior's Ball. 

A day later, it was the senior’s Ball. It began at night and Seungho danced with a girl who asked him for a dance. He doesn't even have someone that he wanted to dance with so badly. He was a bit confused though...Why is he thinking about Jiyeon all of the sudden?
He was dancing with a girl, a senior of his age. But, he couldn't concentrate even when Jiyeon isn't around.

"Jiyeon-ah..." He suddenly called her name as he could see her in front of him dancing with him. But that wasn't her. He was only thinking too much about her. I like you, Jiyeon-ah... He thought.

"Who's Jiyeon?" the girl asked while dancing.

"I'm sorry, I need to go." Just like that, Seungho left the girl in the dance floor while walks out of the crowd and shook his head once he was outside, feeling the fresh air and sighing.

"Jiyeon-ah," he closed his eyes and thought about her crying and suddenly smiling just to make him better. He couldn’t forget the moments he spent with her the past few days... It was only a few days but he was already in love with her. Unfortunately, his cousin, JB.

He likes her too and he might be too late already.

* * *

Jiyeon went to buy some grocery but then she encountered with JB on her way.

"Can we talk?" JB asked her. He last talked to him last night; he had given her flowers and asked her a lot of questions she couldn't answer. She just doesn't like it that she won’t keep on bothering her.


"It won’t take long."

They took a walk together and JB started the conversation.

"Tell me why, why do you always reject me, Jiyeon-ah?" JB asked.

Jiyeon couldn't answer. He just took a fast glance at him and quickly looked away.

"Do you like someone else?" he asked.

"It's not like that. I don’t like anyone," she lied. "I just don’t want to start a relationship...with anyone."

"We're best friends, Jiyeon-ah. Don't lie to me anymore." JB said and stopped walking. Jiyeon stopped too and faced him. "You and I are best friends other than Kim Moon Joo. So, don’t keep any secrets with me. Why do you always reject me? You must have a reason, right? I mean, were best friends...We've been together for a long time...Don't tell me, you still like my cousin, Seungho, until now?" He was disappointed; he only wished he could take back what he just said. "It's because of him, right?"

Jiyeon had no way to deny it. She knew it was so obvious, and obviously, everyone she knows describes her as an obvious person.

Jiyeon shook her head.

"I'm sorry, JB." She said, barely a whisper. When JB didn't reply and just looked away from her, she continued walking but slowly. JB cried behind her and watched her disappear in the corner.

* * *

Jiyeon almost forgot to buy groceries.

"Aish. I'll buy it later," she mumbled and looked up. She had no idea how she got in School. "Omo, how did I get here?" she asked herself and she looked really dumbfounded. She remembered it was the senior’s Ball. She smiled and ran to take a peek at the gate, but she couldn't see anyone. Everyone was having the ball in the gym so she wouldn't really see what's happening.

When she turned back with a sigh. Seungho saw her but he didn't say anything. She continued walking away while Seungho followed her.

It was a long road. Jiyeon stopped when she arrived in the Han River Bridge. She watched the beautiful view if Han River and then looked up at the sky. She wished that her life would be fine that she wouldn't think of any problems anymore like her heart is broken and JB who confessed to her but she doesn't feel the same way for him...Most especially, Seungho, the one she couldn't easily forget.

"Jiyeon-ah," all of the sudden, she heard someone call her name. She looked around only to find Seungho standing inches apart from her.


"What are you doing here all alone?" Seungho asked. He looked very handsome in his white tuxedo. Jiyeon frantically shook her head and smiled.

"How about you? Why are you here?" She asked.

"Hey, I asked you first." Seungho said and walked closer to her.

"I needed wanted some fresh air."

"Oh, this place is a dangerous choice."

"I know." Jiyeon laughed. "But why are you here? Here for some fresh air too?" 

"No way. I followed you." He smiled and looked down the River.

Jiyeon felt herself blushed. She quickly looked at the same direction where he was looking. "Why?" she asked.

"I was worried." He replied.

"Yoo Seungho." They heard someone said. Seungho and Jiyeon both shifted their eyes to the man figure at the side. JB!

