bro, u just posted cringe! now I’m going to kiss u


boutta say bloody mary three times in the mirror so I got a to talk to 


Hey :) Whilst scrolling through manga and realising I've squeezed the serotonin out of every cheesy manga out there, I noticed that I was extremely bored and deprived socially.

A little about myself

  • I am in the gmt+ side of the world and unfortunately love sleeping... however, I am usually an extremely fast replier
  • I am +18 and would prefer you to be as well
  • A horrible gamer. I haven't been able to complete FE3H or undertale on switch. I try.... I look up cheats... nothing... I am willing to download games and try though! I do have plato and am always up to play!
  • I'm a bit behind on current kpop groups (i know most groups but not individual members) but I am willing to run through crash courses with you.
  • I might occasionally disappear for a bit but that's just me installing the newest iOS update so I can be better company for you 



  • intellectual/ conversations at o'clock
  • a himbo willing to support you till the ends of the earth
  • sceenshots of random things that remind me of you
  • a slightly retired weeb willing to acknowledge your fixation on that grey wolf dressed like he's about to perform aju nice


  • company

Please dm me your discord id or comment it below if you're interested and I'll get to u asap! 


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geraltofhogwarts #1
aite bet, let's game rfn - fermentedtoyo#0819