Present Day

I Never Told You

Wheein POV

We managed to find a parking lot. It was a beautiful evening; the sun set coloured the sky red. We decided to have our dinner in the car. The cool breeze was blowing against my face. I heard noises so I turned to my side and you were gone. I looked over my shoulder; you were busy again.

I chuckled softly.

“Unnie, what are you doing now?”

“I brought a portable table so that we can eat comfortably. Give me a minute.”

You gave me a smile before I lost you behind the bonnet. I sighed softly. It has been two years since Byulyi left. And it has been exactly two years that you stood by my side; never left me alone and the pillar that I leaned on whenever I felt tired or exhausted.

You stood strongly; embraced me with your warm smiles and I felt comfort just having you sitting next to me.

“Found it!”

She managed to pull out the table and made her way to the driver seat. She assembled them and placed our dinner neatly on the portable table. She sat, facing me and even prepared other utensils and tissue paper; so that I could get comfortable for dinner.

“Ok, done! Dig in!”

Her two tiny dimples at the side of her cheeks were so adorable. She loves tteokbokki. She would eat it every single day. The food was not to my liking that much, but I enjoyed spending my time; over dinner with her. Every single night she would spare at least an hour (if things get too busy at her office); but she never failed to spend her dinner time with me.

I watched as she ate her dinner heartily. She fed me one or two bites, but I declined after the last bite. I just wanted to watch her.

“You’re done?”

“Yeah, you know I don’t really like it.”

“Then why did you buy it? You could have bought something else.”

“Nah, I love watching you eat.”

“So, I’m your personal entertainer huh?”

She rolled her eyes when she noticed my cheeky grin. But she continued eating, enjoying her food at her utmost level. For so many years that I have known her; only recently I realized how comforting her presence could be for me.  Just having her sitting next to me, I could breathe easily. I could forget about the pain that I have been hiding inside.

Tormented as I could while I tried to get over Byulyi, she held me up. Her strong presence gave me the reason to carry on even when days could get tough, and the nights could get lonely. And I know. I know she loves me.  Byulyi told me before.

“Yongsun unnie likes you.”

“Huh? What?”

“She does. She likes you since she met you at the dance competition.”


It came as a surprise. But I did not think much of it back then. Yongsun unnie never really said much either. She was just like a friend to me. And she cares about me just like how a sister would.

But Byulyi’s demise was such a harrowing experience for me. I lost someone I loved before. I lost my grandmother before, but it did not hurt me as much as Byulyi’s death did to me. Maybe because Byulyi left without saying goodbye. We had a big fight; we ignored each other, and we just lost each other without even knowing.

Honestly, the regrets I had; I was not confident enough that I could get over them. I almost died in my own world; my own world where Byulyi was still living in hallucination.

Despite that, Yongsun came into my world. She was never aggressive. She was soft and gentle. She let me do whatever I wanted but when she felt it was too much, she would keep me grounded. She was like my protective armour.

She kept me safe.

She kept me warm.

She kept me comforted.

And till now, she has never told me her feelings.


Dinner was perfect. She enjoyed it. And I was contented just to see her satisfied. Her smile was so addictive. I just wanted to see it every day.

“Wow, that’s a lot for dinner.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have much appetite to eat today.”

“It’s okay. At least you took 4 bites. I’m satisfied with that.”

We left her car and made our way to the beach. She had a mat with her so we decided to sit at the water breaker area, just to enjoy the sea breeze before heading home. I sat next to her; she pulled out a blanket from her bag and wrapped it around me.

“Are you a Doraemon or something? Why do you have so many things in your bag?”

“It’s better be ready than sorry. Anyway, you love the beach and I have always prepared the things we might need to enjoy the night.”

Then I saw her prepared some sparklers and lighted them up around us. She gave me one and she held another in her hand. We started playing like children; our whole area was completely lighted up and we just enjoyed simply with those sparklers.

When the sparkles died out, Yongsun took out a Bluetooth speaker. She played some songs and then we just sat, side by side. She was looking far out at the sea. And I was staring at her.  I watched as she skimmed her fingers through her thick black hair. Her white blouse was ed at the top and her khaki pants were folded ankle high.