"JB..." Seungho looked at him with worried eyes. "What's wrong?" He noticed that JB had been crying.

"I knew it," JB looked at Jiyeon with teary eyes. Jiyeon felt bad about it and just looked away but then JB walked in between them and grabbed Jiyeon with him. Seungho grabbed Jiyeon's other hand and the cousins stared at each other intensely.


"Let her go." Seungho commanded.

"Don't tell me what to do." JB said and forced Jiyeon to come with him.

"I said let her go!" Seungho shouted.

JB was pissed off so he let go of Jiyeon and pushed her aside. JB lost his temper and punched Seungho hard, his lips was bleeding. JB was furious...Angry...Jealous...He knows getting jealous, he doesn't have the right. He knows that being violent; it would only make Jiyeon unlike him more. It would only get worse but he was too mad over Seungho that he couldn't control himself from being violent in front of the girl he loves.

Seungho punched him back and then again and again the two exchanged punches. Jiyeon tried to break them off but then she was pushed down accidentally and she fell down the Han River, screaming for help.

Seungho and JB stopped fighting and looked down in horror. Both of them was about to go down and save her. Seungho dived into the cold water first, not even caring whether it's high or it's Han River. He resurfaced a few seconds before going back under the water and search for Jiyeon.

It was so dark under the water but he tried his best. Where are you Jiyeon-ah? He thought as he kicked his legs harder caught a glimpse of Jiyeon! She was sinking while air bubbles escaped from . Seungho rapidly reached for her body and dragged her body with him towards the surface. 

When he finally resurfaced, JB quickly looked for a way down to get to them. Seungho carried Jiyeon's body on the land. JB ran to them, panicking. He checked if she was still breathing. "Hyung!" He looked at Seungho with fear in his eyes. Seungho quickly checked himself and realized Jiyeon wasn’t breathing anymore.

"Jiyeon-ah!" Seungho shouted. He pressed his hands lightly on Jiyeon's chest and then lowered his head to give her a mouth-to-mouth breathing before continuing to pump her chest. JB stood up, he was crying as well as Seungho.

"You can't die, Jiyeon-ah..." Seungho muttered to himself as he pressed his hands on her chest, pumping so she would wake up. "Jiyeon-ah! Don't die!!!" He breaks into tears. "Jiyeon-ah! You can't die yet. Please wake up! Wake up!" Seungho stopped pumping and lowered his head, hugging Jiyeon's body.

"Jiyeon-ah, wake up please...I haven't even told you I love you!" He shouted and wiped his tears, proceeding with each pump while saying 'Wake up'.

"Jiyeon-ah! Don't die!"







a/n: SORRY! This isn't finished yet. I will finish the rest tomorrow (thats final lol) because I didn't have much time to type today since it's already 11:00PM and I have to sleep or I'll get scolded especially because there's still school tomorrow. I just really didn't have the time sorry, I was out of home earlier because we ate outside and I had to wait for my parents finish chatting and eating before I could go home -and update. And again, tomorrow, is the final final chapter. I hope you like this chapter and please leave comments. I definitely should make the last chapter already. Haha it's already planned in my mind so I'll just have to write it and Ta-da, it will end soon.

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Chapter 4: So sweet. Finally Seungho loves Jiyeon back!
They're cute together.
I like you story ^^
bunnie_avril #2
it's like my story :(
thingsiu #3
Chapter 4: It's so sweet..
Love your story^^
Chapter 4: please make another fanfic about jiyeon and seungho. i really like seeing them together. i just don't get it why jiyeon never ends up with the guy she likes in dramas.
Chapter 4: Too cute. Well yeah. I liked this senior in my school and he likes my bestfreind too. So i decided to ignore him l. Hahaha. No happy ending tho... Anyway. I love thizzzz. ^^
Luckyhair_woou #6
Chapter 4: Waaah! I'm speechless!
It's soooo cute, touching and sweeet!
I love your story so much! :D
KPOP_survivor #7
i love this fic so touching and sweet heh=^^= daebak
I like this story!
bangtits #9
Aww, I almost cried :') Sweet! I love it. :)
love it!! <3 please make another jiseung or jj couple ff, you're a great writer :)