Good memories...are not always pleasant

Broken Arrow




“Heenie!!!” an ever so familiar call faintly reached his ears.


Yes Heechul can clearly hear it even now. He can hear it sounding in many ways. Very joyfully, normally, breathlessly, annoyingly, sadly, angrily and even whisperingly.


And the person in this whole wide world who used to call him with that name…he can remember him even better without the slightest effort.

Hangeng. Or Hynkyung whatever you say. That man was the one he has loved with all his soul.

He never says he loved Hangeng with his mere heart. Because the gravitation on utter love that he felts is unlike any. But much he can say its root is deep in his soul.


He can absolutely swear that he loved Hangeng with all six of his sense. That man was his best friend and the person he loved like there nothing else exists.


Pictures kept on coming…

2004-the year, first when Hangeng spend away from his family. Because of extra training and work schedule. As they were struggling hard to for their debut. And his Korean was way worse back then. Heechul decide to take more care of this poor Chinese gentle sweet boy, his room mate and make his New Year’s eve. They weren’t famous then neither had a big dorm like now or Heechul had the roofless red car and money to take Hangeng on five star’s rooftop restaurant. But still Heechul grabbed Hangeng and got out of their very small dorm’s small room. He held his hands and walked happy maing jokes on Seoul’s busy street. Heechul suddenly strangely saw a flower lady trying buy surprisingly fresh sunflowers. He didn’t had much money except for dinner’s. Yet he bought one and gave the sunflower to Hangeng. They went to their nearest favorite restaurant ran by a old couple and ate their heart out. Then they were back outside and Heechul strangely as dessert had a craving for Ice-cream. There was little money left so Heechul was going to buy any from the next shop. Hangeng wanted to pay from his account but Heechul denied because that night’s treat was on him. But Hangeng insist him to get Heechul’s particular favorite Ice-cream from its branded shop. So finally he got one and they shared it ever so happy and together walking back their way home saw the fire works which not only lightened city’s the whole sky but also Hangeng’s beautiful face. Heechul was happy as Hangeng with a loving smile lend on him and placing small kiss on his ear whispered, “Thanks a lot, Heenie.”


2005- The year when Hangeng went to china after their debut to celebrate New Year eve and Heechul at his family. And they both ended up missing each other too bad to be true. Hangeng flew back right on next day. Took Heechul swift to Canadafor three days trip. Hangeng have his family shop there. Not that Hangeng could just walk inside to show it to Heechul. Cause then might Hangeng’s family could have known about them being in Canada. But indeed had the famous milkshake of the shop, distinguishing themselves wearing hats and all. Even kissed inside sitting in the shop. Not that Hangeng’s Chinese poor uncle and aunt with extra small eyes knew it was their beloved nephew and his love. They stayed together had truly the time of their life. He remembers the time when they were to visit Niagara falls; Heechul was actually shaking on his feet cause never in his life he has seen something so magnificent and breathtaking. He was holding the steel railings hard enough to whiten his knuckles with eyes fixed at the horseshoe shaped gigantic water fall and Hangeng holding him firm kissing the back of his neck, “hey I love you.”  


oh the memory so fresh…as if Heechul can still smell the water, feel the fast wind slamming on his face and Hangeng with him ever so closed like forever.


Heechul eyes closed tight kept on lying. Tears shimmering on his long eye lashes and glistening his pale flawless cheeks. It was so painful he felt as if his heart will stop beating. And yes it was times like this when he feels too pathetic for himself. Yes too pathetic. But its just he can’t help the puzzle of him being too fearful to open his own eyes.






Yo~ here ends the second chapter. Its always a pleasure to write about HanChul^_^


ok sorry guys i did some major mess in this chap. some part of the 3rd chap was mistakely here. so im fixing it now. 


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Sebastian #1
Mann i just love it,,,specially the niagra part n the 3rd chap,t, n,um luking 4 another chapter so bring it on babe^_^
1113abc #2
I LOVE IT 2 plz update soon
So emotional and touching!
i love it a lot@!!
update soon@@!!!
really great fanfic....
Teukchul <3 hanchul