Fire Emblem Awakening: Youth of the Darkest Desires


The untold story of when Robin's mother when she fled from the cult of Grima and what happened to cause the events of Fire Emblem Awakening leading up to when Robin was discovered laying in a field with no memory.


A torrent of wind ripped through the shawl of a worn robe, revealing a alabaster shine from within it's darkness. She wove her way through the freezing water with a hand clutched inside her own, being a small child with a shock of ivory hair. A small smile grinned back at her, without judgment or concern of what was to come. Her face remained blank, but within a twinge of both guilt and joy threw itself against her rib cage like a frightened bird. This child knew nothing of the cruel fate that awaited him. Yet he gave her the purest sense of excitement as he trailed his small fingers through the stream as they traversed through the river side.

She really hadn't a choice but to take this path, both literally and mentally. She could not allow her son to be used as some foul sacrificial lamb for a man that had only his sights set on destruction.

“Robin come now. We must hurry.” The woman said in a hush. Though she knew what she had done was a terrible price to pay for her son's innocence, she couldn't help but feel both horror and accomplishment by saving her precious child from the hands of evil intentions.

“But why? Isn't daddy coming with?” There was a genuine look of disappointment in his dark gray eyes. They seemed to swallow up all the light from around them and fixate on his pupils. Almost as they glowed in the setting sun. She then paused a moment as she felt the wash of guilt flow through her entire being. Was this the right thing to do? “Mom? Why are you crying? Did you stub your toe?”

“Yes honey, I'm so sorry.” She knelt with a slow crouch and didn't care what her mind told her to do. She wanted her emotions to know she was right, she didn't care if the logic was right or wrong. “We won't be seeing your friends or daddy for...a time. We're going for a little trip out to the city. We won't be back for some time.”

“What? Really? Can we get some trinkets for them then when we get back? I'll miss them a lot! I'm sure they'll want to know all about it too!” Robin said this without a hint of malice but as his mother stared into his pools of silver, she shuddered to think that this innocent little boy would eventually bring the world to its knees. She couldn't let that happen, she wouldn't let it happen.

“Also Robin,” she said as she stood up after regaining her senses, “since we're going to be in a new place, you're going to have to call me something else other than 'mommy'.”

“Why?” Robin asked in a cheery tone as they finally got out of the creek and onto dry land. They had bundled their shoes and lower garments into a bundle on their heads in order to prevent them from getting wet. It was deathly cold at night, so they weren't able to take any chances with catching a sickness from being cold. “What should I call you then mommy?”

“Lola. How's that sound sweetie?”

“Lola. Lo-lo la-la” He seemed to enjoy rolling the words around in his mouth and gave a huge grin to show his approval. “Okay so you're mommy Lola! Lola mommy!” He redressed himself as she did and she patted him on the head as her sign of endearment. This poor child of mine. What has he done to deserve any of this...

I should also mention this is part one of the chapter, I'm working on multi parts/chunks at a time.


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