fl cliques stop creating rps!


wanna know what kind of admins we have in twitter rps?


some people don't deserve to be an admin in twitter rps 🤢

there's this clique who always make rps after their recent rp flops. they are also problematic and very bias when it comes to their friends. it's 2021 and your clique is still not giving up on making rps? wanna know why i know they're the same admins? it's because they're promoting it in fl and it somehow manages to appear on my timeline. it's time time to realize that your clique ain't doing anything good and you guys at making rps. not even active as an admin or member, then why take the admin role? not even talking to other members, then why not stay on your FL RP? when nothing goes your way, you admins rant and stalk your members on fls. you guys are embarrassing! if they are on fl instead of being in your rp then that's their choice. it's because your theme is interesting but the content is trash, the admins are trash!

then there will be people gonna defend that admin is not a job and they are doing it on their free will? i respect admins who deserve it, there are also some good admins out there who made nice rps and closed without any drama! btw no one forces anyone to be an admin. ❤️

this is not just about one clique on fl but more. there are those admins who are so proud of their rps and admins who do not even dare to tell their contacts because they  🤢 it is enough that you stay cliquey on fl but don't bring it on rp.

i'm sure i'm not the only one who thinks this way. let these disgusting admins know.


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