I was thankful for her. I was grateful for her. I knew if it was not for Yongsun, I might crumble and collapsed since Byulyi’s funeral. And she had never once told me anything. Whatever that she was feeling or harbouring inside in her heart for me.

She was just there like a sister.  Then a perfect song was playing in the background. She hummed softly to the song but when it came to the chorus. I started singing.

“I knew I loved you then, but you’d never know; ‘Cause I played it cool and I was scared of letting go; I knew I needed you but I never showed; But I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old; just say you won’t let go; just say you won’t let go…”

She slowly turned to face me. I reached out for her hand. I gripped on tightly. And the moment she squeezed my hand; I know I have fallen. I have fallen in love with her.

It’s her touch that heals me. It’s her smile that warms me. It’s her soul gets through me. It’s her presence gives me strength. It’s just her who makes me feel many emotions. I carried on singing, hoping she would understand me now.

“I’m so in love with you and I hope you know; darling your love is more than what its weight in gold; We’ve come so far my dear, look how we’ve grown; And I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old; just say you won’t let go; just say you won’t let go….”

Her eyes brimmed with tears. My heart swelled with love. She was patient enough to wait for me. She was so careful. She gave me the space to overcome my pain. No matter how tormenting or exhausting life could get, I know she would always be there, by my side until the end of time.

When the song ended, we were still holding hands. We locked our fingers and I swear, her warmth was just so addictive. She looked at me; with the brightest gaze.

“You never told me the truth of your heart.”

I spoke up softly.

“I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“So, you just stood by my side quietly and strongly. You etched yourself to the ground; just like an anchor just told me together. You lost your best friend, but you are forced to be stronger than me.”

“Byulyi reminded me before. If anything happens to her, I should be looking after you.”

“Does Byulyi ever told you that she’s sorry about the fight you had with her before?”

She looked away and shook her head sadly. She must have felt regret too.

“I never told her that I have forgiven her a long time ago. I just ran away because I was afraid to face her; to face you.”

“Because you like me?”

“I just didn’t want to be the third party.”

“But you were never at fault, Unnie.”

“But just like you, I should have approached her and just bury the hatchet.”

I nodded. I knew how that felt. I finally understood why she left her love unspoken. She felt guilty. She felt sorry towards Byulyi.

But I did not wish to lose Yongsun either. You might find me selfish but she’s my pillar now. She is my strength. I want to hold on to that for the rest of my life.

So, I decided to make my heart known.

“Byulyi’s gone now. All we have left are just memories of her. You have been here with me; stood by my side and you healed me. And along the way, as we faced each day with a little bit more strength and determination, my heart fell once again. And this time, I took my time to evaluate my feelings; I cannot let you be my rebound. I needed to be clear that this feelings for you are genuine. I’m sorry I took too long to realize how much you mean to me.”

I made her cry. Her tears just fell immediately.

“I made a mistake with Byulyi. I never told her how much I needed her. I just assumed that she would understand, and she would know. But it backfired. So, this time, I’ll try to tell you everything – right from the beginning till the end.”

That was my promise to Yongsun.


Yongsun POV

I stood in front of Byulyi’s niche. I could not stop my tears from falling. I miss my best friend. God damn it, I really do.

“Byul ah, I’m here again. Visiting you again. I have left your favourite tanghulu. Enjoy it yeah?”

I never failed to visit her on her anniversary. Byulyi had left us eternally but sometimes I could feel her nearby. I felt like she had been watching me.

“Byul, today I have an agenda that I would like to share with you. I think it’s only fair that you should know because it involves you.”

I sat on the floor, pouring soju into a cup. It was Byulyi’s favourite brand.

“I pour you a drink. So, take your time to drink while you listen to me.”

I cleared my throat. I had to be fair and honest with my best friend. I wanted her blessings.

“Byul, I finally confessed my feelings for Wheein. Well, she started it first. She told me how she felt about me and how things led her to you know, grow feelings for me.”

