Feet In The Sand

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Yerin doesn't believe in love at first sight. But what about second sight? Third? Fourth?

How many does it take to fall in love?


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1242 streak #1
Chapter 1: This hits after seeing viviz
irongirls #2
Chapter 3: since 2015 until now I am a Buddy. no other idol group can replace them and I love the interactions between the members, especially the sinrin couple. I really miss them, reading fanfic like this makes me happy, apparently there are still people who miss them too. thank you very much author πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜˜
Andrea_97 #3
Chapter 3: you update!! thank you!, willbe waiting the end...hopefully a sinr happy ending πŸ˜ŒπŸ™πŸ»
EstherHwangEunbi #4
Yes finally 😍
Yerintopic #5
Chapter 2: Hello, i was surprised to get notif 😭 thank u for updating. So eunbi is the reason why yerin decided to be lifeguard? Interesting! Will be waiting for next chapter~
Andrea_97 #6
Chapter 2: you're back!!, thanks for the updateπŸ’•
Andrea_97 #7
please update this πŸ™πŸ», and really hoping this time sinrin have a happy ending
EstherHwangEunbi #8
Chapter 1: Wow it almost 2 month, still waiting for your update
EstherHwangEunbi #9
Chapter 1: Wow another sinrin 😍
neiihoney #10
Chapter 1: omg omgg can't wait for next chapters,, thank you,,i can't believe it 2024 and still can read sinrin fic :'D