Help a bro out? (In Genshin)


this is an ad for people to be friends and play genshin with. open this rn. :sobbing:


to get straight to the point, i recently bought a genshin acc on the asia server, but it's very late game so i have nothing to do on it LOL. if you need help on genshin on the asia server or just want someone to play with, me is here~~~ i only use discord, so drop your tag in my dms and i'll be right with u. i also play on NA, so if you wish to play there too, (and hopefully carry me :P) lmk! peace. 

extra: u don't have to respond to this ad specifically for genshin, i really need more ppl to talk to so as long as u want a friendship i'll be here! i'm a minor btw, just so no one is uncomfortable.


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i dont play genshin on asia or na servers (only eu :c) but i’d like to be friends !!
help me out someday (2)
yo help me someday.