I touched Byulyi’s photo gently. I smiled as I remembered how handsome my best friend could get during her good days.

“I used to hate you and your stupid manly look. You were so cringey and so urgh, you were just so greasy, but I was still amazed at how girls could fall on your feet despite you being so “oily”. But those were the good times. I guess you were unique and different. You knew you were different, but you never wanted to hide it.”

I paused for a second. I recalled that night when I told Wheein about my feelings.

“I love Wheein, Byul ah. Moon Byulyi, I love Wheein so much. I wanted to protect her just like how you did for her. You’re right. Loving her is so easy, Byul ah. It makes you feel like you can do anything in this world. Since the day she grabbed hold of my hand, I never let go anymore.”


She confessed to me first. She sang the chorus of my favourite song. The same lyrics that I wanted to sing to her desperately. In fact, when I was playing that song, it was supposedly like a hint for her. I admitted. I was a little sceptical. A little wary of myself. How can I love someone but also to protect her heart from breaking again?

But she did. She took those words from my mouth and made it into her beautiful confession. I was trapped by my own plan. I needed to find new words to tell her.

“Wheein, you knew my feelings for you, didn’t you?”

She nodded.

“Byulyi told me.”

“Of course, she would.”

“Don’t be mad with her.”

“I’m too sad to be mad at her. I miss her so much, Wheein ah.”

I was terrified when I started crying. I must have scared her too. She quickly leaned closer and held my arms tightly.

“Every day, I wanted to tell you I love you. But each time I do, Byulyi came to mind. I couldn’t afford to hurt two people and I got so confused with my own heart. I never told anyone. But Wheein ah, my heart is in so much pain; so tormented that sometimes I thought I should just let my love remain unspoken.”

Wheein was silent. She looked at my hand before she locked her fingers in between spaces of my own fingers. Then she wiped my tears away.

“I’m sorry. I was selfish.”

“No, it’s nothing to do with you.”

“Yes, it does. I relied on you too much. I didn’t give you the space to grieve and I just held you close to me because I was terrified of loneliness.”

“Well, I enjoyed those times I spent with you.”

“But it took a toll on you. Unnie, you’ve been hurting longer than I ever did. More painful than Byulyi ever did. Yet, we hurt you so badly. We took you for granted and then let you drown on the pretext that we were weaker and that you were stronger.”

“I never see it that way.”

“You never did because you love me.”

Wheein pulled me closer, gripping my hand tighter.

“Tell me. Tell me things that you have never told anyone. Let me ease your burden. Let me share your pain and let me hold your hand and we can go on and love each other; heal each other and just stay together.”

“I want to love you so badly. I want to hold you more than just this. I want to be able to feel you; touch you; taste you and just take the whole of you and make you feel my love and everything that I have been harbouring inside for you.”

Wheein then smiled widely.

“Love me then. Take me then. Just bring me wherever you go. I’ll follow you. And I’ll put all my heart for you. I want to love you too. I really want to be your strength just like how you’ve been mine.”


I smiled when I shared the story with Byulyi. I chuckled softly.

“I deserve a smack from you. I shouldn’t make you jealous but Byul ah, I want to be stronger enough for me to hold Wheein and her universe on my shoulders. I want to give her more than anything. Give her the whole of me. But will you ever let me?”

I slowly looked up and saw the sun shining so brightly. The sky was so blue that the clouds looked like cotton candy. Ever since I got together with Wheein, everything around me was just beautiful and amazing. Even Yongkey’s poo did not bother me much.

“Byul ah, can I promise you with my life? That I’ll love Wheein forever. I’ll keep her safe. I’ll protect her. And of course, we’ll never forget you, Byul. We will always love you and cherish our memories together. Because you are the reason why Wheein and I found each other.”

Just then, I felt warmth in my right hand. I glanced to my side. My girlfriend was holding my hand. Wheein came with a bouquet of flowers. She gripped my hand tightly and stood in front of Byulyi.

“Yes, and I want to promise you, Byul ah. I’ll be happy. I’ll live my life properly. I promise that I’ll never make you worry for me anymore. And I love you too. Can you watch over us, Byul ah?”

