

The first thing that crossed Juri’s mind was that, for some reason, she must already be dead and was being carried to heaven by an angel. They were flying for some time already, the angel’s wings flapping up and down, so white that it glowed under the bright moonlight. Juri couldn’t dare look at anything else aside from him, since she was afraid she would puke, if dead people can puke.

Angels must really be beautiful. This angel, for instance, had milky white skin and soft, crisp white hair that flew with the wind. His dark eyes were focused straight on his tracks, which was a good thing. Though she must already be dead, Juri didn’t want to know how it feels to die again.

It felt really odd though since Juri felt quite normal, no cuts, no bruises – she could actually feel the cold wind sip in as they flew across the midnight sky. She could still feel the angel’s arms wrapped around her waist and legs as he carried her. And also, she could feel the boy under her deadly grip on his neck.

Oh yes, a boy, an angel with an appearance of a teenager. With how gorgeous he was, Juri would have thought it was a she, if it weren’t for the fact that he was half-, with only a pair of tight black trousers on. A pair of huge white wings grew out from his back, which must be why he chose to stay shirtless even with the freezing wind.

And she thought angels were supposed to wear white robes all over.

But if he were an angel, then why were they slowly descending? The buildings were starting to be taller than ever, and the wind was starting to become warmer. Juri could barely open her eyes now, afraid they’ll end up hitting one of the buildings.

Is this angel supposed to carry someone else who just died to heaven with Juri? Or worse… are they going to hell?

Well that didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense, especially when they landed on the rooftop of one of the buildings with a short gush of wind. Juri started to get suspicious.

The boy put Juri down on a worn-out sofa at one corner and grabbed the black trench coat lying on it. He put it on in one swift motion, completely hiding his huge white wings.

“Let’s go,” the boy said, his voice smooth but quite demanding. He went straight to the door to the staircase, only stopping when he realized Juri didn’t move an inch.

He looked at Juri in disbelief while she remained on her seat, her eyes wide open in shock. It was only the time everything sank in—

She was kidnapped. And to top it off, she was kidnapped by a beautiful boy with a set of white wings.

“Ya,” the boy said. He was not shouting, but there was urgency in his tone. Juri looked at him, her face so pale of fear.

“Who are you?” she asked. Her voice was trembling, and she could feel her heart beating fast like it was going to burst out of her chest.

The boy walked back to her carefully as he looked straight in her eyes. No emotions.

“We’ve been flying together for almost an hour, and you’re asking me that now?”

He had a point, but Juri thought he was some holy creature a while ago. Now that she realized he’s nowhere near that, what was she supposed to do, run? Hide? She couldn’t move at all, like she was glued to the sofa. Ask for help? But they were at the top of a building – who would save her here, another being with wings?

“What are you… going to do to me? You brought me here without even giving any explanation, and you actually think you’ll make me follow you—”

The boy sighed.  “I’m not gonna hurt you, okay?” he said as he walked nearer. He was standing just a few meters from Juri now, but Juri still wouldn’t flinch. “At least I wasn’t ordered to. That’s all I can say.”

Juri’s face was blank and pale. She had no clue how to react. All she knew was that there was no way she would come with the boy. Who knows what he’ll do to her?

“I… I’m not coming with you…” she said, her voice trembling with fear. She just stared at the floor, dazed, afraid to even look at the boy in front of him.

“What are you going to do, jump out of the building? Are you crazy?”

Still, Juri didn’t move an inch. “I don’t even know what you’re… going to do to me. Jumping would be an option…”

The boy rolled his eyes. He finally closed the distance and kneeled in front of her – only to grab her waist and lift her up his shoulder.

“What are you doing, let me down!” Juri shouted as she continuously hit on the boy’s back. He walked past the door and down the stairs normally like he wasn’t carrying any girl on his shoulder. And like he wasn’t as thin as any teenage boy his age.

“Let me down!” Juri demanded, still not stopping from hitting the boy.


The boy never said anything after that, even though Juri never stopped shouting and begging him to let her down. They already got out of the staircase to some floor in the building when she realized nothing will save her there anymore, not even her over-protective brothers, not even the police. Tears slowly ran down her cheeks as she finally dropped her hands and stopped shouting for help. She had no choice.

She just had to accept whatever is going to come and live with it, that is, if she will live after this.

Juri was silent until they finally reached the end of the hall, only letting out occasional sobs that she tried so hard to muffle. The boy finally let her done in front of a huge wooden door.

“Go in,” he said as he looked straight to her wet eyes. “The explanation you’re looking for is waiting for you inside.”

Juri hesitantly reached for the doorknob, fearing what might be waiting for her inside. More winged creatures? Monsters, even?

Juri let out a deep sigh before she finally turned the knob. The door opened with a soft creak and she cautiously stepped inside, her eyes half closed, afraid of what was waiting for her. When she heard no unusual sound, she slowly opened her eyes and took in her environment.

The room was a baronial office, most of its walls surrounded by towering cherry bookcases, while one was bare and white with a red Cleopatra seat leaning on it. A pedestal desk stood right in the middle of the room, surrounded by more books and files. A young man sat behind it, looking at Juri with much curiosity, his hands clenched together on top of the table.

In the background, Bach’s Cello Suite no. 1 played.

The door closed behind Juri, and she had to look back to see the winged boy gone.

“Welcome, Jang Juri,” the man from the desk spoke in a low voice. Juri turned back at him, and it was only when she noticed a little smile on his face did she realized she had been holding her breath, and immediately released it.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” the man said, his voice calm but unreadable. “I’m Sunggyu. Welcome to Woolim.”

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I will update this soon, I promise.


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Wah! This is interesting. I'ma read it when I have time.
Wah don't abandon the fic at the most exciting part~ ;__;
I just found this fic (don't ask how lol) and it seems really good, I really hope you would continue this.