How Would They Not See Me?


A pair of newlyweds visit the new-groom's parents.



She stands there behind his broad back, waiting for the moment. She was to surprise his familiy. At first, she was definitely sure that his family would be able to see her behind him but due to his incredible persuasion, she believed that they wouldn't know. Not even a bit. Now, as she thinks about it, she mentally smacked her forehead for even believing that she would be able to hide completely behind him.


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110 streak #1
Aww :"> So short but really sweet :)
hahhahahah.... sooooo short but cute! :)
ezwanie #3
Awww....and've just made me roflmao....this is just the shortest yet sweet and hilarious at the same time!! I could imagine khun trying hard to hide his wife, vic, with his big body...just like the way he did in wgm during the 2pm visit, away from chansung!! TQ
Erh,have it ended yet?