Wheein added on. She leaned closer and gave me the softest kiss on my forehead. Then she turned to Byulyi’s portrait and she kissed on the photo gently.

“The two of you love me. And I’m so thankful. I know I never told you before, Byul. I loved you, Byul. I loved you so dearly and I regretted our past. I wished I could turn back the hands of time, but you knew it would be impossible. I’m letting you go, Byul. Don’t worry about me anymore.”

“I will take good care of her, Byul. I’ll not let you down.”

I added on; a promise that I’ll keep until the day I die.

Suddenly a gush of wind just flew by us. Wheein closed her eyes, and I heard a soft whisper.

“Take good care of her, Yongsun unnie.”

I cried hard after that.


Byulyi POV

I should not have lived my life on impulse. I should have treasured my life more. I should have not been selfish with my own pleasure and hurt the ones I loved so dearly.

I could have done better. If I had a second choice to live again, I would keep my promises and learn to appreciate the wonderful moments I shared with my loved ones.

I watched as Wheein and Yongsun had dinner together. I smiled when Yongsun’s eyes sparked the moment she saw her tteokbokki. My best friend loves that dish so much. She could eat it almost every day and never gets tired of it.

It hurt to witness Wheein being so caring; wiping Yongsun’s lips with her hand and then both just shared a smile; a laughter and it irked me so much when I saw Wheein smiled widely as Yongsun fed her a piece of rice cake.

It should be me in Yongsun’s stead. But I never treasure my moments with Wheein. I could never understand why Wheein hated my stubbornness. She used to think that I lived my life dangerously; carelessly and recklessly.

She disagreed with my hobby. She finds that my hobbies were just too extreme. We fought most of the time. Mainly because I was so bent to have things my way. She relented a lot of times but just one time. Just that one time where she refused to back down.

We broke up that night. It was an impulse; we did not think straight, and I was just so emotional that I broke up with her on that spot. I wanted to join the dirt bike competition with my best buddies. I thought I was finally free. And I could do things that I love with no restraints.

But as the competition was drawing nearer, I got even more unhappy with myself. I was feeling annoyed, and I felt uneasy for some reason. The break-up had indefinitely ruined my mood.

“What’s up, bud?”

Sandeul, my best buddy since high school. The other best friend I had besides Yongsun unnie.

“I broke up with Wheein.”


“What do you mean by again?”

“No, what I meant by again is because of your stubbornness.”

“Oh, yes, that’s the culprit.”

Sandeul sighed. Every girl you went out with is concerned with your well-being. I mean, they love you, bro. But you were too stubborn to listen to their reasons.”

“You approached me.”

“You can reject me, you idiot.”

“You know how loyal I could be.”

“But you cannot be loyal to the woman you love?”

I was frowning by now. He then tapped my back gently.

“If Eunji asked me to stop riding my bike, I would. I rather stop living my life recklessly than to lose my girlfriend, the one I love all my heart.”

“But Eunji supports you.”

“I don’t fight with Eunji. There are times where she said no, I’d stop. I’ll take her out for dinner and then bring her to the competitions. I made a promise to her I’ll never risk my life for no reason. It was because of Eunji’s prayers to keep me safe that made me alive till today.”

I could not say anything anymore. He made sense. I should have tried to listen to Wheein at least once. She had been giving in to me most of the time. I finally understood.

“I took you off from the competition. Ken is taking over. Once we return to Seoul, go find Wheein and stop behaving like an idiot.”

But that day never happened.


The moment I reached Seoul, I went home to pick up my bike. I have decided to sell it off and I would want to take Wheein for one last ride. I mean, I was serious in getting her back with me. Because I love her. I really love her.  And it was not worth it to lose her because of my stupidity and stubbornness.

“Omma, I’m going to sell my bike.”

“Really?! Finally!”

“Yeah, I’ll find Wheein and ask her to take me back.”

“That’s great! Stop fighting with her. Omma likes her. She cares about you the most. And she’s genuine.”

“I know now, Omma. I’ll find her and bring her back to us.”

