Chapter Four

Visiting the parents for the weekend (JJproject ver.)
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“Well that was horrendous.” Jaebeom mutters in the dead silence of the night.

It’s about 2 hours after the family dinner, an hour after family tea time and Jinyoung has taken Jaebeom to the second floor balcony just outside the lounge area to get some much needed fresh air. Jinyoung’s parents have disappeared into the privacy of their bedroom by now.

“It could have been worse.” Jinyoung soothes, touching Jaebeom’s cheek tenderly.

Jaebeom smiles softly. “We don’t have to pretend.”

Jinyoung’s smile melts into a heavy sigh. “I don’t want to say it, but I told you so.”

“And I should have listened, but I still stand by my notion that we can’t avoid your parents forever.”

“Really?” Jinyoung deadpans. “I can.” He rolls his eyes, letting his hand fall to his side from Jaebeom’s cheek.

“Grownups don’t avoid difficult situations.”

“I’d rather have you than be a grown up.”

“A pair of scary parents won’t run me off, baby. I’m not going anywhere, okay?”

Jinyoung nods, feeling some relief course through him.

Jaebeom leans into Jinyoung and gives him a quick kiss on the lips, “So, do you think I was rude to your parents?”

“A tad.” Jinyoung admits with a huge pained smile.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

 Jaebeom takes Jinyoung’s hand and then leans in to give him a kiss on the forehead. “Still. Your parents are important to you and I want nothing more than to get along with them. I’m trying. I really am, but I was just so offended by some of the jabs they kept throwing at me.”

“I know. I’m sorry too. I knew they’d do this. That’s why I worried about bringing you here.”  

The anxiety and fear written all over Jinyoung’s face makes Jaebeom’s chest squeeze so tight. It makes him want to try even harder to get along with Jinyoung’s parents. He lets go of Jinyoung’s hand to wrap his arms around Jinyoung and pull him close. “This visit will work out. Trust me on this.”

This is the first time Jinyoung is seeing anyone still hope for the sun to rise the next day after meeting his parents. A huge part of him wants to chuckle or scoff at Jaebeom’s optimism but there is also a part that feels so grateful for and that’s amazed by it. This is perhaps the biggest gesture of love Jaebeom has ever shown him. Only someone who truly loves him can put up with his parents.

Jinyoung slowly lifts his forearms and rests them on Jaebeom’s broad shoulders, hands clasping behind Jaebeom’s neck, and he moves forward so that their bodies are pressed more intimately. “You are a good boyfriend.” He punctuates those words with a kiss on Jaebeom’s lips

“Wait till I garden your mum’s socks off tomorrow.”


Jaebeom sits up in his bed, giving up on falling asleep. It’s always a little hard for him to rest peacefully in a new place. He is just turning on the lamp on the bedside table when his bedroom doors opens and in walks Jinyoung. The light from the lamp illuminates Jinyoung adequately and Jaebeom takes in the classic elegance of Jinyoung’s grey silk pyjamas. Jinyoung looks y in them, Jaebeom thinks. y and very tempting like most of Jinyoung’s night wear. Jaebeom can’t believe Jinyoung brought something like this on a trip where Jaebeom can’t do more than just stare and quietly desire. 

the wine and wine glasses Jinyoung is holding in his hands quickly steal Jaebeom’s attention.

 “Hi.” Jinyoung whispers as he walks over to the bed.

“Hey.” Jaebeom replies, not hiding the surprise and curiosity from his voice.

“I knew you’d have trouble sleeping, so I brought wine.”

The confused look on Jaebeom’s face turns into a soft, appreciative smile. “I could use a glass.” Jaebeom says then scoots over to one side on the bed and opens the covers so that Jinyoung can join him.

Jinyoung happily takes the invitation, making sure to sit extra close to Jaebeom as they pull the blankets back over them. Jaebeom turns to Jinyoung and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Won’t you get into trouble with your mum for coming here this time of night?”

“She’s sound asleep by now. I’ll leave before morning comes.” Jinyoung reassures as he hands Jaebeom one wine glass.

“So how come you are awake?”

“Me? I just….” Jinyoung trails off with a shrug, busying himself with opening the wine bottle. Jaebeom instantly senses that something is wrong. He wraps his arm around Jinyoung’s shoulders to pull his closer and kisses his temple. “Talk to me.”

Jinyoung halts his activity and looks at Jaeebom, thinking. Rushing to Jaebeom with his problems is a thing Jinyoung is used to and Jaebeom listens well, which is a great thing. Yet at a time like this Jinyoung feels like it’s only fair that he be the one doing the listening, comforting and giving hope to Jaebeom than the other way around. After all Jaebeom is on the sharper end of the wrath in this house.

“Hey.” Jaebeom prompts, giving Jinyoung a gentle nudge. “You can tell me anything.”

Jinyoung shifts a little on the bed to face Jaebeom more directly and Jaebeom sees the look on Jinyoung’s face- the stunning helplessness, worry and vulnerability there. He reaches up to touch Jinyoung’s cheek. “What happened?”  

“My mum came to my room about an hour ago to talk.”

“Oh? What did you two talk about?”

Jinyoung chuckles mirthlessly. “She said that I should stop acting like a selfish and rebellious teen.”

Jaebeom winces. “Ouch.”

“My mother has made it clear that she doesn’t like you and she won’t change her mind.” Jinyoung shakes his head. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t give you up, but I don’t want to make my parents un

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Cuterose12 #1
Chapter 3: Can't wait for next chapter!!!