I rode my bike with a lighter heart. I made up my mind to live my life properly. Be everything that Wheein wanted me to be.  And I will never let her go anymore.

But an hour into the ride, the skies turned dark. The grey skies quickly covered the sky and then the rain came thundering down. I could not see properly. My vision was blurred, and I knew I had to stop somewhere. I knew I had to stop and wait for the rain to stop. But I was more eager to get to Wheein.

I went on; fighting against the strong wind and heavy downpour. It was the worst weather I had ever rode in my entire life before. I was defiant. And it was the stupidest price I had to pay with. I had to pay with my life.

I was riding down the winding road. It was raining cats and dogs. Honestly, I was a little terrified with the weather. The skies got even darker, and the thunder roared so loudly that I was deaf for a second. Just then, like a split second, lightning hit my bike. It me so hard that I could not feel my arms for that few seconds.

The next thing I knew, I lost control of my bike. I skidded down the road; gravel of sand hitting my skin and I could feel blood in my mouth.  I could not scream. My voice was lost. I felt like my whole body was splitting into half. And then I went blank.

I was lost.

And I felt like I was just hanging by the thread.


I woke up.

I was not alone.

I was surrounded by tears; cries; wails and people pity me for some reason.

What was going on? What was with the ruckus?

“Do you want to say goodbye to your family now?”

A man in black suit with a handsome face was staring at me. He reminded me of that Reaper from Goblin. But it seemed like he could read my mind. Or did I say it out loud?

“I am the same. I’m the proper Grim Reaper.”


“Do you know where you are right now?”

I finally took a pause and looked around my surroundings. I could see my biker friends lowering their heads as they paid respects at someone. I saw my family members crying so hard. Even my father cried openly.

Then I saw Wheein. She was in her worst form.


I called out to her but with no response. It seemed like she could not hear me.

“She cannot hear you.”

Again, that black suit man spoke up again. It was getting annoying for me.

“Who the hell are you?”

“You’re totally clueless, huh?”

“Can you just tell me now? I’m not in the mood to play along.”

“You’re just an empty shell now. You’re dead, Moon Byulyi. Your bike skidded and hit the divider before it plunged into the lake together with you.”

My feet were stuck to the ground and I stared at him. I wanted to hit him so badly for saying stupid jokes like that.

“It’s not a joke. You’re dead.”

He pointed to the front. And then I saw my portrait. Then he pulled me closer, and I saw myself in the open casket. I was hideous.


“This is your body. It’s an empty shell now.”

“Wait, this cannot be true!”

“I’m sorry. I’m here to take you with me.”


I found a way to come back to Earth. The black suit man decided to help me.

“I give you 2 years to settle your unfinished business. And after that, I’m taking you back with no questions asked.”

I nodded. I needed time. I needed to correct my mistakes.

“But you cannot appear in front of her or your best friend.”


“If you fail to do whatever you wanted to, I’ll take you back and you can never come back here again.”

“I understand.”

I have a mission in mind. I needed it to happen so that I can leave the world with no regrets, peacefully and happily.


The first person I went to visit was Yongsun. My best friend. My wonderful best friend whom I had a fight because I was egoistic and just full of myself. I should have known how much my best friend loves me. I just could not repay her love with happiness. I felt her world with sadness.

I saw her sipping wine in her balcony. She was staring at a photo of us together. That photo taken when we were in college. I heard her soft sobs and it felt so painful when I tried to stand next to her.

“Byul ah, how could you just leave us without saying goodbye? How could you just take off without even letting me apologize to you? You know I have forgiven you a long time ago but knowing you, you would take longer time to forgive me. I thought you needed more time. I should have just approached you. I regretted not following what my heart wanted.”

The dark suit man was standing next to me. He looked on; baffled and he managed to roll his eyes at me.

“She’s your best friend?”

“Yes, the best ever.”

“And you put her through hell because of your ego?”

“I regretted it so much that I wished I could kill myself again.”

“So, what are you planning to do with her?”

“She likes Wheein.”

“Your girlfriend?”

“Yes, she likes my girlfriend.”

“You’re giving her away to your best friend?”

“No, not in such crude manner. But I know my best friend can heal Wheein. She can help Wheein to get over me. I want Yongsun to know that I’m letting her to win Wheein over.”


I saw Wheein on the bed. Hyejin was next to her; she cuddled my poor girlfriend. Wheein shivered; her lips cracked, and her eyes were sunken. She looked horrible.  I left my girlfriend looking half dead because I died without saying goodbye.

“You’re so evil. You destroyed her completely.”

The black suit man was mocking at me.

“Shut up.”

“She’s your worst regret?”

“She’s my best love and my worst regret. I should have done better.”

“Well, since you have made up your mind to put her and your best friend together, then just do your best to bridge them together.”

“I will. I promise to myself that this is my last mission and my last gift for both.”


Since then, I was always there when the two of them were together. I knew Yongsun unnie would never cross the line. She would never be selfish and pursue her own happiness. Just like I have expected, Wheein’s happiness means the most to her.

She was with her colleague, Chorong. I knew her. She was Yongsun’s partner at work.

“How are you holding up?”

“Hm? I’m fine.”

“Byulyi’s first year anniversary is this coming weekend. Are you prepared to meet her again?”

“Who? Byulyi?”

“Yeah, you were so torn apart when she died. I watched you living your life sluggishly.”

“I miss her.”

“Of course, you two were so scandalous.”

She stuck her tongue out. I took the chance to do something for Yongsun. I managed to distract Chorong and she somehow followed my lead unknowingly. I blew cold wind on her face; she was taken aback but that gestured made her noticed Wheein’s photo. A photo we took together with Yongsun during our trip to the zoo. Yongsun unnie still keeps it on her table.

“How’s Wheein?”

“She’s getting better.”

“Are you two getting closer?”

“I spend some nights with her. She’s slowly recovering I guess.”

“You like her then. You still do?”

“I have always been.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Yongsun looked up abruptly. Chorong shrugged her shoulders.

“You know, love can cure any heart ache. No matter how painful one gets, a small token of love can heal a little, one step at a time.”

“She’s still grieving over Byulyi.”

“Well, you are doing the same too. Why don’t you heal together? Pick up the pieces together and just moving on, hoping for the best.”

“Then Byulyi?”

“Byulyi is no longer around. She’s gone. You cannot continue weeping over someone who has left this world. Your pain would be a prison for her. She could be hurting as well if you continue to wallow yourself in self-pity.”

Yongsun stared blankly.

“Give yourself a chance. Give Wheein a chance to believe in love again. I’m not saying you should pursue her immediately. Just heal together. Take your time and completely fill each other worlds with love and strength.”


Hyejin spent the night at Wheein’s place. Yongsun had to travel to Jeju for a business meeting so Hyejin was summoned to take care of Wheein. She gladly did. She wanted to be with her best friend in times like this.

They were preparing for bed. And Wheein had just replied to Yongsun’s text. Hyejin looked on; smiling widely. Wheein caught it.


“Who’s that?”

“Yongsun unnie.”

“Oh? I thought she’s flying off to Jeju?”

“She is. She’s on the plane just now. She just told me to sleep well and eat well. She would be back on Tuesday.”


Hyejin nodded before she looked around the room. I was sitting on the bed; next to Hyejin. Again, I distracted her the same way as I did with Chorong. Hyejin shrugged her arms before she picked up a photo on Wheein’s bed side. A photo of me and Wheein smiling widely.

“I miss Byulyi unnie.”

Hyejin suddenly spoke up. I was surprised. Hyejin wanted to kill me all the time whenever we met because I made Wheein cry more often.

“Really? You?”

“Excuse me. What do you mean by that?”

“You used to hate her.”

“Well, she made you cry for no reason.”

“I know. You were protecting me.”

Hyejin then put the photo frame down and picked up another. It was the same photo Yongsun had in her office. Wheein kept one in her room too.

“Yongsun unnie is pretty.”

“She is.”

“She has been staying with you since forever. Did you ask her to pay rent?”

“No, I will never do that. She cleans my house, cooks for me, and does my laundry. She takes care of me too.”

“So, basically you take advantage of her kind nature and made her stay with you because you were lonely.”

“That sounds really bad.”

“It is. I put it in the worst scenario.”

“Are you insinuating that I’m taking advantage of her liking in me?”

“I hope you’re not.”

“No, I don’t. I’m aware that she likes me.”


“Where is this conversation going?”

“Your late girlfriend’s best friend likes you. You keep her close to you. Why?”

Wheein stopped folding her clothes and turned to face Hyejin fully. She paused for a second before she realized what was happening all the while.

“Oh god. You’re right. I’m a bad person.”

“Not necessary.”

“I’m so confused with you. One moment you said I’m a bad woman, then now you’re saying I’m not?”

“Open your eyes and explore your feelings for Yongsun unnie.”


“It has been almost what, 2 years? 2 years and you’re saying you don’t have any feelings for Yongsun unnie?”

“She never told me.”

“You know how loyal Yongsun can be towards her friends? She’s probably cautious and wary about your feelings that she’s not going to act on it. But Jung Wheein, let me ask you a simple question. Answer me truthfully.”

Wheein nodded.

“If Yongsun unnie finds someone else and leaves you for the other woman, will you hold on to her or will you let her go willingly?”

Wheein thought about it. She envisioned the possibility of Yongsun leaving her; she suddenly got afraid. Her eyes grew larger when she realized her true heart.

“There you go. You’re falling in love with Yongsun unnie.”

“How? How can you see it?”

“You smile when you read her messages. You will get really excited whenever Yongsun unnie picks you up from office. Your eyes shine whenever Yongsun unnie is standing in front of you. You get worried the last time Yongsun unnie fell ill. You were bugging me to drive to her apartment. By the way, can you get your driving license soon? It’s tiring to drive you around.”

“So much for a best friend.”

Hyejin stuck her tongue out but she pulled Wheein closer and hugged her tightly.

“I was so afraid that I’ll lose you to depression after Byulyi’s demise. I thought you could never find your way out of sadness and I thought you would get so exhausted that you might want to end your life. But Yongsun unnie came along. Took your darkness out; held on to you and pulled you to safety. I believe and I swear upon my life, if you ever going to fall in love, I wish you would fall in love with Yongsun unnie. Then I’ll feel better, and I’ll gladly leave you in her good hands.”

It got Wheein thinking hard.


Somehow it got something rolling. The two of them decided to explore their feelings for each other. I was glad that I managed to bridge them together.

“Wow, you really kept your promise.”

“Yes, I told you I can do it.”

“But it’s really sad.”

“I’m not upset. I’m really happy.”

“So, you ready to go up to heaven?”

“Really? I get to go up to heaven?”

“I can bring you to hell.”

“No, thanks! Heaven, I shall be!”

Nothing mattered anymore. I have done my part. And I hope they live well together; they should be happy.

I really want them to be happy together.


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Chapter 5: oh my god this was sad but nice god i love it it was good the use of all points of view although i have to admit i got a bit lost in chapter lo 2 but it was still good you did a good job author thanks for your work and efforts in this sad but beautiful story.
wheesun1721 #2
Chapter 5: that last line :”)
Chapter 5: This is so beautiful i'm crying😭
Chapter 5: ugh why is it so beautiful 😩
Chapter 5: Good plot, good execution! Beautiful story <3
vitawheeiny #6
Chapter 5: Wahhhh thanks for writing beautiful story :")
Abynaema #7
Chapter 5: It was so BEAUTIFUL! 💕
Chapter 5: Lol this epilogue is cute
Good to see a happy ending once in a while from you, unnie =)
Chapter 4: Wheein's POV is somehow calming.
Yongsun's POV is like a soothing balm to the heart.
Byul's POV explains a lot but also has so much grief.
I think this chapter is far more organized than the ones before lol
Maybe because the previous chapters are supposed to be raw and emotional?
Anyways, I like this chapter more lol
Chapter 3: Ahhhh the classic bff falling for the girlfriend.
I'm curious to know what got Byul so upset though...